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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. I don't suppose anybody has any experience with THESE, do they? Not particularly my cup o tea, but if the price is right I might be tempted to get one someday.
  2. That R2 line was something that supposedly showed up in the soundtrack that they used to make the '97 SE. They didn't even realize it was different until after the fact. There were several mixes for each of the films, in mono and stereo. Jedi is the only one that I doesn't have any alternate takes, afaik.
  3. It's hard to keep a "straight" face (pun intended) when discussing the anime series that gave us this:
  4. Great. Just freakin great. I was going to pick one up from Best Buy, but now I'll wait and see.
  5. That's apparently something that came out of the print when Lowry worked their magic. Due to the rushed nature of the restoration, they did not have time to color correct that problem. Now that I think about it, the saber always did have a strange, slightly greenish tint in that scene.
  6. Noooooooo!!!!! Must...not allow...thread...to be....derailed by...Rational Thought! There's a speck of dirt on frame 2435398! After Tarkin says "Terminate her. Immediately" the sound drops out and comes back up. It only takes 1/100000 of a second, but it's there if you listen! Lucas replaced the "english" tractor beam controls with arubesh! That was my favorite childhood memory! I had always imagined that this "ultimate" version would not only let Boba Fett live, but that he would have his own series of adventures in the Outer Rim. It's detailed in my fanfiction "Boba Fett: Uberdeadliest Badass"
  7. Spoken like a true console lover. PC > Consoles
  8. Dr Gonzo is teh smart. And right on the money, too.
  9. Best. Firearm accessory. Ever. http://www.e-gunparts.com/DisplayAd.asp?ch...KU=717900&MC=YJ I wonder if they ship to Canada.
  10. We'll miss you....
  11. The stuff on the spine seems to be really bent on staying put. I don't want to try peeling it off. Maybe I'll leave it until I get home and hit it with the hair dryer first.
  12. nope. its a silver obi-strip all in english. the top flap has widescreen written across (which is glued to the top of the box). the strip then folds over to cover the opening of the box. along this side is your typical advert "bonus disc included, technical specs, etc etc). this piece is glued to the spine of the inner box. Ah, now I see what you mean. This rubbery crap was on my Good, Bad & Ugly box set too. The stuff on the top came off easy enough, but I dunno about the spine. How did you tackle the problem?
  13. Is this by chance the stupid bilingual advert that many box sets seem to include these days? I had one of those glued to my Futurama box set.
  14. I hope he tells Hasbro to go to hell. Those PSAs are too great to take down.
  15. When 900 years old you reach, look as good you will not, hmm?
  16. Nice conversion. It's too bad the pose is so....boring.
  17. According to the ROTJ commentary, Anakin appears as he looked at the time of his death. Obviously Obi Wan and Yoda dies at a much older age, and their appearance is consistant with that. But wasn't he Anakin the Jedi again at the time of his death having killed the Emperor and saving Luke? I've been pretty silent about the changes for many many reasons. Including some I can't publically share but I think in this instance you are reaching to justify this really stupid change. Shaw should be there. It's true that he's Anakin once again at the time of his death. I suppose the difference is supposed to be that his last 20 years of "life" were entirely unnatural, what with the dark side and the machinery and all. *shrugs* I won't argue with the whole Greedo thing, though.
  18. I see that Edgar is conspicuously absent in the screenshots.
  19. It does both, but lets be honest. Who buys these games to play the single player mode? Incidentally, I read in IGN.com's review that you can command the bots in multiplayer mode. I don't know how smart they'll be, but I thought that was kind of neat.
  20. Oh just get the PC version already! Aside from the fact that the PC version allows more players on a LAN or online, I'll be looking for other MW'ers to blast over the internet. PC is where it's at. And Ladic, I bet they will release the PC demo shortly after the game hits the store shelves. That seems to be the way many demos are relased these days.
  21. The official site lists the PC demo as "Coming Soon." If you have an Xbox, there will be a demo included with the DVDs next week.
  22. Here's something interesting I just found on another message board. It's more to do with Revenge than it has to do with the OT, but since the topic of jedi spirits keeps popping up, I figured I'd post this. Remember, this is rumor only, but it sort of echos some spoiler-sih rumors I'd heard last year.
  23. Again, we're really in a grey area when we start talking about ghosts. I'd say that he's still the same person after his revival in the black armor. Anakin will be Darth Vader long before he dons the helmet, so it's not an issue of him dying and being "reborn" as Vader. Whatever fragment of good that is left in him when he becomes Vader will still be with him after his resurrection after the duel with Obi Wan. Therefore it seems that the years he spends as a Frankenstien monster don't count in terms of spiritual appearances.
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