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Everything posted by fifbeat

  1. Maybe it's a prototype box, but it looks like the box is more of a "rigid" sturdy cardboard box (see the ridges?) , as opposed to the flimsy boxes we usually see with the line: Thoughts?
  2. So here's where Feathers came from 😃
  3. fifbeat

    Hi-Metal R

    Which SDF/Macross is that? (in the middle)? That looks sweet!
  4. fifbeat

    Hi-Metal R

    I took it one step further. By using the overlay technique, I "forced warped" the image on top of the other (force warping just the stand, since this was the part that I can get close i.e. same shape). It's def gonna be a tad off, but I think the "layered" image on the left should give an even more accurate idea of what the size difference will be.
  5. fifbeat

    Hi-Metal R

    Whoever thought about using the stand as a point of reference for scale is a genius.
  6. Very cool of you to bring your collection for fans to see. That's a lot of work. And I'm sure Macross lovers appreciated it. Kudos to you. Very cool...
  7. fifbeat

    Hi-Metal R

    I had no idea they were just sitting around lol Well, I guess that explains why it took so long to get the next HMR. I guess it all starts with the price that generates once filtered in from manufacturer to distributor. A crazy business. Does anyone know what the produced runs are for these? Are they considered "limited"?
  8. fifbeat

    Hi-Metal R

    Fair enough. 😃 I think I don't mind paying some extra dollars to the one who is 1) reliable 2) packs good and 3) ships fast.
  9. fifbeat

    Hi-Metal R

    It makes sense that U.S. sellers/retailers are more expensive. They have to make some kind of a worth-while profit for taking a risk and getting these imports here for us to buy (so we can order with very little risk) 😃 If anyone knows a seller who is in the charity business, point me to them.
  10. Visually, compared to the Arcadias, the HMR looks more organic to the way they're posed (not as stiff). But then again, I may be judging from a "render" (optimum posing to accentuate the that 'anime' feel).
  11. Has anyone ordered from this guy: https://www.ebay.com/itm/225000827770?hash=item3463182b7a:g:LogAAOSws5lijNj9 He has an expected delivery date for June. Hmmm....
  12. lol Even down to the "Robotech Defense Force" logo (hehe). Are Steve and Tommy Yune sleeping on this?
  13. Saw this at Walmart today. I thought it was interesting, given the strict licensing being the toy design. *Sorry if this has been posted. Didn't see it anywhere if it was! And uh, please excuse my ugly thumbnail (literally)
  14. Good, stuff, as always, @jvmacross!
  15. fifbeat

    Hi-Metal R

    So, if Arcadia/Yamato is any kind of reference point Bandai is going to use for its HMR line, then it's safe to assume that the MACROSS ZERO VALK HMR 1/100 will be almost the height a 1/60 V2 Yamato/Arcadia?
  16. fifbeat

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks for the replies guys. I forget exactly what the line was, but I think there was a ZERO that was issue (maybe for Yamato?) and it looked like it was a 1/48 scale compared to a 1/60 DYRM/SDFM valk. I thought @jeniusJwould have a reference on any moon, but didn't find one.
  17. fifbeat

    Hi-Metal R

    So, regardless of 1/100 scale, that HMR Macross Zero valk is going to stand taller than the HMR Macross DYRM/SDFM valks, right?
  18. fifbeat

    Hi-Metal R

    Please Santa. I'll do anything.
  19. Thank you! Not sure. But my first guess is yes!
  20. @jvmacross lol close enough! Are those erasers?
  21. Here's a rarity... Select Convertors "Flexibot" Defender named "Roto" (At a glance, I thought it was an SDF-1! lol)....
  22. Thanks for the details explanation. You never fail to impress. 😃
  23. Are these bootlegs? "Mark"?
  24. Not sure if there are any Bruce Lee fans in here, but thought I'd spread the word about this. An updated version of the Game of Death Redux, which was released exclusively on Criterion Collection’s 2020 boxed set Bruce Lee: His Greatest Hits, is in final stages of production by its returning producer, Alan Canvan. The first release of Game of Death Redux showcased 23 minutes of the 1972-era Game of Death footage that was presented closely the way Bruce intended, while at the same time, keeping in-tact some of the stronger as aspects of the universally panned, pieced together 1978 film (known to fans as Game of Death ’78), such as John Barry’s acclaimed score, as well some of the film’s strong audio design. Details and Trailer: https://cityonfire.com/bruce-lee-new-game-of-death-redux-alan-canvan-version-2-trailer/
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