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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Yeah, I know exactly where that report came from. But if you had been playing along at home, you'd have read the full unabridged version, not AICN's usual muckracking. Bold added for the comprehension impared. And just in case you missed it, here it is again... In other words, it was likely an animatics gag, just like the two prequels before it had.
  2. Awesome. I knew that translator would come in handy today.
  3. Only if he tosses a dwarf first. Or a Jawa, perhaps.
  4. And for those who want a ridiculously large version of that image, go HERE
  5. I think he was trying to post this:
  6. Hile Gunslingers! Ok, better late then never, but after several late nights I finally finished The Dark Tower, do it please ya. Although I had some gripes with the book, it definitely ranks as one of my favorites of the series. Instead of gushing about all the cool stuff that I did like (and there was a lot of it) I'll just touch on the couple of things that didn't work for me. 1 - Mordred. Aside from giving Flagg a fitting end, I'm not quite sure what his point was. Sure, he ties in with the Arthurian aspects of Rolands quest (like the name didn't give it away) but otherwise he had little impact on the story, aside from killing Oy. 2 - The Crimson King I dunno...after first reading about him in Insomnia, I was expecting more. Then again, King seems to have directly told us to disregard Insomnia, so perhaps he's rethought the character somewhat. This is also the part where I sheepishly admit that I still haven't read The Black House, so I'm sure there's a piece of the puzzle I'm missing. Otherwise I loved it, particularly the ending. Eddie, Jake and Susannah (and perhaps Oy) get a happy ending, or as King warns us, at least as happy an ending as any of us gets. Roland....well Roland also gets what he deserves after a fashion. It was great to see the bit with the Horn of Eld from the revised Gunslinger pay off. If you haven't read the Revised Edition, do so! I love how King gives us the chance to stop reading. We can "Cry off the tower" just as Roland should have. But of course, by that point, its too late for us and we read on. But the addition of the original poem at the end seals it for me. IMHO, Roland does meet an ending, if not this time through then one of the next. If anybody cries boo-hoo-hoo about the "Loop Ending" then they obviously skipped the "boring poem poo."
  7. Wow! I need.....NEED...that SV-51!
  8. Even if they do a R1 release of this, will Bandai bother to remix the English track as well, or just dump the older version onto a disc with the Japanese 5.1?
  9. Apparently this story been circulating for a couple of years now. http://urbanlegends.about.com/library/bl-grizzlybear5.htm Not really a hoax, but definitely a tale that's grown taller in the telling. That's still one helluva bear, though. Do YOU have a .338 Win Mag? I know I sure as heck don't.
  10. Is the video in that link working for anybody? I can't get it to run.
  11. Didja try reading the article? T'ain't no child nor midget.
  12. Not to mention divisive. From what little I've gleaned from these topics, most of the current crop of RT material is being based on the notions of continuity put forth by one particular "faction," who i suppose has the ear of Yune & Co at HG. However, there's other groups who disagree, or at least grudginly accept whatever is being currently accepted as fact. Needless to say, whatever HG decideds to produce next year, it will have a hard time pleasing all of its fanbase.
  13. I'm not arguing for or against any of the ship designs. I just wanted to point out that Cory's premise was flawed. But his argument was more than likely a backhanded critique on Macross Zero anyway, which I'm sure in his eyes is an example of "flawed" continuity and needless retcons.
  14. It's quite simple, really. You believe that a new series should "maintain continuity" with the original's visuals. You then used an analogy to westerns. However, what you didn't consider is that many (if not most) of the westerns from the classic period of Hollywood westerns actually had weaponry that was either anacronistic or outright wrong for the period, not to mention clothing that was wholely invented by the costume department with little grounding in reality. So to bring this analogy full circle, if you apply this to Robotech you'd see that things like the "rocket nozzles" on the orignal ships were, and still are, outlandish and silly. Which, I believe, was ComiKaze's point to begin with. Ie, there's nothing even remotely "period correct" about Robotech in its original form, or the sequel. Those rocket nozzles are your proverbial "MP5 in period styling."
  15. What about the old westerns that actually DID use guns and clothing that was incorrect for the period? Should modern westerns emulate that too?
  16. Really? Any links?
  17. 1960s technology Pfft....those cones are clearly ripped from the Imperial Star Destroyer...
  18. LOl. I'm sure that's worthy of being on the front page of a certain other web site.
  19. This topic is just silly. When a VF-0 and a VF-1 appear in the same frame of animation, then you can compare their how their performance "looks." Judging one against the other on the sole basis of animation seperated by more than 20 years is assinine, particularly when some of that animation was AnimeFriend. Personally, I always loved the AnimeFriend bits where a valk appeared to jump around in frame, or even change colors. Are we going to attribute that to the VF-1's performance too?
  20. True enough. I *am* dying to finally see Source in action. Thankfully (or not) I'm tied up for the next week or so due to moving. That means I get to procrastinate for another week before making a decision which version to get! And I do like gravy.....
  21. Owwie! Even with the stronger Canuck dollar, that's an tough (expensive) pill to swallow. Have you seen any Canadian pricing for the "Collectors Edition" Retail version yet? All I can find online is the plain-ass version.
  22. Bleh....I hate, hate, HATE Counterstrike. I'm sure it wouldn't be so bad with the new engine, assuming all the old hacks can't carry over to Source. But the gameplay itself...ick. From what I understand, this is just the same old Counterstrike with minimal changes. More disappointing is what I've read about the forthcoming Day Of Defeat: Source. Those games were good for their times, but neither of them seem to offer anything new gameplay-wise. Day of Defeat will have to something really special to compete, now that games like Call of Duty: United Offensive have moved beyond DoD's style of gameplay. I don't want to pay for DoD just to play on a remade, prettier version of the venerable Caen map.
  23. Further clarification on that whole "Steam authentication" thing. It seems this is an installation-only requirement.
  24. Already been posted, dude.
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