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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Again...you're just pretending you didn't see those pictures of her from Closer? She may have some issues as an actress, but her body isn't one of them. Especially now that she's not a scrawny little teenager anymore.
  2. Oh, my God! I just gagged and vomited at the same time. I gavomited.
  3. You can say that all you like, but I've seen that clip and that is indeed Natalie Portman.
  4. Umm dude...that's no 12 year old.
  5. And yet some people still cling to the belief that there will someday be an MPC Beta.
  6. And you're basing this on.......?
  7. As I see it, the biggest obstacle is file sharing in general, which the entire industry has no clue how to stop. For every Kazaa that gets shut down, a new better Bit Torrent shows up to replace it. And if huge companies like 20th Century Fox can't prevent movies like Aliens Versus Predator from showing up on torrent sites weeks before the DVD release, itty bitty Media Factory has no chance whatsoever. Maybe someday they'll end file sharing, but I don't think it will be any time soon. I'm currently knee deep in the Anime News Network thread on the same topic, with similar results. That's just t3h lnt4rw3b, I guess. *sigh*
  8. All this will do is drive fansubs deeper underground. A perfect example is the Appleseed movie, whichI watch the weekend before last. First a rip of the DVD showed up on the torrent sites, then days later a timed sub script appeared. Combine the two with the appropriate player and bingo! Fansubbed anime, just like we've always been watching.
  9. Heh....yeah, well I figured the image of a handless Dooku was too cool to sit on. But you're right, I'm sure its only a matter of time before the usual Bitch Brigade shows up to complain about the 18753th pixel from the left, or just a general prequel rant.
  10. Awesome! This saves me the trouble of pointing this out.
  11. Look for my feature length adaptation of Castle Wolfenstien in 2006. It's a hillarious rom-com set on a tropical resort island with a cast of trained poodles in the lead roles. And if that doesn't get your asses in the theater seats, then you'll be thrilled to learn that I've secured none other than Andy Dick to provide the voice of BJ Blazkowitz!!
  12. Where are these people now? Oh, that's right. It's December and the movie has come and gone. And sucked, we can't forget that. /waits for somebody to show up and defend the lameness that was AvP
  13. I'll be there opening night. Spielberg doing SF again? How can any self respecting genre geek refuse? I really get a sort of anti-Close Encounters vibe from that shot of the sleepy suburbanites gawking at the firey sky.
  14. Stand Alone Complex, is by far my favorite of the two. It's not only closer to the feel of the manga (remember when Shirow had a sense of humor?) but the story is so much better, in terms of the individual episodes and the overall arc. BTW, Stand Alone Complex is actually 26 episodes with an additional 26 in the second season known as "2nd Gig." Blame Dark Horse...or is it Studio Proteus we're mad at. I can't remember.
  15. Holy Christ..you didn't use the phrase "photrealistic" but you were certainly critical of the textures. Which is why I pointed out that they were going for an "anime" look, as opposed to a Final Fantasy approach. Had Appleseed been cel animated, do you thing the textures would have been any more detailed??
  16. But you see..I don't think the animators were trying to atempt photorealism in Appleseed, though. While they were definitely puttling a lot of detail into it, they still wanted to maintain some resemblence to anime. Hence the cartoony shadowing, so-so textures and spikey, billowy toon-hair. I actually liked the hair, in fact. However, when you mention the faces that's where we definitely agree. I wasn't too fond of the "lip flap", or rather the lack of it at some points. Judging from the DVD extras that I downloaded last night they seem to have tried at least some facial mo-cap, but I'm not entirely convinced that is the best route for this style. Let's face it; anime characters have some funky, impossible facial anatomy and I think that might have been better represented by an animator handling the lip synch.
  17. Farnsworth: Who are those horrible orange creatures over there? Glermo: Why those are the Grunka Lunkas! They work here in the Slurm factory. Farnsworth: Tell them I hate them.
  18. Hey, I have a wacky idea. Let's take everything that made "Doom" Doom, and remove it. Then we'll add in all sort of "first person" shots, and crappy sfx (yes I'm declaring them crappy already) and chill until the summer of 2005. Serves 10-15 million at the BO.
  19. *sigh* Oh noes... my childhood... damn you Luca$... Look at me, would everybody please look at me... etc.
  20. To be fair, it's also a fairly expensive project too. I'm sure it will live up to SMT's name quality wise, but when you get into the $170 price range you're going to lose the casual modeler who won't or can't spend that on a single kit.
  21. Oh come now...Innocence was overrated, pretentious drivel. Animation-wise, it may have something over Appleseed (depending on your taste) but in terms of pure watchability it ranks down there with industrial instructional films from the 1960's. And while it may not have had the greatest, most original plot in cinematic history, at least it had one. Innocence was 2 hours of literary quotation and philosophical wankery. I'm not sure why you didn't understand the ending. It does differ from the manga, but it's not exactly EVA. And "plastic"....the new derogatory term for anything CG, I take it. If I was going to complain about the characters, the cel shading would be way down the list. The soundtrack was grating, however. It did absolutely nothing for the action scenes, and possibly even hurt them.
  22. It is exactly what you've said it is. Stand Alone Complex is a TV series, seperate from both the manga and the two Oshii films. It also happens to be the best thing since sliced bread. Its highly recommended viewing. The movie is a sequel to the first Ghost in the Shell film. The manga, films and TV series are related only in name, and should be treated as seperate entities. Even the characters themselves differ somewhat in the various incarnations. I believe its scheduled for next spring. Your best bet is to check Dark Horse's site for the exact date.
  23. If this list is supposed to be based on the "Best DVD releases," why is Robotech even on there? The first discs were crappy, cheapo transfers that were far inferior to the Macross and Mospeada releases.
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