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Beware of Blast

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Everything posted by Beware of Blast

  1. The issue isn't about Yamato not charging for the parts. It's about HLJ and whoever in Japan that got the parts that will pay for them to ship if we don't. That's the way it is happening. It's called passing the buck. Yamato doesn't give a sh1t because that extra hole is on your butt, not on theirs. Graham coming into the equation doesn't change anything.
  2. I hope so Graham, the shipping cost factor of such items is already forseen to be a problem from the start ever since you announced the POM parts replacement. It's so naive of Yamato to overlook this. If HLJ still end up charging, they have every right to. Should Yamato likely at best offer to offset the shipping costs borned by HLJ or etc... by giving them better margins on the future products, we're screwed - It helps that Yamato realise not to confuse their needs/goals with those of HLJ's or other JPN retailers'. Yamato is better off sneaking the multiples of the parts in their future releases, so collectors can get them and commence their overdue fixes. For those that don't buy their future releases, the retailers (shop and online) can still siphon some off their stocks and give it to their bought before customers for free.
  3. Hope? Have we all sunken to this level of desperation? Hope? Whatever happened to EXPECT? I dunno about Yamato checking the toys, I certainly hope you'll all check the toys yourselves for QC and that faint smell of... urine.
  4. There is no need for that. And besides, we got our VF0 from a seller with ties to Japanese distributors. We should get the parts free of charge from our seller when he gets them shipped together with his other shipment of goods. Paying for the shipping of the parts is already a criminal act on Yamato's part - why lower yourself to sh1tty chores that is otherwise Yamato's duty. Lets see what happens next.
  5. Heh, you just answered your own question. I wonder why do you even bother.
  6. Now this could be one of the only things that's being done RIGHT from the start in the whole fiasco. Rob Watson is a good guy - I have dealt with him in the past. If he gets no sh1t from Yamato, your VF0 arms are as good as fixed. I envy you Aussie MWers.
  7. Graham, it's the collectors' wrath for blood that Yamato should be getting. They oughta be thankful for panicking buyers. Kensei, I'm being chastised for being mean to people on the internet... I'm sure that makes you an 8 X better person than me.
  8. Ya know, as much as I would like to applaud everyone who has shown calm and class in the whole Yamato fiasco (because you're all mature & decent people), right now I feel like planting my foot on everyone of your arses because it is thru you people's patience & understanding & neverending support for Yamato that have brought us into this messy complication. You know when you're fvcked enough when you're also given BS hassle for overdue owed spare parts. You guys practically raised a monster - and you still wanna be nice about it? An Ebay seller doing sh1t like these would earned him 7 years of negative feedbacks and got his arse arrested already - so fvck you all!
  9. You want me to give you what you want? Do me a favor first - when YOU make the obtaining of the spare arms without hassle and make damn sure that Yamato don't fvck-up so much, then you may come talk to me about the incessant ranting. In the meantime, you can choose from either playing quietly with your soon-to-be armless VF0 in a corner, or beg really hard with the HLJ people not to monkey around with you too much. You really don't think? I'm very convinced now you never did at all.
  10. I feel sorry for the person or the committee that was in charge of the whole event, already. The thief(s) may be the most wrong here, but employers and their management will find next best option to place their blame.
  11. WTF?!?! What kind of dumb question is that? Of course you'll want both. You can't like have a right arm replacement now just because your left arm is still okay!!! Do they expect your left arm to kaput later, then contact them for another shipping??!!! Alarm! Alarm! Manutards symptomes in HLJ as well. HELP! Somebody call the WHO, Al Jazerra, CNN, BBC, Interpol!!! This Yamato dumb-dumb sickness is fvcking contagious!
  12. Send them your avatar. It's obvious they're playing dumb now they're the ones left to clean-up Yamato's mess - Doesn't take alot to explain that part since it's a widespread problem. And if you didn't buy from HLJ, woe is you, cuz I WOULD play dumb with you.
  13. 6th would be the shoulders. As for your rationalizing, I'm just mentioning the obvious - that's my POV. Broken first releases. Zero enthusiasm for the 2nd version. No salt & peppa. Being the only one's making macross VFs in the market, doesn't give Yamato the right to screw up so callously. 7th year now. 7 years of farce.
  14. Dude, just reread yours posts... I've never seen so much soul searching, rationalization on why your purchases are worth it despite the problems presented. 2nd version fixes doesn't even reflect Yamato's enthusiasm one bit - infact, I find it an insult that Graham even took the trouble to update us. None of the fixes presented isn't something collectors don't already know how to fix themselves. Btw, calling you a fool doesn't mean I respect you less.
  15. Wow! Here's to another decade of extraordinary sub-par VFs with mistakes and to your handholding Yamato thru every step of the way. And here's to anticipating something so sacred to you everytime but haphazardly made by manutards each time. Cheers, because you will eventually get it!
  16. Mr Gibbs, you may throw me hat if ya like... "Whee" Now go look for it.
  17. You know where I stand. Now you can let yours known as well. With luck, Yamato will get off their arse and fix everything on the 2nd Ed. 1/60 YF19. Or the 1/60 YF19 will be upstaged by a two-headed dildo with light effects. Edit: this was intended to be a poll with three choices. Yes, No, Maybe. Doesn't seem to show up as how I intended. So... if anyone can help make this a proper poll, please do so.
  18. Macross collectors with a budget in general aren't stupid. There is only a handful of you that buy multiples of the same design. So 3 out of 6 necessary fixes isn't gonna cut it. All I need to do is fan it here. The only people who should readily know the product inside out (aside from the collectors) are the makers themselves. If we still need to send the morons info that they should already know by now, then pray hard because your 2nd edition 1/60 YF19 is as good as fvcked.
  19. Not just because your values are different, but primarily because I feel as stupid as you. But you will be dumber for buying the 2nd version because the problems are not fixed completely. Here is something for you to understand:- 1st edition 1/60 YF19; you get 6 or more problem areas = you pay $200 2nd edition 1/60 YF19; you get 3 or more problem areas = you pay roughly $200 after you minus the foldildo price from the bundle. My point is since the 1/60 YF19 isn't completely fixed, can Yamato charge you a 10% discount for every problem they didn't fix? I don't think so. Think the fact that for EVERYTIME you're paying in full retail for these items, you send the message that you're all dumb people with alot of money. In the end, when you get sub-par items in return you have no one else to blame for your pain because it is YOU (the end collectors) that perversed the privilege to own these things.
  20. My speakers are konked but are you sure he said, "AMEDIKA"? Sounds more like he's from Pakistan tahn Japan. "America" "Amedika" "no, no, it's A-M-E-R-I-C-A" "Amedika" "Okay say Eric" "Eric" "Good, now say A-M-E-R-I-C-A" "A-M-E-D-I-K-A"
  21. I thank you for your insightful reply then. People getting annoyed or not is, of no significant issue to me - this is not a popularity contest. Besides, I never look good in a sheep's clothing anyway. The more important and disturbing issue is that despite the fact that knowing you will be getting another broken 2nd version, you're still all over it like white on a rice. I do realise it's my tone and manner but get over it. If AgentOne is still around you'll be the knob of his jokes. If that be the case, you'd probably drop to your knees and suck a manutard's cock at Yamato, if asked nicely.
  22. Late to the game man, but I'll humor you still. The comparison between the 1/60 YF19 (and practically everything Yamato has made for the Macross franchise) to ANYTHING else is but simple, dumbed down, point of views for simpletons like you in this prattle about QUALITY. Simpleton, because all you see is me backtracking. Simpleton, because it's not the detail, the beauty, the sculpts or whatever bells & whistles but the BUILD QUALITY and the hope that Yamato products ACTUALLY do what is PROMISED, for your monies - that you got pittance for. And yet STILL happily choosing to buy something that is half-fixed and wholely broken for a new 2nd version.
  23. I have explained myself on this too much. I'm not going to repeat myself. Anyone may take away whatever they like from my posts, should they be hurt or insulted, it is through their choice that it becomes so. Yamato have been panhandling for free advertising and promotion here ever since they first touched the Macross licence. Doing things halfarsed and thinking they could make it up to collectors here by throwing scrap of info thru Graham is how they expressed their gratitude.
  24. Ah, still happy to pay full main course price for table scrap I see.
  25. 1) Landing gears that should be deploying properly fixed yet? 2) Non-locking Battroid mode's chestplate fixed yet? 3)The tend to get loose thigh pivots for wings on the Battroid mode fixed yet? Can't just fix some and leave some ya know?
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