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Everything posted by fifbeat

  1. The crotch area bothers me... Either way I'm getting this tho... MH still looks the best, and most detailed, in armor mode. =) (only if it was bigger!!!) And I still like MH choices in color. Even though it's more grittier than the anime.... I'm looking at it right now and it's the sweetest looking toy I own.
  2. Vegas, those latest photoshop pics are pretty cool (where you wigged them out and made them look cartoony). You had me fooled! LOL
  3. I actually like the Andy Warhol one. =)
  4. Screw those effects, man... Show me the toys in their true form... don't ruin them with low budget Photoshop effects!!!! Either that, or post a picture of Jeepnie!
  5. From Scorched Earth Toys: Anyways, please follow this link to leave answers to their questions... Just thought I'd spread the word!!! =)
  6. Love the music so far (I'm only on the beginning of the second disc - so Minmay hasn't hit her prime yet!). So far, EVERYTHING is better. =) Still, no matter how much I like Macross, Robotech is still very special to me.
  7. How big is that thing gonna be? 4 inches? I'm sick of small cool toys.
  8. Whats up with these scene? Is it some kind of gallery or something? Never seen Macross 7.
  9. lol no problem. I'd like to see an image of what they looked like when they were recording the show. Tony Oliver does seem like a cool guy. Saw some clips of him on youtube, and some fan requested that he act like Rick Hunter. Funny guy. BTW, really enjoying the dvd set. =)
  10. That's what I don't understand, man. I mean, I know nobody is forcing us to buy this stuff; but they practically have us by the balls selling toys at these prices. I'm only tempted to buy it because there is no option for another Macross toy. The original is outdated, especially for the price.
  11. What is "canon"? There was a guy from Yamato chillin' on this board?
  12. Werd! =)
  13. lol that's pretty low budget.
  14. Dude, you don't need anymore! I'm gonna keep the three I have. They're really all I planned to buy anyways (I got all the three heads, two different armors, and one bare... planned like a true filipino)... I haven't paying much attention to the 1/60 stuff; but you mean to tell me, up until the latest release (not the upcoming 1/60), you had to detatch the legs to transform them?
  15. Is there any confirmation that all these new 1/60's will be out in every every version ((ie old 1/60's?).... If that's the case, I think I might starting collecting 1/60s. Especially with all the Destroids and such being released in that scale. Just makes sense. Besides, 1/48's are hard to come by. You gotta be rich or Vegas Valkyrie to get 'em all! Even then, you're still missing some of your favorite ones that weren't even made.
  16. Anyone have a picture of these next to a 1/60 or a 1/48 yam? I might get one. =)
  17. Wait a minute? Why wouldn't it be? What else what it be? (I haven't watched MF, but uh, it looks like it!) Maybe the people are closer to us and that thing is really far away?
  18. Yeah, it's great. Finally just finished it today. =) Great purchase. I like that mean look Houqet gives Ray while they're riding their bikes, after he forces some kisses on her (it's on the 3rd-5th episode I think)... Mospeada needs a sequel. Robotech II: The Korean Guy's Hair Chronicles DOES NOT COUNT!!! Ray is a bad ass!
  19. You know, there are two Reba West songs I don't mind: To Be In Love and It's You Who's On My Mind. You know, in a cheesy way. And, if anything, Reba West had the perfect Anime girl voice. Listen to her while she's fighting with Lynn Kyle. That's some great acting. lol Also, a lot of the Robotech soundtrack is great. The only soundtrack music I can't stand is the one that plays during every battle sequence. Even worse is the one one that sounds like a Trident gum commercial... you know, "the taste is gonna move ya"... Hard for me to hate anything about Robotech really... I grew up on that shiznit, man... Anyways, i thought this was kinda trippy... Read the paragraph below the picture, I found it doing a random search on someone's blog... AND I AGREE! LOL Wonder what they all looked like back when they dubbed it. "From left to right, Melanie MacQueen (Lisa Hayes), Tony Oliver (Rick Hunter) and Reba West (Lynn Minmei.) Is it just me or do they all kinda look like their respective characters, only like, chubby and ugly? Do you even remember that show? Anyway, the one that played Minmei is sorta cougar-ific. Just sayin’." Wonder if the girl who dubbed Annie is an ugly little midget looking chick. lol
  20. Hmmmm.... I like nearly every aspect of Macross. Even the love story. I really don't think it would be Macross without it.
  21. gilermo, nice collection of Gakken's man! Anyways, I'm on the 4th disc of the Mospeada series. I'm enjoying it a lot. I'm actually depressed it's almost over. All the nudity and stuff is surprising the heck out of me. You mean to tell me Japan aired this stuff on TV like this? Wow. And yes, much better than the "Robotech" version. Ray is a cool cat. And Hoquet or Houqet... what a cutie. I'm 33. And I think an old school anime chick is cute. Something is really wrong with me. =) Great soundtrack, too. One thing is for sure: Inbit can't aim for sh*t. lol What are you guys' favorite episodes??
  22. Gubaba, is this series available on DVD anywhere? (I know I can do a search, but I thought I'd ask the pros)
  23. fifbeat

    Macross in Japan

    Wow. I always thought Macross was the Star Wars of Japan... I guess Gundam is their Star Wars.
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