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Everything posted by fifbeat

  1. Even though I like Macross: SDF a LOT more; I still don't see why people hate Robotech so much. If anything, the only thing I dislike about Robotech is the changing of the story around to connect all three of the unrelated series... but that's very minor, especially considering the enjoyment Robotech has brought to us. Did you guys really expect HG to bring Macross over to America, release it AS IS, with every kid reading subtitles?
  2. That's the line that gets me the most, too. Both scores are great. And SDF's is amazing. Especially for the fact that it's just a TV series. They don't make 'em like they used to.
  3. lol! I know, huh? By the way, who is that Voltron character you're talking about? Was he the kung fu guy? I never knew the story behind that dude and why he just all of the sudden vanished (with the princess, I think, taking over his lion). What's the deal? Mr. March, I re-read what you said. =)
  4. I don't think Macross' score is outdated at all. Much better than any TV series of that era. Maybe some of it. Not all. If anything, the soundtrack was kinda "retro" to begin with with its classical goodness. No way in HELLL that Robotech was done up to be a typical American cartoon. They edited what they could to get airplay. Not sure what you were watching at the time, but a typical american cartoon of that time would be something like He-man or Thundercats. Robotech was a lot more "adult" than those. A lot more. And the dialogue was actually sophisticated. At the time, late teens, and even twenty-somethings were watching Robotech.
  5. Robotech Soundtrack The Good The music is pretty sweet and memorable for the most part. It gels nicely with what's going on in the tube. Some of the music gives the series an even faster pace than the original. I'm a big fan of the bittersweet and gloomy music: I think that's where the Robotech music shines the most. The romantic music is heart-warming as well. Not a big fan of the vocal music. But "To Be In Love" is fitting and "It's You" is decent. The musical version of "To Be In Love" will always associate with the romance/drama of Rick/Hikaru and Minmay. With the Robotech music, when it's good, it's GOOD, and when it's bad... The Bad... it's HORRENDOUS. One of the musical bad points comes during that bit of music that sounds like a bad Trident Gum commercial from the 1980's. It's the one that plays during every mindless action-scene. I'm sure you guys know which one I'm talking about. Also, unlike the Japanese soundtrack, we're limited to only a few Minmay tunes (in Robotech's case, thank god for that). That song "My Time To Be A Star" is horrible. Maybe it's not too horrible, but it's just played way too many times. And like someone else said, the overall music is very loopy and Radio Shack-ish. It's doesn't hold up well against the test of time. Macross Soundtrack: The Good Most of the soundtrack could easily be for an epic motion picture in my opinion (but then again, Macross is pretty f'ing epic). Sure, the title theme is a little cheesy, but the rest of the music makes up for it. Again, I'm more of a fan of the bittersweet music. I don't know the title of the track, but it's the music that also appears in DYRL (when Claudia asks if Roy Died A Hero?) is spellbinding! Same goes for Mari Iijima's vocal work. Nearly every song is a great pop tune or ballad. Even without Macross, they'd be wonderful songs. The Bad The main theme is a little annoying. Bits of the music sounds a little too dramatic at times. But it never gets as bad as Robotech. ------- Bottomline: The Macross soundtrack wins over the Robotech soundtrack. Robotech's music never reaches that rich "we gave it our all" peak that Macross reaches. And none of the Robotech vocals can compare to the songwriting (whoever wrote them?) and performance of Mari Iijima. Like most of us, Robotech as a whole was practically embedded into me as a child. Same goes for the music. Basically, the reason why anyone would think Robotech's music is better is because they're used to it. Period. This isn't a matter of opinion, taste or perception. I could prove this on a etch-a-sketch. =)
  6. Considering the new Toynami Beta fighter cost $150, $80 isn't a bad price for this toy. Sure the beta transforms, but it's a wack looking thing without the alpha/legioss.
  7. Yeah, the front views of the figures look a little crude. But at certain angles -- basically any angle except the front, it looks pretty sweet. (I realize that's a cheap thing to say, since any toy could look cool at certain angles). But just like all the other toys, SOMETHING has gotta give in order to better other aspects. In this case, the full transformation of the ride armor still looks like a million bucks. Is it just me? Or does Lance's neck look even longer? Maybe it's the colors? Or maybe his head is smaller?
  8. More bizarre than funny, but when that weird looking lady from the audience starts going "Minmay! Minmay! Minmay!".... The girl looks kinda scary. It's on the episode where Minmay leaves the stage (just before her and Kyle split... one of the last episodes.... I think 3rd to the last). I also dig scenes where the bridge bunnies interact... "Stop calling me an diot!" so cute. I had just saw the original Macross TV series for the first time weeks ago. That shiznit is the "Godfather" of Anime for sure. =)
  9. The only thing I dislike about the CM's is that the colors are so bright.
  10. A little bit of Macrossworld.com history for ya: On February 13th 2004 fifbeat becomes a member. I love that guy.
  11. During what scene in DYRL was this track played?
  12. That's cool. I'll be waiting for the comparison photos and the review. =) But yeah, way overpriced. I think they're just jumping on the bandwagon, since most of the Mospeada toys coming out have been pretty expensive. So, Toynami designed these themselves, right? It's not some rehash of some model or whatever?
  13. Cool. And what's the whole "static" thing?
  14. So does this new Beta match the color of their MPC or the Aoshima blue? And, why in God's name does it cost so much!? Just for the Beta alone??
  15. I don't know, man... Transmorphers looks like The Godfather compared to that filipino flick. Not sure if that was a good counter.
  16. Toei Spider-Man Japanese TV Series Scene Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGxde2a2_iQ
  17. Super Robot Red Baron (I think this was a series in Japan, but it's still live action) Scene Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n50aL5MFQrg...feature=related
  18. Crash and Burn: Trailer Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnx81vrDhNI
  19. Of course, we all know about this one: Scene Link:
  20. Here is another one for a Japanese film called RETURNER. Came out several years ago (I think). Some of you know about it, some may not. Here it is: Trailer Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6b7QCcZoU4E...feature=related
  21. Not sure if there is a thread dedicated to these types of movies yet (if there is, feel free to erase and direct), but I think this forum needs one. Especially with all the new movies supposedly coming out (Roboteh, Voltron) and the sudden popularity of these types of films ignited by the recent Transformers Live action flick. I want to start out by posting a link to a Filipino film called "RESIKLO" that appears to have some decent action scenes that involve giant adobo-type robots. Not bad for a low budget Tagalog flick. WARNING: the trailer contains very violent images of destruction which are not suitable for non-filipinos. Trailer Link:
  22. Yeah, they should have at least used white/grey cloth down there. Oh well. Like someone said, there is no perfect Ride Armor toy. Gakken probably is the most solid, but lacks the appearance of today's toys. I think I will stick with the MH's for sure.
  23. It's too baggy too.
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