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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. This spring I'm tempted to see how well my Superunposeable Alpha stands up to the mighty .45 ACP. Robotechnology versus John Browning Who will prevail?
  2. I've heard some less than enthusiastic comments about Springfield lately, so you may want to rethink that. Despite what they advertise, you are not getting an all-new rifle. Springfield does stand by their product, so there's no issue about fighting to get them to honor the warranty, but it may be somethign you want to bear in mind. Aside from the receiver and stock, most of the parts are 40 year old USGI surplus parts. If I was down there, and had the cash for an M14 type rifle, I'd go for a Fulton Armory M1A. AFAIK, they use a proper forged receiver.
  3. Does that go for ALL AR-10s, or just the original Armalite rifles? I ask because nearly everybody in the AR field seems to make an AR-10 as well as an AR-15 these days.
  4. The ironing is delicious.
  6. Don't worry, its not the trailer. JUst a trailer for the trailer. http://www.starwars.com/episode-iii/releas.../theocspot.html
  7. How about some screen grabs from last night's trailer "teaser" on FOX?
  8. From the BSU archives:
  9. Damn right. When the zombie outbreak goes down (and don't kid yourself that it won't happen) their pasty white asses will be the first to go.
  10. Wait....there's a Macross Plus? How did I miss that?
  11. Meh...you sissies and your 7.62 NATO. Real men shoot 30-06.
  12. James Bond Reloaded? http://chud.com/news/1686 Verrrryy interesting, if it pans out this way. Could this be the first signs of the Broccoli's loosening their iron grip on the Bond franchise?
  13. Easy. It's a film called Return of the Jedi.
  14. Oh boy...fan fiction.
  15. Great looking Para you have there, Mechamaniac. I'd get one myself, but with our assinine mag capacity laws the P-14 loses its utility. When you're limited to 10 rd mags, there's little point in getting a double stack .45 when a single stack 10 will do the same thing.
  16. Quiet you! Your preference for petite, willowy hips is well known. Some of us happen to like hips with a little meat on them. BTW, its nice to see this toy show up again. I was beginning to believe it was yet another example of Yamato Vaporware, a'la the YF-19FP.
  17. Hmm....pretty surreal. We'll never know for certain, but I'm betting that weird "look" is what PKD experienced in his day to day life. Let's face it, the man was a bit of a nutbar.
  18. Not really a spoiler, but this is a neat picture.
  19. Enough of this tomfoolery! Back to the spoilers!
  20. Now the question is: Will Triple H actually drop the title at Wrestlemania to Batista, or is this just another setup for a lame and oh-so brief rivalry. Case in point, the "fued" between HHH and Orton. They did a couple of matches, and while HHH hasn't budged from the top spot, Orton is reduced to doing promos with Stacey Keibler. Orton - "Umm...you want to get some dinner?" Stacey - "Suuuuuuuure " Audience - "Barrrrrrrffffff!!!!"
  21. Hoping that his debut on Macross World would live up to his screen-name, Splash was disappointed to learn that he was, in fact, treated with the same indifference that Wrylac would be accustomed to receiving.
  22. IIRC, the first edition sold for around $1500. Not too bad for a studio scale AT-AT.
  23. http://toyfair.rebelscum.com/2005/gallery/...005/default.asp Ouch. There is a lot of nice looking product there. I'm already planning on getting the ROTS Obi Wan saber, mainly because I missed out on the first ANH version but also because it looks like he kicks all kinds of ass in the new film with it. The Dooku saber is a "maybe" and from what I've read on the various prop forums, I'm sure I'll be able to pick up a Ep III Vader on clearance in a year's time. Now if I could only figure out how to get one of the Han Solo DL-44s into Canada...
  24. And here's some special dialog that should clear things up for a lot of fans, in regards to the whole "clone vs conscript" debate.
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