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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. No, that was my favorite song. Please tell me you stayed for the end of the credits, A7.
  2. You are worfress, Arec Baldwin.
  3. And to all of you who went to see AvP simply to "support the franchise sos they'd make Alien 5," you got your wish. I hope you're all satisfied with the results. And if I ever see any of you AvP supporters, I swear I'm going to punch you right in the clitoris.
  4. Does this "Alien 6" count AvP as Alien 5, becuase otherwise they seem to have skipped a film. and in other news.... Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. I think most members here would be thrilled if we merely got one of those "Macross" skins for the forums up and running. If Shawn doesn't have time or the interest in doing one, I say let some of the other members have a crack at it. We've had the generic Invision skin for how long now?
  6. Spottswoode: We were attacked by a giant Socialist weasel.
  7. Maybe we're all looking at this from the wrong perspective. Perhaps this movie will wind up being one of the all-time best camp movies, so unbelievably bad that we'll watch it again and again with our friends and lots of alcohol.
  8. Bandai can feel free to release ZZ Gundam to their hearts content, but they won't get my money. Watching ZZ once was more than enough for me, and I'm certainly not buying another 50+ episode series only for the 10-12 episodes that didn't make me want to puke blood.
  9. That's hillarious! But otherwise, Super Ostrich could just be a silly nickname. Lots of aircraft (not to mention other military vehicles) have had nicknames that were not only silly, but downright obtuse.
  10. Not really, since those are both VF-0Ds. You really don't get it, do you? Your complaint was that Shin got a Valk that was somehow "unique" becuase he was the hero of the show. Those screengrabs show many other VF-0D's, showing that Shin's valk is completely run-of-the-mill. Cory Holmes = owned
  11. So....beautifull.
  12. No, you see.....when Rick Hunter gets a VF-1J, that's ok. But when Hikaru Ichijo gets a VF-1J that's a problem.
  13. Your honor, I move that those screengrabs be stricken from the record, as they totally undercut CoryHolmes' "VF-0D" argument.
  14. Maybe we're just tired of half-assed games being foisted on us anime fans, Robotech or otherwise. I don't think we're too harsh, but rather that you're far too forgiving of crappy games "just because there's nothing else."
  15. America......America....F*CK YEAH!!! So who went to see TA last night? I think those songs were quite possibly funnier than most of the soundtrack from South Park: Bigge Longer & Uncut.
  16. Ah, there's one or two that would be suitable even for you.
  17. The first two Samurai Shodown acrade games. Man, I could spend hours playing those, even today.
  18. Come on, if you can cream your pants over a transforming Invid mecha, surely you can tolerate these drones.
  19. True, but neither did ESB have a space battle. "Oh sure" you cry, "but it had an asteroid chase." And so did AOTC, which also featured a land battle much larger than the little skirmish on Hoth.
  20. I thought this was supposed to be a "Major TV Series"....?
  21. Why, oh why now of all times?! Just when I can't spare the $15 USD to buy any of those sets!!
  22. Pole Position rawked the hizzouse. And need I mention Galaxy Rangers? Another lost gem of the 80's.
  23. Interesting. I had always assumed Saber Rider was edited for content, but I never dreamed that there'd be new animation.
  24. I now leave you kids to contine complaining about "raped" childhoods and other such melodrama. I'm sure this thread will be up to page 10 by the time I get back.
  25. It's looking more and more like the "banner" is teh fake. Somebody cribbed the hallway from this picture (which is actually the Death Star, not a Star Destroyer, thank you TFN) and modded an Anakin pic from Hyperspace
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