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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Alternate Universe, essentially. The manga(s) tv series and the movies are all related in name only.
  2. According to the ROTJ commentary, Anakin appears as he looked at the time of his death. Obviously Obi Wan and Yoda dies at a much older age, and their appearance is consistant with that. They never knew Luke, and more importantly they never learned to retain their identities after death. This will supposedly be dealt with in ROTS. They're ghosts in a fantasy movie. Where are there rules for this stuff?
  3. Heh, now we're really getting old. Yeah Saber Rider and the Star Sherrifs.
  4. Simply awesome. This movie will see lots of play when it comes out on DVD.
  5. Is that a Destroid Monster I see on page 2?! edit: Damn, you guys are fast.
  6. Lucas didn't make the comment in an interview, this was in a set diary available on the official site's Hyperspace. He also comments on this in the Attack of the Clones DVD commentary, on how Boba was originally concieved as a sort of rogue Stormtrooper and later evolved into the son of the original clone. In this commentary they make it painfully clear for even the most resolute proponent of the "recruit" Stormtroopers that the clones are stormtroopers. Period. The troopers seen in the original trilogy are simply cloned from some other, non-Jango donor. As for the "fanfics," I was referring to your (please note how "your" is spelled) attempts to justify your belief in the recruited Stormtrooper legions. Unless you somehow believe your theories override the opinion of the freakin' writer.
  7. Aint It Cool News has links to a full scene that's available to download. The animation is just awe-inspiring.
  8. I wish these other guys luck with their adaptation of WOTW, but I'm not going to get my hopes up too high. For all we know, this thing could end up going straight to video.
  9. Maybe this is a case of life imitating art. Remember back before the roster split, when Vince said he wanted to "destroy" the WWF? Maybe he's finally decided to do it for real. It's the only reason I can comprehend for how much WWE has sucked in the last year.
  10. Except for the fact that George Lucas himself has said that the Stormtroopers are all clones. But hey....obviously your fanfic takes precedence over the word of the writer/director/producer of the whole kit 'n' caboodle. And yes, I said "kit 'n' caboodle." I'm that old.
  11. ...and a rave review from CHUD.com as well. One more sleep to go!!!
  12. Sorry man, but Star Wars was always aimed at kids.
  13. So....if Lucas goes ahead and lets somebody else make this, as he says in the interview, what happens if it sucks? Who will fanboys complain about then? Star Wars TV? Be careful what you wish for.
  14. See, that one's really good because it's so subtle.
  15. A Macross World group purchase? Hmmmm.....
  16. Something Awful indeed....
  17. OMFG! More changes to the Original Trilogy!!!!111!! Childhood Rapists! ps: if anybody thinks these are genuine, you suck at life.
  18. I wouldn't get my hopes up too high. Everyones got a hardon for WW2 paratroopers right now so expect the prices on that stuff to stay high. You can thank Spielburg/Hanks for that. He could always just get a regular carbine and buy a Reproduction Para Stock.
  19. Dammit, and I had just tracked down 2 of the 3 books again! Now I have to go and buy this compilation. I never should have sold my original copies.
  20. Funny that this topic should come up today. My Master Replicas Darth Vader ESB Lightsaber was waiting for me when I got home tonight. Awesome worksmanship as usual, and it was worth the wait. If anybody would rather get an MR piece, I highly recommend http://www.thesabervault.com
  21. In the Original Trilogy, yes. They were made from old flash guns like Graflex and Heiland. The prequel versions are all custom machined, or cast resin for background Jedi.
  22. It's kind of ironic that Brian Daley and James Luceno were two of my favorite Star Wars EU authors.
  23. Seriously though, anybody who hasn't learned by now deserves what they get. Just promise the rest of us that when you do get your Voltron that you won't clog the boards with topics like "OMFG, My Voltron fell apart!" or "WTF? MPC Voltron is made of play-dough!"
  24. I say that anybody who likes Voltron should preorder 2 of these right away! I mean....third time's the charm, right? Sure the MPC VF-1 was sub par, and of course the MPC Alphas came with pre-exploded from the factory, but maybe this time they'll finally get it right. Right?
  25. Hey, those are the ones! I see that #20 seems to be an attempt to use the awful Robotech: The Movie storyline.
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