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Everything posted by fifbeat

  1. fifbeat

    Need Adive

    Thanks guys.... I appreciate it. =)
  2. fifbeat

    Need Adive

    1/48 VF-1J Valkyrie H.Ichijo? or the 1/48 VF-1 Valkyrie Armor Parts? I will eventually get both; but i want to buy smart because I know one will go out of print befoe the other. Help me. Thanks.
  3. Solscud007, where online can I get thoe shoes (just the style, I don't care about the color). they look cool (better than the custom ones in the other pic)... What other colors do they have 'em in??
  4. Looks pretty good to me. Good price. That damn thing is nearly priceless these days... Post some pics when you're done customizing it!
  5. Where it belongs... since that's the only place is can remain intact. Actually, can someone post all THREE pics side by side... that'd be interesting. I would, but I'm at work and could get fired. :/
  6. Left one. The right one looks like a fat mockery.
  7. That's cool. Look, I just don't want stuff poppin' off. That's all I ask. Especially if they're high-dollar. That ain't asking for much, is it?
  8. hey, man... all I did was bring mine in my swimming pool and threw it at my dog a couple of times. Nothing big. Those things should be more sturdy!
  9. I understand that and it would be really cool if it worked (and looked) the way we want it to. But it doesn't. It only works when you're not touching the thing. And it doesn't look that good, either. In order for the 1/60 to look good, you'd have to pose it a certain way, set it at a certain angle, and by the time you did *doh*... pieces come flying off! (literally) I'm down for whatever (armour add-ons, transformables, etc) IF they work (and they seem to have worked up to the 1/60 GBP... )... And it doesn't have to be a boring "posable" toy... they can do more with it. Maybe have the armour come off to show off certain parts of the valk or whatever... Like I said before, why hide a $130+ good-looking toy under armour? I understand that some of us want to be able to amuse ourselves with the realism of having the toy work just like mecha in the movie with its detatchable stuff, which is fine. But like I said, 95% of the time, it'll be eye candy. But we'll see how this 1/48 armour holds...
  10. It has been a long time since my last post, but I have been lurking... Like I said with the 1/60 armor, they should have designed the 1/48 version to be static (in other words, one toy with a non-removable armor, hence a no hidden non-transformable valk -- ie those Toynami Posable -- of course, with the intricate design of Yamato); this way, they can not only be cheaper in price, but they can look cooler and more in tone with the super-slickness of how they're represented in the movie/animation (both the 1/60 and 1/48 look... well... they look like that Garbage Pale Kid character... and yes, I understand it's never going to be the way we like it, hence, the whole purpose of this post -- static toy!). And maybe with this, we can actually display it in bad-ass stances without leg pieces popping off. I highly doubt that they'll make these new ones sturdy... they'll probably be as unstable as those 1/60 piece of crap (I sold mine a couple days after getting it... that thing made a Toynami product look like a solid brick)... Face it, who really wants to hide their $130+ valk in body armor (especially for those who customized them)? Yeah, the argument is "Well, I want to be able to take it apart and transform armor blah blah blah blah...")... yeah, that's 5% of the time. What about the other 95% where it's sitting on a shelf? As it stands, I'm willing to give the 1/48 version a shot. I'll just be kicking myself later if I don't (since they keep on taking this stuff off the market). And, if it was a reasonable price, I'd like to buy one with a valk... I'm low-budget and I only own one 1/48 with super armor.... and there's no way I'm hiding a $130 cool-looking toy under more plastic....(that's like putting a Hummer kit car shell over a REAL Lamborgini)...
  11. That's a GREAT custom job.
  12. Look at this.... http://www.zcorp.com/products/printersdetail.asp?ID=1 Sample: http://www.zcorp.com/applications/applications.asp?ID=18 Amazing.
  13. LOL! OMG.... I dare someone to customize their 1/48 Yammy to look like that "Galaxy Defender"... LMAO!
  14. DescipleMKII, well said. I don't know, I still might have to get my hands on that VF0.... and who knows, I just might end up selling it after I realize that it ain't-that-cool.
  15. LOL! Exo, thanks for posting. That thing looks cool.
  16. You know, the problem with you MacrossWorld custom show-offs is that you do the same crap over and over again. Your customs are fantastic, but lack a certain "nostalgic" something I'm sure EVERYONE in this forum has been wanting to see -- JET FIRE! Afterall, most of us had Jet Fire as our first valk. Time to give it some props. (this post is all-in-fun; but hell, you gotta admit, it would be cool if someone did one). Maybe valkyrie-exchange.com can donate a 1/48 valk (hehe)...
  17. fifbeat

    1/60 Gbp

    I think it was worth it, but frakk... MAKE THE crap SNAP TIGHTLY, damnit. Yeah, most of it DOES snap on pretty good, but then you got that other 1% that doesn't stay on -- so it screws up the whole show. So, what's the use? And most of the "loose" crap has to do with the crappy 1/60, itself. I don't know how any body can stand those things. :/ If toy companies did it in the 80s, then they should be able to do it NOW. I don't care if it's supposed to be a display piece OR a toy. Now, a 1/48 Gbp! THAT, I want to see. But make it right, man!
  18. fifbeat

    1/60 Gbp

    A few seconds after this photo was taken, the damn thing fell on its ass. Back in the box the armour went; as well as the VF-1A.... (before you compliment on my professional lighting; it's nothing but pure talent)
  19. Wow. After all these years, that toy still looks like it rocks. Well-designed. When the heck are they going to re-release this thing? (And I ain't talkin' Toynami)
  20. Thank You! I've been waiting for this armour, too. (I mean, we all have, but I jerked off to it when I found out it was being released -- and I get to cover my first Yamato product I ever bought). It was always the looks of it! Even had about 56 of those Garbage Pail Kids cards. Well, there's always those Toynami Posable GBP's.. *gripe*
  21. Judging from the previous thread on this same toy topic, the reviews are very mixed. So, my question: do you guys think the 1/60 would be better as a non-transformable toy? Think of it: - Better sculpted. (you know, not so SQUARE and HEFTY) - More solid and durable. - More detail. - And, maybe they could have just boosted the size up to 1/48? (to match the price of the Q-Rau) - A few different VF heads. - And who knows? Maybe it can come with a Miss Macross figure with no ass. Come to think of it -- it IS a non-transformable set, so I don't think the idea is too bad. Don't get me wrong, I think it's cool that any toy company would keep it real and make the armours attached/detatched... but for some things - like this one - it makes sense. (besides, do we really want to cover up our valks ESPECIALLY if they're custom painted, etc.?)
  22. How much is it? And, do we get some random figure?
  23. Do you guys know where I can detailed photos of these figs? The more I hear about them, the more I want to be a victim.
  24. Thanks, guys. I feel better about it now. But still... why did they have to do it this way? Couldn't they just sell them complete?
  25. Well, that's kind of a shitty deal. One figure screws up the gig? So, what are the chances of me getting ALL of the figures? (without trading)
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