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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Settling the debate once and for all.... star wars (15 400 000 results) versus lord of the rings (13 300 000 results) Star Wars is t3h wlnz0rz!
  2. But the Executor bridge set was the same as that used for the other Star Destroyers seen in ESB.
  3. Nothing will ever wash that pain away. Your only chance to lead a normal life is to trick or force others into watching the Holiday Special, so that your pain will be shared with as many people as possible. I know, that's how I've managed to cope with it all these years. I can even ride a bike again.
  4. Do we consumers really need to point out that 95% of their DVDs are already in english, which makes the inclusion of a CC track sensible?
  5. No, you're right, it is a new helmet. If you watch the darth vader feature on disc 4 of the trilogy DVDs, you will see what changes they made to it. I like the old one better... Vader's armor in general just looks better in the OT... but in a way that's good.. cause he could have got better armour by then. Vaders helmet looked better in ESB and Jedi, but the original ANH helmet was ass. Take a look at it again if you don't believe me. Remember that ANH was a low budget movie that nobody thought would succeed. For ESB and Jedi they had more money, and got better results in the Vader costume. The new Vader suit approximates the look of Vader's mask from ANH, but with much better workmanship.
  6. Except for when he was played by Bob Anderson, which was nearly any time Vader swung a lightsaber in ESB and Jedi.
  7. Fixed for the fans who are still in denial.
  8. Well this might be a little late, but I found this in the Star Wars.com article on the Vanity Fair shoot. So there you have it. Prequel Trilogy = Deconstructing Vader
  9. Pfft....McQuarrie would have drawn a train that looked 10X better and more believable.
  10. I'm so glad he decided to include footage from the original game again. Seriously, I'm not even going to bother making a joke about Uwe Boll. It's just too easy at this point.
  11. I've only seen a couple of episodes of the old series, but these pictures do absolutely nothing for me. All I can see is that they've actually found a way to make Charlize unattractive (with the exception of Monster-esque makeup). Did I say "unattractive?" I meant "futuristic."
  12. In UC chronological order.... 0079 - Should be mandatory viewing for anybody who considers themselves an anime fan, if only to give them some perspective on how it laid the groundwork for all the mecha anime that followed. Even the dub is worth mentioning, as it was supervised by Tomino himself, IIRC. 08th MS Team - A sort of "jack of all trades" Gundam entry. It has strong points on all fronts, but it excells at none of them. Considering the time frame it was produced in, however, it was a welcome respite from all the AU nonsense of the early 90's. 0080 - Best character piece out of the whole lot. It might not "matter" in the larger scheme of the UC, but its an engaging story nonetheless. 0083 - Has not stood up well to the test of time. Once the appeal of watching Mobile Suits in OVA quality animation wears off, there's not much else to see. Notable for Macross fans due to the Kawamori connection. Z Gundam - Again, a "must see" for anime fans. To me, it succeedes where 0079 failed mainly due to the lack of the "villain mobile suit of the week" that plagued 0079 (although you could argue that the Titans themselves do go through many many new suits as well). Belive the hype. Belive in the sign of Zeta. ZZ Gundam - Disappointing on all fronts. I never cared for the mecha designs, the characters are crap (heros and villains alike) and what passes for the story makes little difference in the end. One could easily skip this one and move straight on to Char's Counterattack. Even the last 20 episodes are not enough to salvage this mess. Also notable is the fact that all the good guys escape the war completely unscathed, which to me flies in the face of the "reality" that previous Gundam entires had tried to establish. Char's Counterattack - Definitely a little flawed, but I still love this one to pieces. If nothing else, see this one with 0079 since its the true conclusion to Char and Amuro's story. The Mecha are some of the best looking UC suits designed yet. F91 - Ah....the series that should have been. I enjoy it mainly for the action and the hints of what the series-length version could have been like. Oh well... V Gundam - Yet another "restart" for the UC. It starts off rather slow and introduces a completely new set of political factions, but once the action moves into space it becomes one of the best UC Gundams. I think Uso deserves honorable mention, since of all the teenage Gundam protagonists he's the most believably childlike. It also introduced the image of the "winged gundam" that AU entries seem to endlessly borrow.
  13. No, there's a point to Anakin not getting a nice replacement hand like Luke did. In the Annotated Scripts (and I believe this is repeated in the ESB commentary) it is pointed out that they took care to show that Luke's new hand was as good as his real one so that it would not be "creepy" in any way when he puts his arm around Leia. He has recovered from his symbolic castration and is a whole man again. Anakin on the other hand (har har) is quite the opposite. His dismemberment at Dooku's saber is the beginning of the loss of his humanity. He will carry the scars of that encounter through the next three years until he finally gets the opportunity to take sweet sweet revenge on Dooku. Anakin does not get a nice hand because he is on the road to becoming Darth Vader. Or does that need some sort of "Spoiler" tag?
  14. And yet less than 30 years seperate the two cars I posted earlier. Yet if you compare another fighter from 30 years ago....say the F14...to something like the F22 you start to see differences. And even a 2005 Porsche 911's resemblence to its 1975 ancestor is only skin deep.
  15. Well that trailer was...odd. That bit with the people being sucked into that wall (or whatever it was) was kind of creepy, and it seems Shoji still likes the operatic music that he used in Ep 5 of Zero. But all in all...I dunno how excited I am about this. I'll give the first couple of episodes a try, just because it's Shoji.
  16. Now THAT I was unaware of. My already considerable respect for Johnston just went up a couple more notches.
  17. All this talk about McQuarrie and there's not one mention of Joe Johnston? For shame.
  18. For those wary of spoilers, I strongly suggest that you refrain from clicking on a thread titled "Star Wars Episode III pics." These clearly aren't the spoiler free fluff that's available from official sources.
  19. Waitaminute...are those the big Tamiya bottles or the little ones? We need standards, darn it!
  20. Oh come on...insult SAAB and you're insulting the present day real-world marines? Puh-leeze. Besides, there's members of this very board who've served and have been critical of their fictional brothers in arms. I believe it was Noriko who panned the fundamental skills of the Colonial Marines, for example.
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