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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Hmmm.... I'm not sure what to think. On one hand, it's a bad idea for Hollyweird to adapt anything anime or video game related (see: Akira) but on the other hand, I won't deny the appeal of seeing Zakus and the White Base in live action (well at least as "live" as CGI can make them, anyway). Lets just pray that they don't attempt to reinvent the wheel with this one. Mobile Suit Gundam still works today because of its characters and its story. Please don't feel the need to mess around with them. It's not necessary.
  2. Then you must really be envious of these guys. The only PPSh I've ever handled was a dewat.
  3. Yeah, if they do go with a caliber convertible weapon system, it will be so that troops in places like Iraq don't have to carry two rifles like these guys.
  4. No Basara is just annoying... well... because he's annoying. And I do understand his motives. Doesn't change the fact (yes fact) he's a tool and a loser lol Haven't you been following along? To understand Basara is to love Basara. Hence, since you do not love Basara you clearly do not understand Basara. Or something like that.
  5. What was wrong with the villain's motivation?
  6. The opening for Stand Alone Complex 2nd Gig is pretty snazzy, and I'm really digging the theme (which considering that I'm anti-Jpop is something).
  7. Rise! Is the XM-8 program dead, or at least on life support? Possibly so. I've seen several posts about this out there on the interweb. There was supposedly some army solicitation to manufacturers for a new rifle. Also, a new program called the SCAR (Special Operations Forces Compact Assault Rifle) seems to have come out of nowhere and been awarded to FN. http://www.strategypage.com//fyeo/howtomak...rget=HTWEAP.HTM In other news, congress still won't approve funding for the M41A Pulse Rifle.
  8. 'Bout time! Now I just need to kill another 2 1/2 hours before I can go home and get it.
  9. Awesome! Or at least....it would be, if I hadn't already posted that very image (and the one following it) on the previous page when I bumped this thread.
  10. Whoops, I missed one.
  11. Star Wars...in book form!
  12. Why do you say that? Have you heard any official news that FM has lost their SW licence or something? Just conjecture, really. With their first 4 kits, they were fairly even spaced apart, and announced well in advance. But since all the delays with Slave 1 and its eventual release, we haven't heard anything from Fine Molds at all. Hopefully they're just taking a breather on the Star Wars kits (they're still a fairly small company) before Revenge hits.
  13. So what was the theme song for Tour of Duty in its initial season? It's been far too long for me to remember, and I don't want to rely on memories of syndicted reruns.
  14. If Kawamori wanted to redo the original series....hell, I'd watch it. And you all know that you would too.
  15. And just a final note; There's at least two more kits that have not been named yet. Hopefully one of them will be the Republic Gunship, which apparently will be seen again in Sith.
  16. And sharp eyed viewers will recognize this beheamoth as the deleted Tank droid from AOTC. It would seem he's been rescued from the cuttign room floor and given a new lease on life.
  17. Since they're all over the net, I'll just repost 'em here for all to enjoy. BTW, I think these aren't actual pics of the models, but are actually renders (probably of the ILM digital models).
  18. What was removed/changed on the Ren & Stimpy DVDs? I thought they restored the censored footage. http://dvd.ign.com/articles/555/555229p1.html?fromint=1 Disappointing too. I was looking forward to seeing those episodes again.
  19. It is tiny, but the hyperdrive ring kind of makes up for it. But you might as well buy it, since it looks like there isn't going to be anymore FM Star Wars model in the forseeable future. However, artwork for Ertl's new Revenge of the Sith kits has leaked onto the net! Can you say "New Jedi Starfighter?"
  20. Great stuff, Mechleader. You need a FM Slave 1 for your collection!
  21. Quick...somebody put some TV clown hands on that Valk! Those itsy bitsy little appendages nearly disappear under the GBP-1 armor.
  22. Isn't that standard Lucas Procedure these days? That seems to be the standard operating procedure for nearly any TV release these days. Remember not long ago when somebody here was complaining that his Alf DVDs were cut? And the aforementioned Tour of Duty? Add Ren & Stimpy to that list too.
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