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Everything posted by chon1n

  1. That's GREAT!
  2. one question..does yf-25g's blue paint get scrap off easily?
  3. You know what..I'm gonna bring the Valkyrie's head to the shop and choose the right paint from there..lol..
  4. How's this? Tamiya XF17 Sea Blue
  5. I don't think the blue will blend in with the original color
  6. Hey guys..do you think the Tamiya XF-63 German Grey Match the black/grey paint on it?
  7. I'm just gonna get a sharpie and repair the areas that had been scraped off..they should have used a different color plastic instead of painting it..
  8. Anyone know what is the color of paint/sharpie I can use to repair the black painted areas? It doesn't look like a dark black color to me.. Mine got scratched up quite badly..really wanted to repair it..
  9. This is an awesome piece..but the paint on the black parts can be easily scratch off..especially during transformation.. :(/> Much of the paint on the back of the valkyrie head had already been scratched off after 1 - 2 transformations.. :angry:/>
  10. I hope someone does a video review soon!
  11. One question guys..is there anything i can do try prevent old white plastic from yellowing?
  12. I thought the alto custom is cheaper on NY?
  13. Hey guys any difference between the yf29 alto custom and 30th anni other than the colors?
  14. Crap..this is hard to decide! If ony I can get both..
  15. I think I will get a YF-29 first..prices tends to go up in the future..better to get it now! Now to decide..YF-29 alto custom or YF-29 30th anni
  16. I like that design of 171EX but I read that the transformation for it is a pain in the ass.. I like both vf-25g and yf-29 designs, so it's hard to decide which to get first! I got a tight budget..so I can only get one for the time being..
  17. Hi, I am about to buy my very first dx chogokin macross figure May I know which one below do you guys recommend to get first to start my collection? VF-25g renewal VF-171ex YF-29 (Alto custom) YF-29 (30th anni) Thanks!
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