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Everything posted by fifbeat

  1. Okay, what's with this random figure crap? If I'm going to pay $74.99 for a bunch of figurines, then I better be able to PICK them. I mean, come on? WTF? What the hell is his, a McDonald's Happy Meal?? Am I supposed to trade with Bob, Todd and Gilbert over the net to get the ones I want - and ONLY - want? $74.99 and I don't get to pick. That's pretty sad. It better come with a family platter of Spicy Tuna Rolls! (and how good are they anyways? Sorry, I didn't have the time to read through the 500,000 posts to find this... so, please, someone tell me...) Thanks in advancement.
  2. fifbeat

    1/60 Gbp

    Is this just a bad angle? Or does this thing look like a midget? The damn thing is almost perfectly square. Now? How come Yamato didn't think of this? You should get paid the big bucks, my friend.
  3. How about Yamato making that part METAL? Don't give me that song and dance about how it's not supposed to 'played' with. They're made to be transformed so THEY WILL BE TRANSFORMED. Come on Yamato, cough up the metal! And maybe raise the price a few bucks if you have to.
  4. A 1/60 is like an iron bar that goes whack! A 1/48 is like an iron chain with an iron ball and it goes Wang!!!!!!!!!
  5. fifbeat

    The BP8 Project

    I need one! Please tell me the info and where to send the money. YOU ARE A GAWD. fifbeat@hotmail.com
  6. I thought ABS plastic didn't yellow?
  7. fifbeat

    Better hurry

    I'd pay $20 for it, but no more. Looks cool, but at the same time, looks tacky as hell. Still a lot better than anything Toynami has made Maybe Toynami should just repackage this into their book-style boxes and sell them for $80 a pop. (hehe) And man, to comment about some of the forum topic issues: do we have to break down the forums so much? Who cares if it's an ebay or toy discussion... it's a TOY and it's on EBAY... so, it belongs in either/or as far as I'm concerned. Why make things complicated? 2 years from now, we're going to have a forum for every aspect: TOY FORUM TOY YOU GOT FROM EBAY FORUM TOY YOU GOT FROM SOME FILIPINO GUY FORUM TOY YOU GOT FROM SWAP MEET FORUM TOY YOU BOUGHT WHILE EATING A SNICKERS BAR FORUM Thanks mods for not moving this thread. And to the guys who want to make trivial things complicated... uh... your lives must be one, big cluster frakk.
  8. please delete, mods.
  9. MIKA TAN: FANTASY SEX ROMP (apologies to their significant others) Female: Catherine Zeta-Jones, Angelina Jolie, Demi Moore, "Voo-Doo" (W.I.L.D.Cats), Mystique (X-Men) <- damn, that bitch is cool. Male: "Legolas" (Lord of the Rings), "Rick Hunter" (Robotech), "Mr. Fantastic" (Fantastic 4) for obvious reasons 8========> Adny Garcia, Keifer Sutherland, Steve Oedekerk, and of course, the Rock! Phone Sex: Sean Connery. Serious, I would pay like big money. hehe YOU GO RICK! hehe I just happened to come across this. No, I don't look at porn sites. *cough*
  10. The best customs I've seen. Good work. (now, can you do mine?)
  11. good job! I've been working on a custom PS'd VF myself.
  12. Damn -- were they really MADE IN JAPAN?
  13. I don't know why... but this thread has to be the most interesting to me out of any in this whole forum. There's nothing like a good hit of memory lane. I swear, I forgot these things existed until a couple of days ago. These damn Convertors should be selling for $500 on ebay.... Giant Moth... classic.
  14. or "giant moth". Man, these toys bring back memories. So much for me, because I (my parents) could never afford the real crap.... so I was stuck with Sav-on Drug toys.
  15. ewilen... NICE info. I love it.
  16. WOW! I haven't seen that for a looong time. Thanks for posting the link. That's what they're called... sigh.
  17. I remember one color-scheme I had of this POS was black, purple and had some of the stupidest-looking stickers I've ever seen. LMAO! Man, I miss those days.
  18. hehe I remember those. There was a whole series of them (and they were really popular at Swap Meets)... I remember my Sav-on drug store had them. I forgot what company they were under, but in the same scale and cheap design, they also had the SDF, some Gerwalk stuff and much more "crap". Nice.
  19. Sweet. I'll contact him for sure. Thanks.
  20. oye... The part that broke was VERY crucial. I might not be able to transform it (unless I'm really really careful -- but even that's pushing it; considering the pressure the little plastic piece takes. Right now (as pictured) it's glued-in fine, but the moment I try to transform it, I'm sure it will come apart. Anyone have any ideas? (if you still can't see in the picture, it's bastically one of the two 'holes' that the tiny metal bar pokes into.
  21. I was adjusting some stuff on my shelves, then did something unexplainable and the damn thing fell It broke into a bunch of pieces just like that episode in Robotech when Rick drops his little model plane when he hears of the good news involving Roy... It broke into all possible pieces that are removable. This is about 5 or 6 feet onto my carpet floor. Miraculously, the only thing that really "broke" were the hinges that held the tail wing-board together. I was able to patch that up with a little glue. My conclusion: These frakking things are built pretty damn good. Final thoughts: I'm one clumsy prick. Has any one else see their VF's take a crash landing... or am I the only idiot in this forum?
  22. So, IF it IS for the Armour, then how would the armour work on the 1/60s?
  23. Well, sometimes "extra" things aren't always good. *cough* lit-up heads *cough*
  24. It's funny you bring this up. I had my 1/48 for a month. The other day I decided to apply stickers (I only applied ones that mattered the most... not all).. Anyway, I didn't use my originals, either. I used the Kata-toys ones. Man, they're really cool. They're not as thick and shiney as the cheapo's that it comes with. They stick better (even in rounded places they curl). If you press hard enough they get into the cracks and gel well with the plastic on the toy (not as good as decals, but pretty damn good). They're VERY worth the prices. Besides, just like someone mentioned, it comes with enough to dress up a few valks. Cutting them out is no big deal. X-acto blades work great and it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. (of course, this is coming from a non-model builder)...
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