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Beware of Blast

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Everything posted by Beware of Blast

  1. Before this gets any further, I like to point out that my post before are personal experience. The JPN version usually has a yellow foil BW sticker. The HK version, red foil BW Sticker. Both roughly no bigger than 1.5(H) X 1(W)cm in scale. International retailers that have ties with JPN suppliers usually get their stocks earlier with the yellow BW stickers. They also usually sell for slightly higher in price than the HK versions with the red BW sticker - maybe it's the shipping costs from JPN that is higher that factored in the higher retail price. HK versions will also as usual arrive later (up to 1 month). There is no doubt that both versions are made in China. However it is no secret that JPN collectors and some "backdoor" HK collectors that usually get the privilege of getting their mits dirty first - due to distribution priorities.
  2. My VF0S with the stressmarks are Japan versions. Yes there are JPN and HK versions. JPN version means for domestic market. HK version means for HK and outbound market. Aside from that, JPN version also means getting the VFs early. Sometimes as early as two weeks to a month. This is also true with Bandai SOCs. There is an urban legend going around that JPN versions are also better in terms of QC, better paint application, and examples like if you see plastic swirls on your HK version, the JPN version will most probably be plastic swirls free - I compared my HK SOC Gunbuster with a friend's JPN SOC Gunbuster. Despite this, I'd still say urban legend and hearsay. If there are no complaints from the JPN market, it's either:- 1) the Japanese have so much disposable income that sh1t lucks like VF0 arm breakage and other QC issues are inconsequential, so either they got it changed or they can buy another to keep MISB, 2) All foreign collectors are pussies - they whine, b1tch & moan at the slightest displeasing product issues, or 3) Graham is being fed BS again. You make your choices.
  3. I like to see Yamato band aided.
  4. You can't possibly over tighten the screws - this will damage the plastic treads. The stressmarks and breakages are due WEAK plastic. No only one member. If you follow any 1/60 YF19 threads, you'll see for yourself this ain't no jumping to conclusions.
  5. Wow, the bicep cracking is a new one! Don't worry about the picture being fuzzy. I can see the minor stressmark on the shoulders clear enough. And contrary to your statement, I think it's more like the mofos at Yamato just suicided themselves with their customers. More and more, I'm beginning to enjoy seeing Yamato fail and I anticipate this to reflect on their sales performance, Others may say that they have tried to remedy their failures, but I don't think they are sincere. It's more like they offered you guys the same faulty arm just to shut you up - but at $30 a pop. Yeah, I much preffered to be proven wrong and eat my words, at least we can all have perfect our VF0A/S, but too bad, Yamato is no different than any stick in the mud.
  6. Pray that knock don't sound hollow. It's hard to maintain wood with a shaft full of termites.
  7. LOL! odr78, I was kidding, man. But yeah, it all boils down to how much disappointment a Yamato fan can take, now. At least, with your discovery, more people will be forewarned. It's not fair, I know, at least you're not alone.
  8. Ah, San-Q eugimon.
  9. Truthfully, I feel your pain, odr78. Listen, if you can't derive joy from your VF0S that you've worked hard to pay for, the next best thing to do is make a hobby out of pissing on Yamato. It's damn theraputic, and worked to calm my nerves. Best of all, it don't cost me any money.
  10. Um, before you all start jacking off at the purty picture, just check out the latest VFOs replacement arm developement post by odr78 on page 9 for a little reality check, please.
  11. Oh when I woke up tonight I said I'm Gonna make somebody love me I'm gonna make somebody love me Now I know Now I know Now I know My lover is you You're lucky lucky You're so lucky Edit:- Btw, look at the bright side, 40 transformations could be helluva lot for many Macross fans here that transform them, pose them occasionally then leave'em to display for a long time. Before this, it took what, one to two transformations later before you find the stressmarks on the original shoulders, so 40 transformations is HELLUVA LOT! Or maybe I'm just talking out of my arse.
  12. It's not the whole arm, but the entire approach taken to resolve the matter - the having to pay $30 shipped and the time that is wasted, when this whole endeavor should have been handled and paid for by Yamato themselves. And yeah, the whole arm instead of just the shoulders, complaint... it's like the rope of your bullock cart that broke - and Yamato sends you a cow tied to it and you have to pay for the entire shipping. What's stupid is that the original cow that came with the broken rope in your possesion isn't even strangled - yet. It's a lotta bollocks coming for them as far as Yamato is concerned.
  13. I think it's sufficient that we direct our ultimate grivances on Yamato and the people that run it alone. However, Yamato's general flippant attitude toward their customers and their unchanging, ever over-bloated sense of self worth (ie: their quality vs their pricing) isn't helping anyone - particularly for individual non-insiders. So, it's no wonder they will eventually be tagged as guilty by association. Subsequent glowing reviews that ignore and downplay the obvious, nagging issues that ought to be addressed immediately after the first release; but is not (read: NEVER), doesn't help Yamato's position nor their customers. But don't be too hard on Graham, this site is nothing without his vast knowledge on Macross toys and firearms. It's better to be focussed on Yamato and the dumbarses that run it though.
  14. I know I'm gonna get myself together (yeah) Use the Force I know I'm gonna work it out Use the force I know I'm gonna get myself ahead Use the Force Use the Force I can do it I can do anything Anything Anything
  15. Damn retards, they're EVERYWHERE!
  16. Well, Graham's always been kind to us - from his product reviews to big Macross news to any bits of tiny info... so we'll appreciate his info over anybody else's. But we're talking about Yamato here. So we're sh1t outta luck either way. If I'm trekking in the wilderness and at a crossroad, I come across a black mamba on my left and a Yamato on my right, I'd kill the one on my right. Should I get bitten by a black mamba, at least they have an antivenin for that. There is no antidote for the kind of stupidity coming from Yamato.
  17. Fyi, most fanboys' testicular melting point is right about $100 - $200.
  18. Read page 2 & 3 on posts by Mowe.
  19. I'm assuming that Yamatoed representative was Watson-san? So does that mean Yamato actually had a hand in why people like HLJ are charging for the pom parts?
  20. The Yf19 design is generally more loved by fans - it's the mecha piloted by the hero as well. If the '19 got sh1tty treatment for the 1st release and a halfarsed attempt for a 2nd release fix, what are your chances for getting a well-made YF21?
  21. Never expect to read this from you but, DAMN! Here, have some of my happy pills.
  22. It's all gotta do with the willingness and the zeal of the Yamato people to do a good job with the general coordination and communication with the people that are suppose to help them. And ya know what? If you cannot expect but hope for better QC and receive the stupidest mistakes for sure everytime, you won't have any luck with something as simple as a good warranty service from Yamato.
  23. Parts that only come out one year later after numerous complaints is not considered rushing forward with fixes. Also, this is not a personal attack on you. I'm merely pointing out the obvious - where the hassle that we're all experiencing is suppose to be all Yamato's doing, you're now making the likes of HLJ a new target. HLJ is cleaning up Yamato's mess. Shipping for these things will be billed to HLJ if we don't pay fort them. You may say I'm biased, I'd still say they are not wrong if they're charging for the parts as "value added service" on top of the shipping.
  24. Dude, did HLJ took your money for the parts, or just only for the shipping? Eitherway, they are taking your money. If there is a cost breakdown from HLJ on on how much of $30 went into shipping and how much left went to the parts cost, then you may say that HLJ is stealing. Yamato's distributing of parts for free to HLJ via local courier cost is at best negligible and not worth mentioning. If Yamato had the genuine sincerity to make good of their mistakes, they would have distributed the arms directly to you by now; regardless of whether they have right to distribute Macross or not out of JPN because parts DO NOT deem it a Macross product. And How IS THIS ALL NOT YAMATO's FAULT? Had they done things properly ALL of us wouldn't be in this hassle. Not only did Yamato stole your money, they stole your time waiting for the damn things and more time later for fixing them. The more I look at this issue, the more I see how it has diluted your ability to reason your actions from the priciple of the matter. Please by all means, prove me wrong.
  25. How is it stealing? Shipping isn't free ya know. Did you get the parts shipped thru SAL or EMS? Even if your shipping cost USD30 a hit, think of the ultimate cost HLJ or other JPN retailers have to bear to send the parts to every non-JPN bound VF0 owners. Yamato maybe giving out the parts for free, they sure as hell not gonna ship them to you for free. So they let others do the fool's errand - they learned this well with the shipping of the garland replacement parts. If it's really stealing, Yamato's got HLJ beat by 7 years.
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