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Everything posted by DalGoda

  1. Here is the LINK to the maker of the Flexidisplays. Yes Twin Moons is out of stock now, but they are cheaper at Twin Moons than ordering direct. Creative Displays got them back in stock, so they'll probably be restocking at TM soon. I haveordered from both places. These really are nice stands, once you are happy with the placement of the support legs, you tighten them down with a screwdriver, be careful, it won't take too many turns to make it tight enough to hold yet still be able to move carefully to change display appearance. You can mix and match the leg lengths to achieve some cool display "poses" too. I find that the 4" legs work best for most items. I got a 2" for contrast. Of course I had to get a couple of the 6" (daddy long legs) just to have. Of course the tall ones allow your Valks to overlap each other, which saves space. You can also use the tall ones to display in Gerwalk mode as well (Picture attached). The 6" can also prove to be a bit ungainly, so if you're going to get several stands, don't get them all 6" until you've sampled all the lengths. Hope this helps... You really will like those acrylic stands. I prefer the square base, but round is nice too. Not a very good picture, but you can see how it offers an alternate Gerwalk display. Another fellow at TMs forums did it in the reverse fashion and got a really cool angle using two 4" and one 6" legs There's still room for the red Valk! I too am waiting for the Launch Arm.
  2. That "shameless plug" is the genuine article. They didn't ask me to do it, nor am I affilliated with them in any way. I am simply a customer. I was so happy with the service I received, I wanted to post a public "thank you". I know that some people like to see how other folks are treated by retailers, and if the shopping experience was rewarding. It was for me, and I wouldn't hesitate to order from them again. BTW My choice for best source for Valks is and will remain Twin Moons Anime. The owner/operator of Twin Moons Anime, Tam is one of the nicest people you'd ever want to deal with. He's gone out of his way to help his customers (including me). He always seems to have to latest (if not inside) information. Items are shipped securely via FedEx, and the communications are great. I'm thrilled that I found Twin Moons Anime, and will continue shop there first. The only reason I went to TnJ was because Tam was unable to locate an affordable Low Viz Valk for me, not that he didn't try. And speaking of "affordable", I find that Twin Moons Anime has the best prices around! I guess that would constitute a "shameless plug" for Twin Moons Anime PS. I'm just a satisfied customer, and I wanted to share my opinions.
  3. Hi folks, I'm a rather new member, and I usually just read the forums, but recently I had a very good experience with a retailer that I wanted to share. I have had very good luck in the past with a store based in Hawaii called "Toys n' Joys". So, when I was at my wits end trying to locate a Yamato 1/48 Low Visibility Valk, I decided to write them an email. Imagine my surprise to hear back that they had located me one in Japan, and had it on hold for me. This after I had witnessed a couple of online auctions for the same Valks with ending prices well over $300 & $350. Yes, it did have a premium price, but it is "out of stock" and one of those "collector items" now, and the price increase above original retail was a far cry better than spending $300+ on one. Anyway, I just wanted to share my praise for all the help and excellent service and communications I received from "Toys n' Joys". So, if you've never heard of them, check em out. They might be able to help you locate that 'hard to find' item you've been hunting for. BTW, they only got the one Low Viz Valk in for me, and didn't say that any others were available, so don't count on getting one, just because they found one for me (fair warning). Finally, a big thank you to Art over at "Toys n' Joys", your special service has made my day!
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