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Everything posted by fifbeat

  1. Awesome. Thanks for posting. Always looking for new videos with Convertors! 😃
  2. fifbeat

    Hi-Metal R

    Twich, gotcha. Thanks for the reply.
  3. fifbeat

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks for the reply and info. Petitioning to HG sounds.... eh.... too... I think we would have a better chance winning the lottery. I feel like there would still be no leverage. I mean, have you seen the crap these guys are releasing? (they want the entire pot, not some of it). These companies pretend to welcome input from outside sources, but when it's presented to them, they still do what's best for them (higher dollar amount, which we can't blame 'em). I believe in taking action, but only when I'm the captain of my own ship. Besides, when you have to rely on the Yune brothers without any and of built relationship, it seems very unlikely. They're more about collecting passive incomes on remasters of old GBA games. That wouldn't make any sense for Bandai to stop here with the HMR line. That's like giving up when you're two steps away from reaching the top of Mount Everest. Someone WITHIN THE COMPANY is probably like "Uh, come on a-holes, I want to at least complete my Destroid collection. So can we move 'em please?" Doesn't that Graham dude (who runs this site) have any pull with these companies? He's basically been running a Super Bowl commercial for ALL Macross toys for the last 60 years. lol
  4. fifbeat

    Hi-Metal R

    This is a dumb question, but as anyone reached out directly to Bandai about future releases? My guess is even if someone did, no reply was given (and they're most likely too secretive to answer)
  5. So does this mean Tony Oliver and Reba West will soon dub MACROSS DYRL? =)
  6. fifbeat

    Hi-Metal R

    "Matchbox" green! =)
  7. So it basically feels and plays like the GBA/Table Top version, but with better graphics (and music from the TV series)?
  8. Has anyone posted this Trailer anywhere? If so, I couldn't find it, so here we go:
  9. fifbeat

    Macross figures

    Thanks for the info. Appreciate it!
  10. fifbeat

    Macross figures

    Okay, this is a total random observation. One of you may have the answer. But how come MEP Toy's Robotech Breetai figure is nowhere to be found on ebay? I find that odd.
  11. They're definitely cheapie for sure. The "Orguss" ones from this line looked pretty good for budget toys. Even their proportions are ahead of their time.
  12. Thank you. Very time consuming cherry-pickin' =)
  13. Better photo and a reason to move this topic up. =)
  14. Thanks. Yeah, I do remember the SoCal "robot toy scene" in the 80s, as well as all those references you pointed out. I remember places like Robinsons/May Co even had a toy section. Transforming robot toys was as hot as coke in the 80s!
  15. Thank you! Totally, man. Thanks again for selling me your SDF-1, which was another hard-to-find missing piece of the puzzle. One was recently selling on ebay for $35 (NISB) as a Buy Now. Missed it! With a deal like that, I wouldn't mind getting a 2nd. Thank you. That might be it for me. If ebay is the #1 source for hard-to-find Convertors (in sealed packaging), I'd go for more Convertors, but some don't pop up AT ALL! I guess we'll see. Never say never. lol thanks. =)
  16. Finally completed my Convertors collection (only collecting the first "main" series – original color variants – which were all licensed from various sources). About 5 years in the making! Sorry about the messy closet photo, but here they are:
  17. fifbeat

    Hi-Metal R

    Billy Mitchell always has a plan.
  18. fifbeat

    Hi-Metal R

    Maybe they're gonna reboot it again. lol
  19. fifbeat

    Hi-Metal R

    But they're so close to having a pretty much complete collection! All sorts of companies are making all sorts of wack ass toys – there's no reason the HMR shouldn't continue.
  20. Very cool stuff. =D Thanks for posting.
  21. Do you actually have a Super Famicom hooked up to that TV? If so, cool.
  22. Make some "masks" out of 'em. =) (kidding, of course!)
  23. Love your posts man. Keep 'em coming.
  24. Nice. Gotta love the "swivel" joint they added.
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