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Everything posted by fifbeat

  1. Does anyone know if these stands work good with something like the elint seeker? For V2's, what size works the best in your guys' opinion? Thank you.
  2. I couldn't even get through Indie 4. After they walk through that Graveyard and kung fu zombies (or whatever they were) started popping out, I tuned out. Spielberg is one heck of a director, but Indie 4 felt forced.
  3. Nice. Thank you. Obviously modeled after Toynami's Superposeable line.
  4. BTW, do you have a picture of the packaging? Like, does it actually say MACROSS on it?
  5. These are great! Nothing like some pancit and macross! =) Much better than the usual Jeepnie toy. I don't live in the Philippines, but we do have a Jollibee here (In Vegas)....
  6. Cyclone Trooper, awesome news. Still crossing my finger that mine comes like this, as I'm still waiting. Where and when did you order yours? Edit: Forget it. HLJ.
  7. Thank you Graham. Appreciate your time and effort.
  8. If this is "Volume 2" of the Robotech Vinyl Collection, what exactly was volume 1? These look pretty cool. I'm impressed.
  9. Jenius, yes. Correct. He'll be following up once he is about to send them away.
  10. Very nice review! You do video reviews, too?? Since when?
  11. Jenius, I wish you can review the darn thing on your site already... instead of all these little comments here and there!! (kidding kidding... )
  12. To you guys who just got your set, are the pins still unsmooth? Wonder if the 2nd shipment will be fixed. hmmmm....
  13. LOL!
  14. What do those stand for? Sorry in advance azrael. Mods free to move in appropriate discussion room.
  15. Wouldn't it be nice? Are there any plans? What are the chances?
  16. Wonder if the kit comes with smooth or knurled pins? *snickers*
  17. Or a Hikaru TV pilot figure. =)
  18. What's the difference? Other than the bright white? (and armor)?
  19. I vote for this: After 2001 Space Odyssey and Star Wars, this one is probably my 3rd favorite.
  20. Considering its budget, the time it took to be made, and the fact that it's overhyped: AVATAR!
  21. I would have said MACROSS, but I thought we were talking film-type movies.
  22. 2001: A Space Odyssey I'm a prime believer that there would be no Star Wars or anything else if it weren't for this movie. Still holds up after all these years.
  23. Looks like it's blowing up. =) lol Good stuff.
  24. $80 for a Yamato action figure? I can't wait. *sarcasm* Maybe they can put it in a big arse box and justify the price... I wish someone like McFarlane/NECA would just buy the darn rights... then we can get something cheap and collectible. =) Buy hey, any new Macross product is always good news.
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