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Everything posted by fifbeat

  1. fifbeat

    Hi-Metal R

    Nice. Should be getting mine any day now. Sorry about the missing part. That would bug the hell out of me. Now, can't you just contact Bandai/Tamashii and have them ship you that part? it's obviously a manufacturer error, right? May I ask: Is it grey darker than the VF-1S Strike Valkyrie (Hikaru Ichijyou Model)? If so, what is the reasoning behind this?
  2. fifbeat

    Hi-Metal R

    Totally! I'm a frequent customer, so I do what I can to support who has given me great service. Just throwing it out there!
  3. fifbeat

    Hi-Metal R

    I just semi-pre-ordered the Monster (HMR, obviously) from a Canadian-based company: www.itcamefromjapan.com He quoted me about $270 USD (not including shipping, which he'll know once he knows the box dimensions) – he says the price may change if Bandai's MSRP changes. I know this price is steep, but considering all this "pre-order" hunting these days – something that not a lot of people have time for – I don't mind paying some extra cash here and there, especially if it guarantees a proper delivery (especially from a retail store, and not an eBay dude). And I like the fact that it's in Canada, so that's local enough for me (I live in the U.S.). Very nice guy, real personable. Takes him a couple of days to get back to me, but he always does WITH a SOLID, detailed answer. I've ordered from him before, nothing but a positive experience. Packs well, no dents in boxes. I don't think he has the order page up yet, but definitely drop him an email if you're interested. He said he guarantees me one, since he's putting his order in early.
  4. fifbeat

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks for that. I could of swore I read somewhere (maybe on this forum) that if you bought 2 or 3 Regults, you'd be able to get the variant add-ons (just the attachments) for free or something? And of course, you'd have to show proof of purchase or something. Not sure if there was a small charge or if it was free.
  5. fifbeat

    Hi-Metal R

    Are these missile variants going to be available as exclusives only?
  6. fifbeat

    Hi-Metal R

    Will this do?
  7. fifbeat

    Hi-Metal R

    I think the oversized feet makes it look even better!
  8. Now I feel stupid. Can a mod delete this thread please (and I don't need an acknowledgement!) Regards!
  9. I do, too. You'd probably have the courtesy to point me in the right direction.
  10. A mod deleted a post regarding Anime Friend/Star Pro.... I kindly asked that if the information existed on another topic to just direct me to it. Instead, the topic was deleted without any kind of acknowledgment (not even a PM saying "hey, go here. It has been discussed"). It's easy for that mod to hit the delete button, but I spent a good 5 minutes on that post. I mean, honestly, these DMV-like tactics some of the mods (not all) are just rude and uncalled for. Been visiting this forum for years, so I would appreciate, at the very least, a heads up. We're all adults. This is Macross forum, not the Department of Motor Vehicles or Harmony Gold. Smile. Chill. It's not that serious. Life goes on. Have a great weekend.
  11. Is there a compiled list of all the episodes that featured (not sure if "featured" is the right word) the awful Filipino-quality artwork by AnimeFriend/Star Pro? Like many others, I recently re-watched the series. After all these years, I'm still floored by how good it is – and how excellent it has held up. It's up there with some of my other favorite viewing experiences like The Godfather, Once Upon A Time In America, Star Wars, Justin Bieber's Never Say Never, etc. However... coming across episodes like Virgin Road would ruin the seamless experience. Not only was it horribly written, but the artwork/animation was beyond pure sh*t! It didn't look rushed, it looked like someone didn't care. Period. Sometimes it was hard to catch (as they were mixed in the same episodes, in small portions, or with re-used cells, etc), other times, it was like looking at a Filipino train wreck.
  12. fifbeat

    Hi-Metal R

    Look so much better than ANY Koenig Monster. Meaner. Monster should have never been a "transformer"...
  13. DAMN!!!! Thanks, but no thanks. $200 maybe... P.S. Sorry to get off course in the thread.
  14. Based on the box alone, glad I didn't cancel my order! And damn.... their new Orguss looks awesome. Too bad I missed it
  15. I've only seen SDFM, DYRL, PLUS and some of ZERO. And MII doesn't count, right? Tell me, and I missing out on any of the others? (like, should I watch the others?) As far as your question: I'd say the events of SDFM would be too hard to fit into a movie (and there's no guarantee for a franchise, especially if Part 1 doesn't make it at the box office), so I'd say DYRL.
  16. fifbeat

    Hi-Metal R

    Well, I guess it was lazy animation.
  17. fifbeat

    Hi-Metal R

    It's funny you say this – i was just watching the "Mars" episode you speak of last night. I didn't really see it as hovering. Gliding on the ground is more like it. At one point, it was even gliding backwards (moonwalking without moving its legs!) Technically speaking, does that thing "walk" with its legs, or is there some hidden wheels or tank tread under those feet? It may be lazy animation, but there are at least a couple of scenes where they show it gliding, which to me, doesn't think it's "lazy animators." That thing is way too prominent for them to get lazy with it. Anyone know the official way this thing gets from point A to point B? Hmmm....
  18. For sure. It's nice to be "caught up" for a change.
  19. Sorry about the ugly bed spread...
  20. Not an April fool's joke.... It's on. I'll form the head...
  21. fifbeat

    Hi-Metal R

    Don't think that's box art. It was just a banner teaser on their homepage. I'm worried about the retail price of this... maybe around $300?
  22. fifbeat

    Hi-Metal R

    Same here, but it's not as dark as that VF-1S. Maybe it's just the photo? Was this part of the Hi-Metal or Hi-Metal R line?
  23. fifbeat

    Hi-Metal R

    Is it me or is the upcoming VF-1S really dark gray?
  24. This toy reminds me of this:
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