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Everything posted by fifbeat

  1. Okay, maybe I've been scrolling/skimming way toooo fast, but can someone update me on WTF this is? I know, it's the SDF... But, what company is making it? When is it coming out? And what is the speculation on the pricing. Now, this, I'd pay for $300 for. Totally bad ass. Thanks in advance!!!
  2. Looking forward to it. Seems like a pretty cool toy, judging from the forum info/pics so far.
  3. Thank you. Someone needs to get all the head shots of ALL the ride armors, size them the same, and put them next to each other. That would be interesting.
  4. Hmmm.... I like them both in their own way. BTW, when the heck is the next MH coming out?
  5. Love asian cinema! I actually run a site called cityonfire.com. Check it out when you get a chance.
  6. Yeah, that new Maia Sterling is..... crap. Purple? Tommy Yune... get out of here with that crap.
  7. They're a little greedy. But, if it weren't for them, we wouldn't have cool toys. They seem to be the only ones doing it right. I wish they were all 1/2 the price though. =)
  8. I didn't read it myself. HOWEVER, it's kinda cool that you were able to create some cool looking visuals (via your toys). You know, if you had actual figures of the guys' heads (better than a bubble pointing to the cockpit all the time).... At a glance, really cool man. I could see it being extra sweet if more time was spent (and I mean MORE time, like the best photography, etc.) on it, and using toys to tell the story is just bad ass. And maybe a little bit more quality work in the photoshoped (or whatever) gun/missile fire... One thing's for sure, you definitely got the right eye for some of those cool panel shots... I'll have to go back and read it when it's not 4:30 am!! =) Overall, good job.
  9. More giant robots! This time starring C. Thomas Howell and Judd Nelson. Trailer Link:
  10. Fantastic! Great job. Is it me, or are customized GBP's are hard to come by? I don't see them that often. I really gotta get a Hikaru (TV) valk for mine. Looks so much better.
  11. TOTALLY agree. One of the best I've played in years.
  12. I don't own any 1/60 V2's... I do notice they look pretty good. A tad better than 1/48's. But I might have to pick 1/48's. I mean, where else, are you going to find a Valk, this size, that looks so cool??
  13. Judging from ebay alone, the hardest one to find is Hikaru; then Lisa uniform, then Lisa swimsuit, then the minmays...
  14. I'd keep it and get the $20 from him. This stuff is pretty rare and hard to find, at that price, in this good condition. How's the nose cone? Is it really as dull as he says it is? Are they usually?
  15. You have another??
  16. I'd ask for $35 back and call it even. =)
  17. I want it. =)
  18. Wow. Thanks for the great explanation guys. and of course, when you're talking about what you're talking about, that means they're MIB right? I remember seeing a misa on ebay for likr $59 or something.
  19. Wasn't sure where to start this topic. Did a search, and came up with nothing. I keep on seeing the Minmay (DYRL), Minmay School Girl and Minmay Singing versions on ebay for about $30-$40. I rarely see any of the other figures. For instance, the Hikaru and Misa ones. My question is, how rare are these? How much are they worth? I'm mainly talking about the non-minmay ones. Can someone list me some explanations for each? I'm obviously talking about the ones that are already painted and built, just in case I wasn't clear. Thanks in advance. =)
  20. She looks more like MINT than Houquett! LOL! Thanks for the recent pix guys. =) Great stuff. Still waiting for the MH!!!
  21. Hmmm... I like the individual ADV packaging a lot better. Good to see they're bundled up though. =)
  22. Yeah, once you do it a few times, it ain't bad at all. I have that same problem. =) But, man, that Yellow looks great.
  23. (referring to the Amazon link). Last time I ordered from these guys, my boxes were totally bent and my Ride Armors were missing parts. Probably more UPS's fault. Not sure.
  24. Does anyone have a picture somewhere of a completed kit?
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