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Everything posted by fifbeat
You're comparing a BMW to a Yamato product? Until Yamato produces a flawless 1/60, I'll respect your comparison. Until then, your above paragraph is about the most asinine analogy I've ever heard (with all due respect, that is).
YES! Take some consumer and advertising lessons, buddy. Some of us just think it's too expensive, that's all. And when it comes to this new toy, I think Yamato does have us by the balls. Again, I'm not saying you're stupid for buying it. I just think we all get a little caught up. I mean, more power to you if you have the money to make expensive purchases like this WITHOUT thinking. We all do, but this ain't a strip bar folks. In the 80's, you can get a top-of-the-line VF toy or Dougram for under $60 (or less). I remember getting Jet Fire for $30 in '86 (I think). The price of toys hasn't really changed that much since then. Action figures were always around $5, as well. And yes, some of these were imports (Just like Yamato) -- as most of you know, there was a big Japanese "import" boom, because of the whole Robotech, Voltron and Transformers thing. Even Voltron was under $70 I believe... The only reason I think the 1/48s are worth around $180 (including fast packs) is because...well... err look at them. That's some pride and joy, well designed, well articulated, well engineered stuff. It's tight, it looks good in all transformations and...well... it just looks sweet. However, when you look at the Q-Rau, you think to yourself: "If I'm paying that much for the Q-Rau, shouldn't the 1/48 VF be about $300?" There's a problem here. I'm not saying you're stupid, rich, or a Yamato whore if you're going to buy one. But, there is such thing as smart-shopping, collector or not. People are only bitching because they feel the need to. If enough people bitch, maybe the price COULD go down (I doubt it, but hell, anything is possible)... outside of Japan, I think a good chunk of Yamato-purchasers linger around MacrossWorld.com, so yes, I think we put a good chunk of dough into Yamato's pockets. And yes, if this is a fact, then we are God's gift to them. At the same time, I think enough bitching and complaining and LESS PURCHASES by the U.S. fans CAN lead to a price drop. Who knows? If valkyrie-exchange.com or some other retailer in the U.S. doesn't go well with the product, I'm sure Yamato will notice the numbers. And to that person who gave us a list of things we should have done: "Go to college so you can get a better job".... etc... Dude, you're totally naive. That's just like saying: "That kid killed someone. Must be that music he listens to"... The majority of people on this board seem to be knowledgable, helpful and cool-as-ice. But once in a while there's people in here you'd just like to say "Phuck You" to. Oh yeah, and to whoever thinks METAL parts are a bad thing for mecha, I have one word for ya: BANDAI!
I have to agree with Eternal_D... Way too expensive. $60-$70.... sure. I guess this forum is full of rich people, eh? I'm not sure where Yamato justifies retailing it that much. Don't get me wrong, it has bad-ass-ity written all over it. At least with the 1/60 VF (cheaper) and the 1/48 VF (around the same price), you get a transforming, more-thought-out-design piece of mecha... The review, as always, is much appreciated. Anyways, more 1/48's for me. They're too, very expensive, but look at what you get!
Holy Mary, mother of GAWD!!!!!! This is the first for me. Screw the Destroid Monster (well, kinda). Okay, this appeared after Macross 7's time? And appeared in the VF-X2 game? So this was never in any Macross series? Please explain. That's truly bad-ass.
I know waht the Destroid Monster is, but what's this transformable "Konig Monster" everyone is talking about? Can someone post a pic, please. (Tried google, but got the destroid)
Those are the ones! Thanks. Man. Those memories. Those were the good ol' days.
Anyone remeber Revell's ROBOTECH model kits? I used to see these in the mid 80s. It was quite odd, they had mecha from Dougram, Orguss and Macross; and they simply called it "Robotech". There was even a DC comic-book based on the model kits (somewhat, I guess). Here are my questions: 1) Does anyone know of a gallery of these models or their box covers? 2) Was there any kind of relation between Harmony Gold/Revell? 3) If so, was there later legal issues between the two companies? Thanks in advance.
Wait a sec, can someone fill me in... What's all this talk about hands? What's wrong with the current 1/48's hands? Someone explain, please.
I just wish the darn 1/60 GBP's would come in, already! I just want to armour my "crippled" 1/60. I'm crossing my fingers that the armour will make the thing stand! 1/48 GBP's would be nice, though. It makes sense that the M&M 1/48's are to be released WITH armour only. I mean, since those two are the only ones that are color-matched. But what the heck do I know.
Thanks for the help, guys. Man, just got my FIRST 1/48 w/armour. Two words: BAD ASS. I'm going to order another one in a week or so.
My next question is: WHERE do I get decals for the toys? I'm aware of the Takatoys stickers, but not of model decals.
This stuff you're talking about, it's for "stickers" right?? (not water decals). And, where can I get it?
I also have a question about cutting and applying the stickers. When I got my first Yamato 1/60, I thought I was doing a good job. But, the edges of the stickers started peeling -- and they weren't even tampered with, ESPECIALLY the skull logo. With my 1/48, I ordered the Takatoys stickers. I'm going to use an Xacto knife... How should I cut them? Should I leave a little bit of clear edge? Or should I get as close to the image as possible? Please help -- thanks in advance, fellas. BTW, if any of this info is on the macrossworld site/forum, then please direct me to it. I just don't have a lot of patience to "search" for this stuff.
Sweet. I'm going to try and follow some of your guys' adice. And I'm going to that link right now.
Yeah, a static custom VF page is a great idea. I'm going to try and design a "Battle Royale" (anyone seen that movie?) VF. Gonna use the BR logo and everything (and I'm probably going to jack up one of my valks in the process.)
I searched around and didn't see a topic that would fit my question, so I started a new thread. I'm no painter, and I've never been a model-builder. But I've noticed in some of the threads that there are numerous Yamato's that people have painted and gave it that high-detailed "model" look by adding a nice touch of black in between the line-detail (cracks) of the VFs. My question: Is this easy to do? Can we easily mess up our VFs if it's done wrong? I'm not totally sure if I want to do it yet (based on my lack of experience), but they do look really cool touched up like that. Any advice? Any web links? Thanks in advance. (Hopefully, tomorrow my first 1/48 will be at my door step. I can't wait. )
Has there been any MACROSS II toys? That, I'd like to see. I always thought those VFs looked cool. I'm also looking forward to the Macross Zero VFs... hell, anything 1/48 scale would be cool IMO. Well, anything but that Macross 7 stuff.
Get me a 1/48 V of my choice, then we'll call it even. It's cool, it's just all a misunderstanding. Thanks.
I think all you guys convinced me. Well, at least I pre-ordered the Armoured Battroid Kit for my one and only 1/60; hopefully that will make that sucker stand still. *knock on wood*
Fulcy, I understand. Re-read what I wrote. There are tons and tons of threads here that are related (and can be in one thread). Not only that, but it wasn't a "what's wrong" question. Where is the mods section?
Okay, since this one WILL get deleted, I'll re-post it in the mods folder. ... thanks for the heads up, muswp1.
Re: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=5684 It wasn't meant to be a teaser subject. In fact, I was going to change it, but I wasn't able to edit the subject, so I left it. However, was it really necessary to close the thread? I was just hoping to get more answers. I see A LOT of subjects here that are related (especially with the 1/48 topics); yet mine gets closed down (?). Sometimes, fresh threads get better results, wouldn't you guys agree? I have no problem with following rules, but please, I came here for answers and discussion. Help a brother out instead of closing my thread. I'd appreciate a little more slack. Thanks.
For sure. don't know about kits. I'm a horrible painter.