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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. You'd think so, but there's also fans who still have difficulty accepting that Stromtroopers are clones.
  2. And aside from Athena, who else did Deunan know from her childhood? I don't recall seeing Hitomi in the flashback, nor Yoshi, nor Nike. And even if she did remember her mom giving her the Appleseed, I doubt little 8 year old Deunan had any concept of its significance and what it would do. And there was no "tank" in the manga. In fact, the purpose of Gaia's whole spider platform rampage was inverted in the movie. In the manga, the council (those wrinkly old men) decided that we humans were essentially too big of a threat to ourselves, and wanted to turn humanity into emotionally stable bioroids. Gaia in turn decided this was a "threat" to the very humans that bioroids were supposed to protect and used the gun platforms to attack Tartarus. As for the gun platforms attacking the tank at point blank range, remember that the Tartarus arcology was several times higher than the gun platform, thus sheilding the tank from direct fire from the platform's vulcan and triple-A cannons. The gun platforms may have been able to attack with indirect fire of some kind, but within city limits the ranges would have been far too close. Finally, the fact that the tank was shielded by Tartarus itself should speak for itself. The gun platforms can't incur damage directly to the Tartarus arcology, so they simply climbed it to directly attack the tank. Whats the big deal with that? I'll take this version of Shirow's work over Oshii any day of the week. "Hey, anybody want to discuss Milton?"
  3. More Miniatures!
  4. Are you speaking from recent experience, or are you going from memory? I ask because I made the mistake of downloading acouple of episodes of BOTP and I can't say that I enjoyed them anymore.
  5. Reread that AICN article. The "Battle of the Planets" part is entirely their interpretation, as the actual Hollywood Reporter article that they quote makes no reference to BOTP or Gatchaman.
  6. True, but I sincerely believe that, before SW books started getting written again in the late 80's, the ones that were written during the OT were probably very controlled by Lucas . Books like SitME, the Han Solo books and, of course, the novelizations of the films. Actually, the authors of the EU material from the time period that the OT was in production were actually pretty free to do as they pleased. Splinter of the Minds Eye was a project farmed out to Allan Dean Foster as the basis for possible TV movie follow-up, in case A New Hope was a dud. Dean borrowed an idea or two from Lucas' notes (namely the Kaibur Crystal) and added in a whole heaping does of CRAP!! Suffice to say that ANH was a success and we were spared the filmed version. Brian Daley, in addition to having more than an ouce of talent, was wise enough to set his stories far beyond the established portions of the galaxy as we knew it then. With a new set of supporting characters and politics, he was free to do as he pleased. I'm not 100% certain if the mini origin we get for Han, as well as his relationship with Chewie, was based on notes from Lucas or if that was Daley's invention. I'll have to look for a more recent printing to see if it has an introduction by Lucas like all the older SW books do. As fo the Lando books...? Well, if you've ever read them (and I'm ashamed to say that I have) you'd know that they actually have a total of ZERO impact on anything even remotely SW.
  7. Man, why do you guys always have to make things more complicated than they have to be? From the ESB script From Kershener's commentary on the DVDs Also, I checked The Star Wars Chronicles, and they refer to the matte painting that was featured in those shots simply as "The Galaxy." So there you have it. No extraneous dwarf galaxies, no spiral nebulas. It's simply "The" Galaxy Far, Far Away. But if anybody has some other source that's NOT derived from fanfiction, intuition or plain old stubborness, please feel free to come forward.
  8. I dunno man....that seemed like a joke in search of a punchline.
  9. This thread is a perfect example of posters not reading beyond the subject line.
  10. Just to add fuel to the fire, here's a story reporting that EA has just purchased over 19% of Ubi Soft in what is described by Ubi as a "Hostile" move. http://www.gamespy.com/articles/574/574467p1.html?fromint=1
  11. All these lawsuits, and yet Rob Liefield is still a free man? I tell you, there's no justice in the world.
  12. No, I'm afraid that the books override any fanfiction you can muster, despite what the guys on Stardestroyer.net might have to say about it.
  13. Hey now, lets not do anything crazy. BoK & company might not be the best topic in the world, but there's no reason to drag Man-Faye's hairy behind into this. And to everybody else who've posted in this thread; Really, you guys & gals should know better by now. I can forgive the newer members who might not be familiar with BoK's particular brand of theatrics, but the rest of you know dam well that he absolutely thrives on this kind of attention, no matter how well deserved it may be. The fact that he's now deploying his hangers-on to troll our bards again should be proof enough of that for you. So he rags on us in his itty bitty blog, where he's safe from any opposing viewpoint. Big deal. Do I really have to point out the pitiful cry for attention that the entire "Blog" phenominon is in the first place? Let this one go, gang.
  14. In before the lock!
  15. Nice animation, but its about as subtle as a sledge hammer. It would have been far better if the valk hadn't been twitching and jerking around in every single frame.
  16. A new behind the scenes article is up on the Official Site. It's about the miniature work for ROTS, and give us some first glimpses of Utapau and Mustafar.
  17. Captain Antilles, played by the original Boba Fett himself, Jeremy Bulloch.
  18. But they still wouldn't be Sith. They'd just be a bunch of Sith Poseurs. Which is what I was trying to point out. There's world of difference between actually being something and arbitrarily naming yourself something. It's unclear when exactly Dooku crossed over, but your main point is correct. The Sith do tend to destroy each other. Case in point: The original trilogy. Both Palpatine and Vader wanted to turn Luke so that they could in turn kill the other Sith.
  19. Simply calling yourself a "Sith" won't actually make you one. Heck, I could call a press conference tomorrow and announce that I'm the President of the United States, but it obviously wouldn't be true.
  20. If this wasn't coming from Kevin Smith's site, I'd call "bullshit" on this. But since it is...? I dunno what to make of this. The comment that Luke would 'pop up now and then' reminds me of a comment Lucas once made, long ago, about the "what if" Episodes 7, 8 and 9. The idea was that it would follow Luke rebuilding the Jedi order, and the difficulties therin. Now if you throw a bunch of fresh faced 20-something actors intot he mix with Luke in the occasional "Obi Wan" role, it could actually work.
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