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Everything posted by fifbeat

  1. fifbeat

    The Big Escape

    ...But, you know, I'm not sure if I'd want to cover up a 1/48 Yamato in it. (If I owned more than three, I'd be saying otherwise. Heck, I had a problem covering a 1/48 with the GBP armor.) Now, a Toynami? Yeah. And I bet it would look even better on a Toynami MPC valk. It's an even better proportion for the "anorexic" look.
  2. So is the aussie madman version the way to go? If not, I'm probably gonna get this: http://www.robotech.com/store/viewproduct.php?id=93 The other one that everyone keeps on talking about is too expensive for me. Also, how is this: http://www.madman.com.au/actions/catalogue...amp;method=view Compared to the dvd release we have here?
  3. That's harsh. I totally TOTALLY disagree. Look, the Japanese company got their money and HG bought the rights so they can bring it over to America. I mean, wasn't the reason the Japanese studio sold the series to HG because they needed more money themselves, going over budget and stuff? (correct me if I'm wrong). Robotech is NOT a rip off. It's just a release of Macross, only dubbed and Americanized (just like Bruce Lee movies were dubbed and introduced over here). You think Harmony Gold would have hit gold with the series if they released it in it's original Japanese launguage and subtitled? What, leave all the nudity and blood for a kid to watch after school? I don't think so. You have to change stuff for the audience. For the mass appeal. For the $$$. Some of you guys act like Harmony Gold committed a crime. They saw a great series, bought the rights to it, then released it the best way they could for American audiences. They did a great job doing so. It doesn't take a marketing genius to realize WHY they did that. I'm proud to say that I wouldn't know squat about Mospeada and Macross if it weren't for Robotech. I'm not saying I'm gonna start hangin out at robotech.com and drool over the next Robotech sequel they're pulling out of their a$$es. Robotech was one of the best things in my life at the time it ran. I remember being 12 and nothing made my day more than an entertaining episode of Robotech. It's not a bad word. And it shouldn't be. Even in the Macrossworld forums.
  4. fifbeat

    The Big Escape

    Very creative. =) Stick some little figures in the pocket!
  5. fifbeat

    The BEST valk?

    Sounds like you want the old school valks (not Macross Zero, etc.), so here is a quick rundown: You have three choices: (and this only includes 1/55 scales or larger) 1. 1/55 Re-releases: If you want a toy that you can fiddle with and throw around (while eating pizza or adobo), I say wait for the 1/55 releases that will be put out by Bandai and Toynami in the upcoming month(s). I believe they should easily be in your price range. The Good: Tough as nails. You can almost transform them forever, and they'll probably always stand, snap in palce, etc. Easy to transform. The best designed toy ever. It's the "Tonka toy" of valks. Still a favorite among collectors. The Bad: They look chunky and funny (hence "Chunky Monkey," the nick name given to them by people in this forum) when compared to the newer Yamato toys (read on). Stiff-looking, which is the reason I no longer own any. I'm in it for looks, since I don't play with them anymore. =) I play with myself, but that's a whole different story. ---- 2. Yamato 1/48s: If you want a toy for looks and size, then go with a Yamato 1/48. The Good: They look awesome! If you're planning to display it, this is the way to go. They're the tallest Valk on the market right now. Heavy in detail, etc. Poseable as hell. They look great in every mode. The Bad: Not a toy. More of a model-toy. Some parts are very fragile. Pretty much all plastic, so they're not nearly as durable as the 1/55's mentioned above. Also, depending on what version you're looking for, price range may vary. But still, they should fall close to your maximum price range. Keep in mind that extras (armors) will cost ya about $100 more... people in this forum are always selling various 1/48 valks/parts, so this forum is a good place to shop. After 10 transformations/extreme poses, you'll notice the hip joints will wear out on you. I own one that has trouble standing (when it has the armor on) because of its history of transformations. I think it's fine when it's bare though...the armor adds on some weight. ---- 3. Yamato 1/60: I'm not talking about the old 1/60's (which, personally, I don't recommend, I don't own any), I'm talking about the upcoming new release coming out in a month (someone above mentioned it). The Good: They look awesome! Even more awesome-looking than the above mentioned 1/48. Closest thing to the Anime, looks-wise (perfect transforming, looks great in all modes). They're obviously not going to be as big as the 1/48. No details on the durability, but I'll still say that it won't be a "toy" like the 1/55. The Bad: Again, not yet on the market so no details yet. ---- Tips on buying: In addition to buying from people in this forum, try valkyrie-exchange.com and amazon.com to get some good deals. I got my brown 1/48 for $119.00 (with no ridiculous shipping charge) from amazon.com. valkyrie-exchange is just as cheap (and his service is excellent!) and usually offers free shipping on pre-orders! I hardly never shop on ebay.... unless I'm looking for Filipino Macross Action Figures that fit my low budget. =) Hope this helps. And beware, these valks are just like potato chips. NO ONE can eat just one. =) But seriously, read on to what others have to say. I'm by no means an expert like a lot of the others in this forum. I'm speaking for myself, a casual collector (I only own three 1/48's, a jetfire arm, and a bucket of un-cooked adobo). I used to own a 1/60, some 1/55's... but i decided to keep the best, and sell the rest.
  6. I'm surprised nobody mentioned the love triangle. That's one of the reasons why Macross/Robotech worked so well. Take that out of the story, and what's left? As girly as it may sound, that's one of the reasons i liked the story so much!
  7. I don't know, man. I wouldn't call it pointless. =) And Hollywood is Hollywood because it IS all about money. That's not to say that it can also be great entertainment at the same time. And trust me, I dislike almost everything coming out of Hollywood these days. If it has Jerry Bruckheimer, Micheal Bay or Brett Ratner's name, I stay far away from it. Who watches crap like Armegeddon, Bad Boys II and, uh, Transformers (or should I say, who buys that crap!!!!). If anything, and above all, I'm curious about a live action version of Robotech. And I'm not expecting the second coming of Star Wars. If it's good, great. If it sucks, then heck, like I said, maybe someone (Japan?) will open up and make their own live-action version of Macross; or maybe YOU'LL win and we'll get nothing more. But it won't affect my life enough for me to say "I hope they don't make it!" It seems your main problem is going to the theater! =) And i feel you on that; I hate going to the movies because of everything you said. It is a hassle beyond belief. Expensive as heck (actually, the ticket price never bothers me, it's the over all hassle). Over priced food. Dirty. And when you want to see some high profile movie, you have to worry about long lines and such... People who talk and talk should be taken out and punched in the face. And parents who bring their noisy a$$ kids who kick the back of my chair should be hung! (or teach their kids manners!!!)... I seriously would like to make some of these kids' noses bleed.
  8. If Robotech has the words "Micheal Bay" in the directors credit, I probably won't watch it. I'm sick of his shaky camera antics. I would like someone to make a Go-Bots movie: make it serious, make it good, and be the best giant robot movie ever. That would be great! Scooter drenched in blood? I'm there. Gubaba... what's the best macross DVD set to buy?
  9. I agree with, too! What a badddass that fifbeat guy is!!! I still can't believe all the negativity surrounding the movie, IF it ever happens. Whether is sucks or is great, I'm about $15 short the movie ticket. Big deal. Besides, I, and everyone else, still have their macross DVDs (and Robotech DVDs) to fall back on. Anyone who rather NOT see a movie get made because it's more Robotech than Macross need to get their head examined IMO. Man, you guys ever see the Fist of The North Star live-action movie? Well, that thing could have been titled anything... same result. I mean that was a fairly low budget movie, but it doesn't matter... It just depends on how they approach it. If it gives me the same feel or entertainment value as Robotech or Macross, I'll be happy. If it sucks a$$, then life goes on...
  10. Cool. I'm sure it's a LOT of work... Looking very forward to it. =)
  11. Because ROBOTECH would sell more tickets... A lot of people who grew up on Robotech don't know squat about the original Macross. It's only the ones (like myself, and many others in this forum) who did their research to find out that Robotech was taken from the three shows. Back then, we didn't have the internet. We didn't have access to the original videos... I seriously hope that if the movie is made it will kick butt and make all the bitter "Macross" fanboys (and believe, I'm one of them, but I still stay loyal to Carl Macek and Robotech) eat all their negative words. Besides, just because, or IF they made a "MACROSS" movie, chances are, the % rate of it sucking would be the same of any Robotech movie sucking. Lighten up. And be glad. Like I said, it's bound to open doors for more ideas.
  12. Truthfully, Minmay would be the easiest character to find. You know how many cute little asian chicks there are that can sing and dance (and act)? If you watch a lot of asian films (Japanese, korean, etc) there are a dime a dozen. I think Tobey would make a great Rick Hunter (especially if they're going off the Robotech series). So, considering he's the head of this "robotech" idea, I'm happy. You know, I'm surprised to see a lot of negative attitude towards this proposed movie. And mostly because they're going off "Robotech"... As much as I hated the Transformers movie, I'm glad it came out. Because you know it opened doors for "giant robot" movies. So, if the Robotech movie does come out, you know, and I'm almost 60% sure, that Japan would make their own version of MACROSS. And those Japanese and Korean movies, if you watch them, a lot of that stuff is up to par with big Hollywood productions, as far as effects go... so it would, by no means, be low budget crap.
  13. That's actually kinda cool. I remember seeing clips of that robot from the japanese 1978 TV show. Yes, spidey actually had a giant robot! =) I think the clip is on youtube.com. I'm all for a robotech movie. I just hope they keep it real. We should all be lucky with have someone with star power and is probably a Robotech fanatic... this can be good!
  14. Yeah, they show her panties in the 2nd episode I believe. How is the music in Mospeada? And is it true that this series wasn't popular NOR did the toys sell in Japan when it came out? See, Robotech has brought some good. If it weren't for it, we probably wouldn't have a lot of the toys in America (Back when there was no online ordering)...
  15. Good job. Just went through all teasers. I'm in the last few episodes of the Macross TV series*... and watching those DYRL clips just sends chills through my spine. Especially the intro. When is the completion date if you don't mind me asking... (* Robotech version. lol)
  16. LOL! (sadly, the panty flash is actually on the Robotech version) Hey, i have a question for you Gubaba... What's the best set Macross set to buy off Robotech.com?
  17. I like the tone of your reply. =) Looking very forward.
  18. Cool! Well, hope I didn't waste my money. =) There are some cut scenes/more violence, right?
  19. Just got a copy of ADV's Mospeada... coming soon. Scored on ebay for about $26. (Though I could have saved a little time and just bought a used one on amazon.com for a few bucks more)... This better be good, guys! You know, the more I watch Robotech, the more I am bugged out by all the B.S. splicing of the 3 original shows. I respect Carl Macek's decision to do so (both artistically, and just to get it on TV!)... but man, watching the last few episodes of "Macross Saga" with that Southern Cross footage spliced in.... wack!! LOL Looking forward to seeing Mospeada in its original state!
  20. This is not an uncommon practice. Lots of movies, especially asian (kung fu movies, anime) have stolen everything from soundtracks to sound effects....
  21. Wow, that early? So you telling me that Violence Jack Manga used "shoulder pads" before the Mad Max character's did in Road Warrior?
  22. Interesting. http://chud.com/articles/articles/15136/1/...TECH/Page1.html
  23. Yes. Great stuff. There's something about this old school anime. Like, is it just me, or is current anime oversaturated... kinda of like bad rappers and R&B artists of today...? And, is this a Fist of the North Star knock off? What's the deal?
  24. Cool. Just watched it. Very trippy. =) With the exception of the narration, looks like all the voice acting are the same. That theme song sucks. :/
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