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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. I am looking for Robotech/Macross HUBS for direct connect ... post any HUB address if you can help plz
  2. RahXephon is a CooL show ... but I got bored of it at episode 15 ... FMP is ExCeLLeNT Gundam SeeD is a pretty decent serie IMO (better than other Gundam series).
  3. New TF's are not that Bad .. especially Scorponok .. Of course Armada was an aweful toyline ... and some Energon are Ugly , talking about FatimusPrime.
  4. POWELINX Omega Supreme!!! --Attached Image--
  5. here's how he looks like ---Attached Images--- TRAIN MODULE BOAT MODULE ROBOT MODE Nothing close to the original ... but I think He's cool anyway.
  6. Ok no pic in sigs .. point taken
  7. When episode3 was released ?
  8. Sorry for the SigPic .. I was not aware about the policy of macrossworld board. BTW ... Thx for the info guys
  9. Thx for ansewring me , JBO .
  10. I tried on lots of BT servers and also on DC,mIRC ... I just found eps 1,2 and 3. if someone knows where to find Macross Zero eps 4 and 5 or when they'll be released , let me know plz .
  11. Hi ... I'm new around here .. I should say (as a Transformers fan)that I am not familiar to the Macross universe but I really LOVED Macross Plus and especially Zero (at least I loved the 3 eps I saw) . I wonder where to post my Hello topic ...?? Is it correct in here ... if not , My apologies , just move it to it's rightful place then 'HeLLo' From TCA !!!
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