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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Has anybody found any torrents of this show? I need to check it out!
  2. You mention Goldfinger and Revolutions in the same post? Man, which side are you even on?
  3. It is a trilogy. Other actors may show up as different characters, but it's a trilogy regardless. Leone was just one of those directors who liked to reuse actors. In fact, Eastwood did the same thing for decades. Dirty Harry's cop buddy in Sudden Impact was the very same "punk" he asked how lucky he felt in the original Dirty Harry.
  4. The Good, The Bad & The Ugly.
  5. So am I the only one who was actually bored thru the second half of that film? Clint is going to pretend you didn't just say that.
  6. That wasn't the message of the frist movie.
  7. No, the one you linked to only has the older single disc edition of GBU. I'd buy the 2-disc version of GBU if I were you. AS for the other two Dollar films, there's no current word of special editions for either of them at the moment. You might as well pick up the other two movies right now. Even if a better edition comes out, the current ones are less than $10 so you're not really out that much money.
  8. Oh God....bite your tongue! Hollywood just might hear you.
  9. Steam can be a bit of a pain, but it does serve some vital functions as well. The instant updates are usefull, especially if you're playing anything online. There's nothing worse than trying to get into a game only to find you're not running the current version. But more than that, they can move away from different "versions" of games, and instead simply issue little fixes as they are made. And while its apparently slowing some of you down (I registered my HL2 with no problems or delays) I do have to applaud Valve for trying to combat piracy. I'm sure that somebody will eventually crack the game but this shows that they're at least trying to stop it. And I happen to like my "Lookit me! I'm a DORK!" shirt.
  10. High Planes Drifter is one of my favorite movies, ranking just below the Leone films. It's just such an unapologetically brutal movie, and the quasi-supernatural aspect is something pretty unique where westerns are concerned. I think its one of the greatest "revenge" movies ever. The 2-disc Good, Bad, Ugly set is one of my most treasured DVDs. The added footage was already available in the earlier single disc edition, but it wasn't re-edited into the movie as it is here. The documentaries are all interesting, and it's especially nice to see both Clint Eastwood and Eli Wallach giving their thoughts on the picture. The only negative I can think of is the audio commentary by film historian Richard Shickel. It's an informative track, but its not the most engaging to listen to.
  11. Monsters in Motion has a 1/6 scale resiin statue of Blondie, complete with the colt Navy that he uses in GBA. I highly recommend it.
  12. Apparently, "Manco" loses something in the translation. What it supposedly means in Italian is something akin to "maimed." If you watch For a Few Dollars More carefully, you'll notice that Eastwood does everything left handed in that movie. Everything, that is, but shoot. That task is what his right hand is reserved for. "Manco," or one-handed, is like calling Eastwood's character "Lefty."
  13. I too got the collectors edition, but I haven't had a chance to fire up Half Life: Source yet. Maybe tonight I'll delve into it.
  14. I don't think that the Mouse House has the creative juice to pull this one off on their own. Although CGI is without a doubt the "flavor of the month" with audiences, Pixars films succeed so well because they are fundamentally good movies. The Incredibles could have been traditional hand drawn animation and it still would have been an excellent movie. But as JsARC pointed out, the suits who make the decisions can't or won't see that. All they know is that 3D > 2D in terms of box office returns. Hence the closure of their 2D studios. Too bad it never dawned on them that the reason that their 2D offerings have done so poorly because they're just not very good.
  15. Yes! I saw that. A story about a little German boy named Hans who eventually turns into a Nazi War soldier and dies. There is actually a whole collection of that type of disturbing propaganda Disney has an it is available on DVD somewhere. Phil who's one of out ex-Disney guys showed them to us. That was Disney alright. Oh yeah, the Donald Duck one was hilarious. Those and a couple like it are on the Disney Goes To War DVDs, which came out last spring. It's a collection of shorts from the war years, with a couple of Disney produced training films thrown in for good measure. A definite "must" for any animation enthusiast.
  16. Wake up, Mr Freeman. Wake up and smell the ashes.
  17. In German, no less! God only knows how strange a magazine like that would be.
  18. Yup. In fact, they may have only died out as recently as 12,000 years ago, which is pretty darn recent for any human relatives. But they were also a strange mix of features, some of which were fairly primitive. I'll be curious to see how scientists fit them into the evolutionary tree.
  19. In a perfect world, that airbrake would be an ideal candidate for a photo-etched part.
  20. Aw, I'm not trying to rain on their parade. I guess I'm just with Max on this one. I don't "get" what the big deal is.
  21. I'm not suggesting that HALO isn't a good, fun game. What I'm saying is that in spite of all the H Y P E, it's not the second coming of video games. But that seems to get lost in all the media blitz and fanboy raving (not that there has been any of that here on MW). Is HALO and its sequel a a good game? Yes. Is HALO the revolutionary, OMGorz!!111 pwnage? No.
  22. Pfft....it's spelled "Oompa Loompa", you stupid newbie! Spell check before you post!
  23. Didn't they already do that? Something called "Return to Oz?" AFAIK, that was supposedly much closer to the books tone.
  24. Meh....you people should just ditch your silly consoles already. Us PC gamers have been playing HALO-esque games for years. AI teammates? Vehicles? Online deathmatches? OMFG!!!111!!1
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