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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Naw, its just a FNC dressed up for the 21st century. Not that there's anything wrong with the FNC. Edit: for comparison's sake, here's a plain jane FN-FNC.
  2. Beautiful. I wanna pose mine waving one of his arms in the air as if he's lecturing the other Tachi's.
  3. You know what...? As far as my contributions to this thread are concerned, you kids are on your own from now on. Fortunately for you there's one or two other members who comb the same spoiler sites I do and I'm sure they'll keep posting material for you to bitch, moan and pule about. But I'm done with this shite. I'll see you whiners in May (and you just know you'll right behind me in line, no matter how much you say otherwise.)
  4. Enough of these shenannigans. There's a new documentary on the Official Site. And if that isn't enough....have a taste of red hot promo imagery.
  5. Not quite. LM just released episode 18? Cookie for you!
  6. The first person to guess why I'm bumping this thread gets a cookie.
  7. Holy crap, how about a spoiler warning next time?!
  8. Well Sundown, we'll just have to agree to disagree about the the OT versus PT design aesthetic. Just remember to squint the next time you watch Luke walk into that cantina straight out of any given western. Getting back on topic
  9. Hey, now that you mention it... Does she have that star tatoo on her other cheek?
  10. Its impossible to see, but the THX 1138 is on the back of one of the Clone Troopers helmets at the end of the movie, when Padme & co arrive at Dooku's hanger.
  11. Oh goody....is it time for the weekly Macross 7 thread already?
  12. Ok, I've seen "Bulletproof" several times, and I can't say I remember seeing that anywhere. Edit: besides, most of that stuff we found on google was just fanfiction, or fan RPG stats.
  13. Let me start off by saying that this topic spawned from a discussion I was having with EXO where we could not definitevely decide on Rally's heritage. The manga says (somewhere) that she was "indian" on her father's side. But what kind of "Indian?" My feeling is that she's native american Indian, given the setting and the fact that it's more in tune with the "american" feel of the manga. However, EXO found evidence on the OVA that shows her nationality listed as "United Kingdom" (wtf?) which could lead credence to the East Indian theory. Any opinions?
  14. The discussion has seemingly moved past this topic, but since I found it being discussed on another board I figured I'd cut & paste it over here. Doug Chiang on the look of Episode 1 So basically, the Prequels (up until Episode 3, anyway) looked different because Lucas wanted it that way. And since ROTS brings everythign full circle, there's no point in arguing it anymore, is there?
  15. But if just one DVD gets copied, then the terrorists win. Can we afford to let that happen?
  16. leave your sexual fantasies out of Macross World. You're reduced to quoting A1 from more than a year ago? L-A-M-E.
  17. Do you know what movie this will be shown with or when it will be released? No idea. There were rumors of a January release, but its looking like that won't happen. I'm betting it will be fairly soon though. Only 4 months to go!
  18. Paragraphs are your friend.
  19. Desription of the new Trailer over at TF.N
  20. Like this one? http://screenshots.haque.net/screenshots/d...W_M3_Custom.jpg
  21. Don't wory, those "Tale Of" comics are canon, or at least as canon as any other EU material can be. The Sith War series featuring Darth Bane has particularly strong ties to Lucas' films because it is directly based on material developed by Lucas and Terry Brooks for the Phantom Menace novel. And from what I've recently read, Midichlorians may play a small but significant role in ROTS. If the spoiler report turns out to be true then I think most fans will agree with their inclusion in TPM.
  22. Nah.. In war, life is cheap. No kidding. How many friends do you think Roy lost in the last years of the war? By this point, whats one more?
  23. That pretty much jives with everything that we've heard about the end of the film. What I'm more concerned about is whether or no James Earl Jones will reprise his role for whatever dialog Vader will speak. Damn secrecy!
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