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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Good. She just has to beat this guy for your affections.
  2. Hmmm....I never figured you for the type of guy who'd favor assless chaps. Oh well, our hardy group of survivors will be equal opportunity pillagers, so bring your bike and crossbow. However, I'd imagine the L's will be a little disappointed when you chose some blonde bitch-boy over her.
  3. Somehow, I'm not going to lose any sleep over this. Whatever advances might be someday made in anti-matter, it will happen long, long after we are all dead, buried and worm food. But I'll be sure to mention it to the grand kids someday, so they can be forewarned. But on the outside chance this comes to fruition, you guys can all come north to my place. We'll hole up with guns n ammo in northern Manitoba until civilization falls apart after the bomb. Then we'll loot and pillage the survivors and live like kings!
  4. Aside from the two at the very end, those were some ugly, silly people. But what was "suspender girl" from, anyway? And how do those things stay put? And add my name to the chorus of those saying "good riddance" to Man-Faye. Freedom of expression is one thing, but Man-Faye and his ilk are merely trying to push people's buttons with his shennanigans. He got what he had coming.
  5. Pfft! Roy Schieder isn't fit to wash Borgnine's sock. Earnest Borgnine was in The Wild Bunch for pete's sake! Schieder's biggest claim to fame is narrowly avoiding being eaten by a shark.
  6. I once watched several episodes of Eva back-to-back, and I experienced an overwhelming urge to smash the TV, VCR andVHS tapes into tiny, subatomic particles. The only thing that restrained me from doing so was the fact that I liked my TV and the tapes were lent to me by a friend who wanted them back. Other than that, the only side effect I experienced was the desire to hunt down the collective staff of Gainax and somehow force them to "give back" the hours I'd wasted watching Eva.
  7. Didn't Eienstien have some theorem about time and space being related to A1's sex appeal? Or was it Hawking?
  8. Interesting. The Big Red One had been a childhood favorite of mine, but looking at it with grown-up eyes it has lost much of its appeal, partially due to the miniscule budget it was shot on. I'll definietly check out this restored version, although I'd have preferred to see this 4 1/2 hour version instead.
  9. It looks pretty good, but I wish they'd put that much effort into giving us a Knives figure. Or even a Legato figure. Oh well....
  10. I considered that, but there's too much evidence to the contrary. All I know is that if you just google "Star Wars" and "Close the balst doors" you'll find all kinds of articles and message board topics discussing this very thing. Some folks remember it, others deny it ever existed until the'97 SE's. Apparently it even appeared in some '93 special about Lucas and SW. There was undenaibly at least three different mixes of ANH back in '77. That much is documented fact. Whether or not the "blast doors" line along with threepio's additional lines about the tractor beam were there to begin with, only Ben Burtt knows for certain.
  11. Whichever take it originally came from, it was the same mix used to create my "Story of Star Wars" LP, which has been in my posession since 1977. *shrugs*
  12. No, I think the Agent man is right. When the guys that run He-Man.org repeat the story, I think it's likely accepted as fact. Edit: when I woke up this morning, I never for second imagined that I'd be looking up He-Man.org. Well, here I am now posting that crap. Who knew?
  13. Erm....those bits were always there. I know we've discussed this before on MW, but the tractor beam dialog as well as the "Close the blast door" have been around since 1977, but only in certain audio mixes (I belive they're from the 70mm prints). The reason so many people don't remember them is that they were not used in the mixes for the old HVS tapes we watched thru the 80's and 90's. from davisdvd.com, regarding the 1985 VHS release, which most of us have probably owned at one point or another and the "Definitive" Laser Disc collection that so many seem to hold up as the "original" verison of the trilogy
  14. Thanks for the pics, Jinnai! Those things look great. I like the blue they're using on the VF-0D. Much better than the "Max" blue we're used to, anyway.
  15. Hey, it looks like Bandai is returing, however briefly, to 0080! Looky!
  16. Maybe Vol 2 hasn't been released domestically yet. I found THIS listing on Amazon.ca, and it cites an Oct 5 release date. I have no idea who this "C.B.S." is though. I'll have to recheck my copy of #1.
  17. Really? So it's just my local Best Buys that suck? Surprise, surprise.
  18. Oh noes!!!!!! Mel Brooks raped my childhood!!!! Anyway, this is a bad idea for the sole reason that Mel Brooks hasn't been even remotely funny in over a decade. Did anybody actually see Dracula: Dead And Loving It? I've had funnier root canals than that film.
  19. Lost seems prety good. I'll at least watch a few more episodes, unless it suddenly turns to a big, gooey ball of suck. And is it just me, or does the doctor guy from the pilot look disturbingly like Adam Sandler. I kept expecting him to break out the silly childish voice, or start shouting at somebody. And they're obviously on the Island of Dr Moreau, silly.
  20. Don't waste your time with Canadian Best Buys, Mr March. They only seem to get the big, high profile releases on their street dates. Other titles, particularly anime, seem to only show up a few weeks later. I'm still waiting for them to get THX-1138 in stock.
  21. I'd be curious to see this too, if a fansub and/or bootleg ever turn up.
  22. Only the dialog in the Vader/Emperor scene in ESB has changed. Everything else comes from the 97 SE's.
  23. oh man, that sucks.
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