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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Oh, and get this: Today I read that you will need an internet connection to install and possibly to play HL2. Something to do with Steam authenticating your CD key (or whatever technology they're using). I presume this is an anti piracy measure.
  2. I found this on HalfLife2.net.... Minimum Requirements 1.2 GHz Processor 256MB RAM DirectX 7 level graphics card Windows 2000/XP/ME/98 Recommended System 2.4 GHz Processor 512MB RAM DirectX 9 level graphics card Windows 2000/XP
  3. SDF-4? They can't even agree what the SDF-3 looked like and they're designing an SDF-4?
  4. Not me. My current rig was expressly built with HL2 in mind. Oh, and Far Cry.
  5. Wrong, wrong, wrong. You see, the wars of tomorrow will be fought by the kids of today. What you see as Shin's "arrogance" is actually a weary cynicism at his teammates disinterest in teamwork, objectives and even tactics. Haven't you ever played Counterstrike? Being from Japan, Shin merely wanted to show her his skills in Kendo. Or have you ever considered that, after his embarassment on the island, Shin was trying to woo her with that 'stick?" Roy is a camping whore. He's lucky nobody TK'd him sooner. He flew around in circles underwater pretty well. And again, Roy is a kill stealing bitch whose only concern is his score. gg, Roy And you think its easy to fly a log? Let's see you try it.
  6. Don't listen to EXO. He's just a bitter Edgar fanboy.
  7. To get this topic lurching clumsily back onto track, was there not some early preproduction art of the GBP-1 in Memory Perfect that showed it lumbering on foot?
  8. Any guestimates as to how long it will take our friendly neighborhood fansubbers to work their magic?
  9. Hentai deleted from Macross World? Who woulda thunk it?
  10. Conan...? Whoa there, be careful where you mention Conan. Before you know it, we'll wind up with Paul Andersuck writing and directing King Conan.
  11. Hey, if I were gay... It's like being in prison. You attach yourself to the biggest, baddest guy who runs the joint. You don't want to be just anybody's bitch.
  12. They're neat and everything, but I'd seriously be afraid of sneezing and losing half my collection.
  13. tsk tsk..."obtuse?" Lowering youself to our "level" are we? I thought that you were above insults. Oh, I know...just to sound more condescending I'll sprinkle my post with words like "sir" and the like. Man, I love the internet. And there's nothing wrong with being attracted to AgentONE's manliness.
  14. Sure thing, sparky. Right after you look up "dead horse."
  15. This from the guy with "Lucas raped my childhood" in his sig? Class, thy name is Majestic. How anybody can seriously compare a movie they didn't like to something as vile as rape, I'll never comprehend.
  16. Wow......just.....wow. I am speechless.
  17. Nov 16 is the day you may want to...call in sick?
  18. Nice graphs. Now I remember why I went into the technical trades. I get to write snooty emails about people like you all day!
  19. Hey, don't blame me! I did my part and didn't go to AvP!! How many here can say the same thing?
  20. Yep, AvP opened big, then sank like a stone. However, there's only two figures that the studios care about these days: $38,291,056 - Opening weekend (mainly for bragging rights, it seems) $103,873,228 - worldwide box office Weighed against the $60 mil budget, plus another estimated $35 mil advertising, AvP is a "hit," however marginal its profit might actually be in the real world. Hence Anderscum gets to gleefully ply his uberhack talents on the franchise some more.
  21. Well, about a year and a half ago, both Ridley Scott and James Cameron were publically talking about doing Alien 5....together. Now....well, it seems that ship has sailed.
  22. Why do you want to turn these turtles into mutant ninja killing machines?
  23. From IGN.com After all the rumors, I'm skeptically hopeful, but it could finally be true. Better still, HL2 will actually beat Duke Nukem Forever to store shelves!
  24. Hmm....could be interesting. I hope it isn't as overhyped as Hero was. That one was quite a disappointment.
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