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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Maybe there's still hope that "Rick Yamata" will see the light of day.
  2. http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?s=&a...st&p=611950 Maybe a friendly mod can use that "merge threads" feature, instead of merely locking everything, hmm?
  3. http://www.aintitcool.com/node/37106 Needless to say, this is a tragic loss. Winston was only 62, and presumably had years of work left in him. I'd imagine that Stan Winston Studios will continue without him, but will it really be the same without him at the helm?
  4. Yes...because bumping 8 month old threads is always preferable, right?
  5. Mospeada is arguably the least "molested" of the three shows.
  6. That came from Kasdan himself, IIRC. Maybe it was the Empire of Dreams doc, or perhaps the original "Making Of Empire" book from 1980. Damned if I can remember now. I'd love to see Bracketts first pass as well, but I don't think it's seen the light of day since 1978.
  7. Except that most of Brackett's draft was never used.
  8. CLICK ME! I think this should be treated as a rumor at this point, but it would be a real coup for Robodreck if it's true. Let's hope that this is the "good" Kasdan, not his evil doppelganger who wrote and directed Dreamcatcher.
  9. How were the Hulk's hands rendered?
  10. Kusanagi shoots first? Production IG raped my childhood?
  11. Didn't you just start a catch-all "remake" thread today? I think its maybe two or three posts down from here.
  12. Looks an awful lot like the flying HKs from T3. Still not the classic HK we all know and love, but I guess this reflects the changed timeline...or something.
  13. Evidently GI Joe takes place in the same universe as Crysis.
  14. Oh look, this isn't an argument. It's just contradiction!
  15. Bears? What the hell is wrong with you people? Are you truly that ignorant of the furry menace we face, or are you just a bunch of ursine sympathizers?
  16. Haven't they been basically remaking the first Highlander ever since '85 anyway? How else would you describe the string of sequels that not only ignore the original, but ignorantly trample all over the story, like a stampeding herd of downs syndrome kids at a picnic? And with that, I've typed two more sentences than any Highlander film really deserves to begin with.
  17. Bite your tongue. Doom rocks. I ran across an interesting analysis of the first three films (the Indy OT, if you will) HERE. It should be considered required reading, especially for those who merely want to discuss things on a "ZOMG...wtf is with Macrus Brodeee?" level.
  18. I think this is what you meant to type, H.
  19. Empire Online's first reactions are quite positive, although they still have yet to post a full official review. The BBC is also giving it a thumbs up. My optimism level is raised from "skeptical" to "guarded."
  20. Oh noes! The Times Online reviews KOTCS...and the review is positive?! Clearly this is part of some Lucasian conspiracy. John Harlow was probably paid off with unsold Jar-Jar figures to write that positive review.
  21. Quoted for truth. The number of times I saw people bitching about "zomg teh CGI" on these boards about shots that in fact were executed with scale models proves that most people prefer to talk out of their asses on the matter. Then when cornered on the matter, they'll usually resort to some emotional argument, citing how "it feels like this" or "the love in that."
  22. Dude, don't even bother trying to discuss this "CG issue" with them in any rational way. The more I hear bitching about it, the more I realize how little they actually understand. Around these parts, CG (and can you even call computer painting of hand drawn cells "CG"? ) has become a shorthand on these board for some of the laziest yet most vitriolic bitching and moaning this side of the internet.
  23. May I be the first to coin the phrase Rankabump ?
  24. Fixed. And if MW had one of those "reputation" features, I would give it to Gubaba for his Rejected reference. Silly Hats Only!
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