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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. In other news, scientists are baffled by the 300% rise in alergies.
  2. That Skyline looks awful. It's as if it comes from the factory with the absolute worst aftermarket body kit pre-installed. All those creases, ribs and gills just look like ass.
  3. As much as we love it, DYRL would not perform at the box office in the least. It's a 20 year old movie based on the non-Robotech version of an anime that has little exposure in North America. If movies like Appleseed and Innocence are only getting released in 40-odd theaters, why would DYRL get a broader release? Anime has made great strides in the marketplace here, but not so much that something like DYRL would draw enough attention that people would want to check it out. No, to the majority of the movie going public it would just be some bizarre movie about Japanese Robots. They'd rather see the latest Adam Sandler rom-com.
  4. Borrowed from another forum... Some excerpts/highlights from the EP3 lead-in novel, "Labyrinth Of Evil": (Thanks to Rhonderoo) Regarding Sidious, Dooku, Sifo-Dyas and the ordering of the clones.... Obi-Wan and Anakin discussing Padme.... Upon finding out about the Coruscant invasion..... Dooku and Palpatine about drawing Anakin into their trap/test....
  5. I think you guys are already setting yourselves up for a disappointment. "Darth Vader" does indeed kick mucho Jedi arse in this movie, but by all accounts (and more than one spoiler report) Darth Vader plus the black suit only appears in the last reel of the movie. Think about it: The Anakin/Obi Wan duel is not only the climax of the film but the entire Prequel Trilogy. After that we'll be see an extended denouement with the birth of the twins, the resuscitation of Vader and the death of Padme. Finally, the surviving characters will all go their seperate ways; Obi Wan and Luke to Tatooine, Yoda to Dagobah, Bail and Leia to Alderaan, and finally Vader accepting his place as a slave at Palpatine's side. That's all that the story needs to bring it full circle to where we pick up again in ANH. Vader will have already killed many Jedi, and it will be made clear that he will have his work cut out for him finishing the job. Fast forward 20 year to ANH and Obi Wan will tell us that "Now the Jedi are all but extinct."
  6. Wow. I'm suddenly glad I was never a fan of the comic when I was a kid. If I had been, I'd probably be screaming about "raped childhoods" or some such melodramatics. That trailer is a stinker, and I'm sure the final movie will be too.
  7. It's funny...this thread itself is actually just like the fifth reel of an Alien film. Just when you think its over and you're safe, it leaps out of the shadows and attempts to wetly attach itself to your face with some unspeakably disgusting appendage. Why oh why can't a mod just blow it out of the airlock already, so we can retire to hypersleep until the next sequel?
  8. So good of you to drop by, Master Windu....
  9. sorry but i think that is the height of ultimate silliness. talk about diluting the brand Yeah, god forbid children should enjoy anything Star Wars related!
  10. You're a dick. A big Robotechie dick. Quoted for...well, it just made me laugh.
  11. Now that you mention it, I believe they did.
  12. Sad but very, very true. Seriously gals...wtf is wrong with you?
  13. Nice. I hadn't found that one yet. I'll see your Novel cover and raise you one "Making of" cover.
  14. It's a starfighter. Art of Revenge. I'm doing the pee-pee dance in anticipation of this book.
  15. If you want to talk animation accuracy, the old Arii kits are much closer to the "real" thing in many ways. No, I'll stick with Hasegawa, thank you.
  16. While this is technically a new image, it could very well have come to us via time machine from 1977.
  17. Once upon a time, there was an aftermarket set of missiles for the Halcyon kit. I'm not sure if its still in production, but if we could locate one we could always recast it for ourselves. Assuming Aoshima doesn't change the missiles that is.
  18. Sounds like the Dropship is 1/72 scale. Remember, Aoshima has all the old Halcyon molds, so it's not unreasonable to believe they're using the old kit as a basis. The missile pods really convince me of that, since they're molded in one piece just like the Halcyon kit was. I hope that gets changed before production. For what we'll be paying for this monster, they could at least give us individual missiles.
  19. Actually the "MG42" sound fx in SPR were way, way to slow. 1200 rpm sounds much faster, higher pitched and has less distinct "chatter" to it. I can't recall what Jin Roh had in the way of sounds.
  20. All of that cool stuff gets published in April. I won't have a problem staying away from the novelisation, but I can't wait to get my mitts on the Incredible Coss Sections, The Art Of ROTS and the making of ROTS books.
  21. Anybbody else notice that the wings (the pop-up part) on the jedi strfighters don't match, not even from one side to the other on Anikin's fighter. I saw that. It seems to me that this pic was originally a 2-page spread that got mooshed together like that. There's some distortion running right through the middle of the image.
  22. ok, I lied. Lock S-foils in attack position.
  23. last one (for now)
  24. too bad, there's more.
  25. had enough yet?
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