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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. and the one of the bigger ones... *****SPOILERS, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, SPOILERS*****
  2. and again.... ****SPOILERS!!!!!*****
  3. Just in case you missed it in the thread title.... *****BEWARE SPOILERS*****
  4. If you want Starblazers then by all means buy the DVDs. If you want Space Battleship Yamato then go to the CENTRAL ANIME website. They've subbed up to episode 16, and seem to be able to crank out new episodes weekly. Its not as pronounced a difference as, say...Robotech vs Macross, but there are differences. I think you're grown up enough to handle a little drinking, cussing, and even a bit of that campy macho chauvinism that we just don't get anymore.
  5. I'm not entirely sure what it is. The description from SW.com reads To me, it sounds like a sort of hybrid of the visual dictionaries, making of books, and the "guide to" books.
  6. STAR WARS.com says "open your wallets" to SW fans. More cool books coming soon to your Amazon.com favorites list. And this is on top of the "Art of Ep III," the "Ep III Visual Dictionary," the "Making of Ep III" and the "Ep III Incredible Cross Sections" books. Can I interest anybody in a kidney?
  7. Re: the clone pilots Here's a scan of the forthcomming Visual Dictionary that has a better view of the pilot. Sorry the size is so small. I know for a fact that there's larger versions of this scan out there, but I don't have time to track them down for you guys.
  8. But that's preciscely the point. It's NOT just a "new" film. Everything Singer has said points to it being, for all intents and purposes, Superman V. Now whether thats a good or a bad thing is another debate entirely. Personally I think the first two Superman films were genius and I'm glad that Singer hasn't decided to retread that material.
  9. Perhaps this will alleviate some of the fans concerns about the movie. IGN has an extremely positive review of the script online. Read it HERE.
  10. It's Macross World Fight Club! There does not need to be any rhyme or reason to your choices. Simply pick one (1) member you'd fight. Pick where it would go down, and what weapons (if any) would be used. For me, I'm going to have to say AgentONE. We're going to throw down in the one and only Thunderdome, located in sunny, radioactive, Post-Apocolypse Australia. Our weapons will be...whatever chance decides. Two men enter....one man leaves.
  11. Yes, its called 'Super Dimension Fortress Macross". Perhaps you've seen it. Zing!
  12. Hey I'm not disagreeing with you. Perhaps the problem is that I've seen so few of his movies, mainly because they're mostly so crappy. For the record though, I thought he suited the role in Minority Report, since its a cop movie staple for the "Internal Affairs" type guy to be an unlikeable weasle. And he was ok in Phone Booth and The Recruit, although he might owe the latter to the fact that he was starring oposite to Pacino. From what I'd heard, he was one of the few bright spots in Daredevil but that's obviously a subjective thing considering how abysmal the rest of that movie was supposed to be. But I'll stand by (my) Mann in the hopes that he'll wrestle a good performance out of Farrel. And just to be contrarian, I'll say that Eric Bana would be a better Crockett than Jackman. Edit: mixed up meh thespians
  13. Star Wars = 1977 Conan = 1981 I'd say that you have that backwards, my muscle-bound friend.
  14. I dunno...what would you have said 20 years ago if I'd shown you this? or better still (and much more gay) Edit: In fairness, I should have looked for some pictures of Phillip Michael Thomas....but I just couldn't be bothered to.
  15. Is this the one you're thinking of?
  16. http://www.b0g.org/wsnm/article/17134
  17. Tomorrow night, during The OC on Fox.
  18. Damn! You sank my battleship!
  19. Three words: Deep. Star. Six.
  20. Lady Terminator
  21. I don't understand the raw, seething hatred for Collin Farrel I've been seeing here and abroad. I'm hardly the guys biggest fan, but jeeze...what did this guy do to you people? Did he poison your dog, or molest your sister? Or is he just the "new" Tom Cruise that e-pundits will rag on? Like Yellowlightman said, it's a freakin Michael Mann movie! Show just a smidgen of faith here!
  22. That is indeed Drew Struzan, and he is the shiznit. Anybody who disagrees is a terrorist. BTW, his two previous Prequel Posters both had the so-called "photoshop" lens flare.
  23. So what's the (current) deal with this Robo-sequel? Is it still supposed to be an "OVA-ish" DVD release? Does this mean that the purported network deal has evaporated?
  24. Not a single mention of Forbidden Planet? Tsk tsk tsk...
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