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Everything posted by fifbeat

  1. The problem with his collection is everything is "loose" hence like the guy said, a lot of prep work in conditioning. I'm sure the guy has since got some kind of an offer, since the episode aired. I think everyone in Vegas just wants to be on that show. =D
  2. My link Sorry if this has been posted.
  3. Cant wait for your detailed review.
  4. I guess that makes some sense. So riddle me this: if Yamato is so committed to delivering customizable options, where are my optional pilots? Let's not try to get away from the fact that is all about money.
  5. Actually, no I don't mind. Wanna trade chests? That way yours can be any number you want. =D
  6. Okay, I believe I got a second release of this bad boy, though the shoulders seem "good," I was really sad to see that the "1" and other logos absent from this 2nd release. Thank you Yamato. Now i have to use the sticker sheet, which in a way, is just as bad as bad shoulders - considering these parts were tampo'd in the first release. Am I overreacting? Has Yamato pulled this before in 2nd releases? Well, I supposed that's what the stickers are for.... :/ Anyone else had this problem? Did they run out of white paint? Did they misplace their number stamps? Did they have to even their budget for having to fix the shoulders/pins? What's going on here? (jenius from anymoon.com says the picture below is all tampo, and no stickers were applied for his photoshoot. I've yellowed the parts where tampo is missing in my release) I'm actually afraid to check the actual valk...
  7. Please check your msgs. (sorry mods, I know this isn't the place to do this)
  8. I don't get it. What is sub-par about the Max and Miriyas? (I have these babies in boxes and have yet to open them) Anyone?
  9. I'm passing, too. I don't like the fact of starting a whole new collection and hitting road blocks like this. I'm sticking to 1/60s and 1/100 Toynami Regults. =D
  10. Yeah, looks like if its legs aren't extremely spread out in a stance, its hips look wide and spacy.... It'll be the Van Damme of VF's....
  11. That price isn't that bad. I'm actually pre-ordering it right now. I planned ahead.... I'm not going to eat, drink, go out, gas up my car or pay my mortgage for the next couple of months. =D No toy/model is worth that much. Period.
  12. Thanks Jenius. That's pretty hidden, so I refuse to feel dumb for asking. =D
  13. Now that we no longer have the ability to send personal msg's (and we lost our saved msg boxes) how do we contact - or more importantly - how are we contacted when Graham decides to send the 2nd wave of hinges? (unless I'm just not seeing my msg inbox)
  14. $1,000? If it's around the size of a 1/48, that thing shouldn't be more than $250. I don't even think the prototype is worth $1,000. I'm sure a lot more thought and design went into any of the VFs.
  15. Yeah, great job, but I'll be impressed when I see vertical lines as well. (jk)
  16. Yeah, great shot. Looks like the Yammie is just as buff. =)
  17. Can someone post a picture of a 1/60 v2 posed just like the HM? I appreciate it and I'm sure others would too. Then, we can make the comparison. I agree with the floating head, but I also agree that Yamato still did an awesome job, considering how it looks in all forms. I'll def. pick up a 1/100 HM, but the scale bothers me.
  18. Sorry. Sometimes I don't exactly read every single post in the thread. But you're dead on. Very entertaining. What an ass he was. But I'm sure he learned his lesson. Although his films are nothing great, there's some talent there.
  19. I always thought the first one was waaaay overrated. The 2nd one was... eh... Now, what you guys have to see is a documentary called OVERNIGHT. lol Anyone heard of it? It's about the director of these movies. Entertaining than both movies combined. =D Look it up on the net.
  20. That DOES look gorgeous. Does anyone know how much 'hi metal' is in this thing? Pre-orders anywhere yet? =)
  21. Well, I think it comes to about the same, considering it's local (if you're in the US).
  22. Die Hard I villain. Hans Greuber. No explanation needed.
  23. Wow. I'm not pointing at anyone in general here, but all of the sudden Robotech/Carl Macek has changed everyone's lives? I just remember seeing nothing but negative about 'robotech' His decisions surely changed my life. RIP Carl.
  24. I enjoyed it. Pretty sweet staged action sequences, ultra violent... and, to me, a lot more heart and soul went into this movie than AVATAR! =D Think a little bit of Kill Bill, and a little bit of teeny/spider-man stuff. 90% accurate to the comic. Hit Girl is amazing!
  25. Good job. Much more imagination than a lot of original Macross related stuff on youtube. Keep it up. You have some good cinematic experience.
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