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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Sadly, there still would have been fans who bought them, excusing it by muttering "Maybe if I buy these, Toynami will make an MPC Cyclone."
  2. Oh most certainly. The producers of Superman III and IV probably spent their weekends teasing cancer patients in the childrens hospital, and finished the day off by suckerpunching a nun or two.
  3. The first peson who talkes smack about the first two Superman movies will get a kick in the mommy-daddy parts from me.
  4. Not really surprising, but you can't compare Bruck's influence on somebody like Ridley Scott to one of his music video hacks like, say...Simon West.
  5. Anyone here remember the lyrics to "Pearl Harbor Sucks" from Team America? PEARL HARBOR Pearl Harbor I miss you more than Michael Bay missed the mark when he made Pearl Harbor. I miss you more than that movie missed the point and that's a lot girl. And now, now you've gone away and all I'm trying to say is Pearl Harbor sucked and I miss you. I need you like Ben Affleck needs acting school. He was terrible in that film. I need you more than Cuba Gooding needed a bigger part. He's way better than Ben Affleck and now, all I'm trying to say is Pearl Harbor sucked and I miss you. Why does Michael Bay get to keep on making movies. I guess Pearl Harbor sucked just a little bit more than I miss you.
  6. Hmmm....there's a lot of crap in that list, but I think you could seperate them into sub categories. How can you compare something like the 1992 Captain America (a piece of low budget Z-Grade trash) to a big budget mega-bomb like Batman & Robin, possibly the most openly gay action movie to date? I guess it's all crap no matter how you look at it, but I just wanted to make that distinction.
  7. I love warbirds, but I'm not entirely clear on what the point of this thread is. Are we supposed to discuss this stuff?
  8. FYI, Jerry Bruckheimer doesn't direct movies, he just produces 'em. Black Hawk Down was a Ridley Scott film, through and through, so any comments about "trademarks" should be addressed to him. Now Michael Bay on the other hand.....
  9. Half Life 2 banned in Australia?
  10. Ugh....and here I had been hoping that the lack of news we'd heard about this project indicated that it was dead, or at least stuck in development hell. And why remake Akira in the first place? If Otomo was really serious, he'd look into adapting his entire manga as some sort of 10-13 episode miniseries. Doing that would at least make a remake worthwhile.
  11. Best analysis of the show I've seen yet.
  12. Wow, that's some unassailable logic there.
  13. Cool. I haven't decided if I want to buy the retail version or just download it yet. I still have a couple of weeks to decide, so there's no real rush.
  14. Cory, in your zeal to defend any and all things Robotech, you've finally veered into the realm of the absurd.
  15. Buying HL2 thru Steam, are we Max? What package did you get?
  16. Un-effing-believable. I take back everything I've ever said about McMahon being a smart businessman.
  17. With Singer at the helm, I'll give it a chance.
  18. I'm leaning towards "yes." To me, the style just reeks of Tommy Yune. Not that Tommy Yune reeks or anything. I've never met him, but I'm sure he bathes at fairly regular intervals.
  19. Aw man, way to spoil my fantasy of a Diaclone World forum, where our eerie Trannie dopplegangers ceaslessly debate the merits of Diaclone and Microman versus Transformers.
  20. I'm sure that somewhere in the deep recesses of the internet, there's a site called DiacloneWorld where purists discuss all things Diaclone and how Hasbro "raped" their franchise to make TF. I say we make it our mission to find them. I don't know why, but it just feels like the right thing to do.
  21. Well f*ck you and the white horse you thought you rode in on...... Ouch! While his phrasing may not be the most tactful, AgentONE does have a point. Southern Cross was arguably the least popular segment f Robotech, back in '85 and today.
  22. Maybe that's why your grades are soo lousy, mister!
  23. Ah, well IF I had seen RT in the last 15 years I might have remembered that. Either way, that's not a new ship.
  24. Ok, I'll bite. How "new" is new? Is this translation substantially different from what we're accustomed to?
  25. That's just an Izumo. They show up in the last couple of episodes of Mospeada. http://members.optusnet.com.au/~cyc01/sfbb-90.htm
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