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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. I wouldn't waste my time with the Zero bootlegs. The ones I've seen all had horrible Engrish subtitles, to the point that it was difficult to understand what they were even talking about at some points. I'm just going to burn all five episodes (fansubbed) onto one disc, along with the OST and whatever other goodies I can find.
  2. So long as there are no edits to the actual episodes, I'd say you should keep your order. Zeta Gundam holds its place as one of the anime greats for more than its theme music.
  3. Not to mention they're all titles that have been released domestically. But hey. I'm sure the advertisers liked the list.
  4. D'oh! I wish I hadn't clicked on that link. SMT is discontinuing their Aliens Dropship, and I'm not sure if I have the cash to get one before its too late.
  5. Dude! Your 1/1 Seburo just got that much closer to reality!
  6. If anything, I think the puzzles in HL2 are some of the easiest I've played. Why? Because they're all based on real-world physics, and not on hunting for stupid keycards or making a sequence of increasingly difficult jumps. Instead, you're allowed to think your way through them as you would in real life, ie pushing something out of the way, dropping something off of a balcony, etc. And I still like my dorky HL2 shirt.
  7. Cool, thanks for the update Noriko. I love how the front page is a reimagining of a classic Shorow image.
  8. You can't go wrong with Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex. Also, while it only touches on SF, Fullmetal Alchemist is one of the best anime in years.
  9. Wow, way to suck all the fun out of the joke. Maybe you should drop by my place the next time I'm watching Scrubs, so you can point out all sorts of medical inaccuracies. Campbell or Volger, it doesn't really change what I'm trying to tell Cory, does it?
  10. Umm.....do you watch much anime? Amuro seemed pretty "special." What about the crew from Gatchaman? And this isn't even something confined to anime, either. I could form some kind of argument that would cite Joseph Campbell, but the only way you would buy it would be if it came from the Robotech.com Encyclopedia.
  11. It looks like the publicity photos are beginning to trickle out..
  12. Not to sound overwhelmingly negative, but isn't this exactly what HG has been telling fans since the Alpha was announced? I mean literally, word for word, the exact same thing.
  13. I knew you would say that! That's funny, I was betting on "Bomba!" *hands AgentONE $5 *
  14. As an aside, does anybody make repro stickers for GI Joe? I just got all my old toys from my parent's place, and it would be neat to clean up the old Sky Striker.
  15. Ok, that's just assinine. We had toys like that when we were kids. They were called "Tonka." But to expect all airplane toys (and why ONLY airplane toys?) to survive that? Good lord, people are stupid these days.
  16. Half Life 2.....DEATHMATCH!!! http://www.steampowered.com/index.php?area=news damn....nearly 10 more hours until I can try it out. I can't wait to use the gravity gun to bust a cinderblock on somebody's noggin.
  17. Tell you what. I'll sell you mine for a.....reasonable price. Muh-hah-hah-hah-hah-hah-haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  18. It's never too early to start bitching on Macross World! Now go sign my "YAmato: Make Give The GBP-1 Clown Hands" petition. If we get the petition to Yamato, they will be legally and morally obligated to bow to our demands.
  19. I don't think a rifle can be classed as such unless it is chambered in a caliber no less than .30 Kidding aside, forget the varmit rifle and get yourself a real MBR.
  20. And the Norinco M311?
  21. LoL! You may be a nerd, but you're our kind if nerd. Great stuff!
  22. I'm already not satisfied with the color Yamato has chosen to mold the grey parts in. Come on, Yamato. Listen to your consumers for once!
  23. Is this the thread where I can pre-bitch about the 1/48 GBP? I don't want to wait, and have to stand in line to bitch about it later.
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