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Everything posted by fifbeat

  1. =) What was first? Tommy Yune's hair or Macrossworld.com?
  2. They look great! Sweet job. They would look even better with MH's though. =)
  3. I don't like. Because they're not mine. =)
  4. I don't like it.
  5. Thanks for checking. =) Hmmmm it might be a problem when Houqet comes out. I want her in armor mode AND i want her cute face to show. hmmmm....
  6. Man, this thing looks just like the anime. Amazing. =) Thanks.
  7. For the longest time, I never wanted anything to do with it. Like I said, I actually enjoyed it a lot more than I thought. Where's the rest of that Southern Cross chart? I wanna see the top half.
  8. Questions about Lancer's Ride Armor: 1. Can his head (without hemlit) be in place in armor mode? 2. Was the reason for the lack of chin guard due so the visor can go all the way down; or was this how Lancer's looked in the show? 3. Sticker sheet? You know, I kinda prefer the tires without the Armor all shine. But either way, looks fantastic! Gonna order mine.
  9. Thanks guys. I think I'm gonna get it. =)
  10. I'm almost done watching Robotech Masters. I'm actually enjoying it a LOT. In a way, it's actually more interesting, story-wise, than Mospeada. Now, I said "more interesting", not more "enteraining". =) Of course, I'm judging by the chopped Harmony Gold version.... I've skimmed through this thread and it seems like the original Japanese version may be a future purchase. I know it has been chopped up and the story has been changed around quite a bit. But can someone tell me by how much, without giving too much away? Like, can i expect more violence? Nudity? Blood? Sex? More shower scenes? How is the music in the original? Dialogue? One thing I do like about the Robotech Masters version is some of the voice dubbing. Angelo's voice is just so fitting. In fact, a lot of the voice acting is dead on in my opinion. But then again, this is the way I'm used to seeing it. The mecha in this series kinda sucks. But those Ajax helicopters look pretty cool. I still can't believe they never came out with toys for this stuff (with the exception of the matchbox stuff).
  11. Nice pics above. She fits perfectly. You can almost make a custom Sue Graham. Damn. That CM is so small. I guess GI Joe's work with it too. =)
  12. Nice. I remember I wanted to join, but was too lazy to send out. Back then, everything took "6-8 weeks".... Those were the days.
  13. Magnificent work. I'm in awe. Keep it up.
  14. Like what kind of goodies??
  15. Now, get that RDF form filled out and mail that sucker out. =)
  16. You mean to tell me that there was never "official" word that the tires were made bigger? And we were just judging off photos? Either way, the small tires never bothered me. I'm keeping them in Voltron mode. =)
  17. LOL! Only this one looks better. =)
  18. Remember: Only anything that has to do with "Macross Frontier" gets as many topic as it wants. =) j/k
  19. Go for it. (I'm too lazy to find that thread!) Seems like there is 1,000 Macross Frontier Topics, but for all other threads, we gotta dig 'em up, otherwise we get closed.
  20. LOL! Open it and take pictures!!
  21. SHAFT!
  22. Zeros: Understood. I'm with you on that. But I'm talking more about the product of the 1985 TV show. Nothing more. Nothing less. Radd: It's cool if my reasoning may be poor (story of my life...). But could I kindly ask what you dislike about Robotech? No HG politics. Just artistically speaking about what was done to the show itself.
  23. Hey man, call it what you want. That's just what it seems like. I dislike all this Robotech hatred as much as you dislike strawman arguments.
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