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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Hmm...the raw version of episode 1 was kind of underwhelming, but I'm sure that's largely due to the fact that I only understood one or two spoken words throughout the episode. I'll download one of the fansubs tonight and give it a second try.
  2. The story goes that after filming Bullit wrapped, the remaining cars were to be scrapped, mainly because of potential liability. They were obviously short one Charger (due in no small part to the explosion scene) but its not 100% clear what the status was of the other three cars. However, one of the Mustangs did survive and has been in private hands ever since. Supposedly even Steve McQueen himself tracked it down tried to buy it before his death. However, the owner was and remains obstinant that the car remain in his posession. According to the last article I had read about it ( and they did verify the VIN number was indeed one of the two Mustang purchased by Warner Bros for Bullit) the car is in poor shape, both from the rigors of filming and nearly 40 years of deterioration. But it does survive, and if this dweeb that's sitting on it ever would do us the favor of dying, the car could potentially be restored.
  3. Wow...you're a real prick. I knew there was a reason I liked you.
  4. You know what's sad? I read an earlier version of the GI60S remake script that kept the original film's chase intact, including the unscripted collision with the pole. For whatever reason, they didn't have the gonads to film this version and instead we were treated to Gone in 60 Seconds Lite.
  5. It certainly doesn't hurt that HHH and Batista are best buds outside the ring. When sombody sits on the title for that long, I don't really look at it as some sort of benevolent gesture when they finally drop the belt to their best friend. Its not as if he's doing the company some big favor. And make no mistake, even though he does't have the title anymore, RAW will still remain a HHH-centric show. Only now his segments will be all "Bishoff-uh....I want my rematch with Batistaaah. Again-uh." Rinse, repeat ad nauseum.
  6. *ahem* It was the Chrager that was famous for losing multiple hubcaps in Bullit. McQueen's '68 Fastback rode on American Racing Torque Thrust wheels, and as such didn't have hubcaps.
  7. http://www.spacecast.com/spaceys05/index.asp Vote now. Vote often. I was a little disappointed at some of their choices (for example, where the hell was Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars in the Miniseries category?) and some of my own votes surprised me. I actually found myself giving Far Cry the nod over Half Life 2.
  8. That's Grevious' theme.
  9. All I know is that it had better be an adaptation of G1. Otherwise there's no way I'll be seen anywhere near the theater when this opens. I don't have the slightest interest in seeing Minicons, Beasties, or any of that other garbage on-screen.
  10. Do ya think that might have something to do with why Anakin feels like Obi Wan is "holding him back?"
  11. I'd say that your restored SC is wrong. Its a curious omission, but considering who was involved in it (assuming that you're referring to the ADV restoration) its hardly surprising. ANIME NEWS NETWORK LISTING FOR SDC SOUTHERN CROSS Anime News Network seems to think that Big West was involved MADMAN Entertainment Hey lookee here....Madman credits Big West as well.
  12. The Fine Molds X-Wing kit comes with a single short exhaust nozzle, which is only used on a certain variant. Red 3, IIRC. I'm assuming this is due to some varaition in the actual filming miniature.
  13. Yikes! I was considering reading the manga, but now I'm not sure if I want to.
  14. But from what I've seen, isn't there more than enough of the manga to base a second season on? I don't know what volume it's up to in Japan, but I know there's ton of it.
  15. http://chud.com/news/2351 Could this be true? It's as if we've slid into some surreal zone somewhere between fanboy wet dreams and over-the-top parody. If it does pan out, I can see one immediate benefit to having Bay onboard. Nobody cares about the human characters. They just want to see cool vehicles and robots blow crap up. This is what Bay excells at. Anybody else would bog the proceedings down with lame subplots about Spike bonding with his estranged father Sparkplug, or that lameass kid in the wheelchair finding true love.
  16. Pfft...try driving up here. I'm a "drifting champion" for 4 months out of the year. You have no idea how much we welcome dry pavement in the spring time.
  17. Just because I'm fond of this one, I'll post it again.
  18. Whats this about Gymkata?
  19. Bwa-hah-hah-hah-haaaaa!!!! Why oh why does this not surprise me in the least? As it so happens, I have a preview of the new ad campaign for the UN Committee on International Anime Proliferation.
  20. Well if you're so concerned about "positive" stuff on MW, post your own turn for the better. For example, today on the drive home some guy cut me off. Now normally I would ride his bumper while threatening to murder his children, but instead I just gave him the finger. To me that seemed like a real nice gesture, not killing his family and all. Its like I reached out and connected with somebody. Sadly, whatever positive karma I had generated by my non-murder I pretty much wasted when I got home and shouted at the kid delivering the flyers. "Can't you read the G-damn sign that says 'No Flyers,' dumbass?" I yelled at him, and I think he cried a little. Then I remembered that I didn't have a 'No Flyers' sign, so I went inside and had a beer.
  21. Hey, in the dark days before DVD I would have appreciated even a copy of COTB.
  22. Creating any special forums or whatnot exclusively for positive M7 reactions would clearly mark the end of any real discussion on Macross World. What next, some of us get upset that there were negative comments about Macross Zero, so we make a password protected M:Zero subforum so we can all shield ourselves from any criticism? Then the Macross 2 fans (all three of them) would demand the same thing, so that they may swoon over Ishtar without any "outsiders" disturbing their fun. Hell, we could expand this notion beyond the "TV and Movies" section. Chunky Monkey lovers could get their own forum, free from Yamato lovers who do nothing but throw around words like "Better Sculpt" and "Articulation." Modelers can get their own forums too. ARII veterans can discuss the way things used to be, before Hasegawa came along. Hell, the Sci Fi & Anime section would benefit the most from this. Fans would be free to discuss Evangelion without having to resort to shrill accusations of "You just didn't understand it!" And need I mention Star Wars? Or people could just accept the idea that not everybody likes Macross 7, and they're entitled to their own opinions. Mods could and should be entitled to delete replies that flame people, and people should be equally discouraged from posting "It rules" just as much as "It sucks." Anything beyond that kills the notion of discussion.
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