Well there's your first problem. I'm not usually part of the "Sub not Dub" movement, but in this case I have to definitively state that the japanese track is the superior version, particularly in regards to Maj Kusanagi. The remainder of the english cast does a respectable job, but where the Major is concerned the dub really falls flat. If you have access to the DVDs, give the subtitled version a shot. If you're watching GITS on Adult Swim, well I guess you're s-o-l.
Dub issues aside, there is a lot more going on with the Major than is readily apparent on the surface. Its just very subtle, and given the sheer density of information that any given episode of SAC has, its easy to miss it. Look at the episiode where Section 9 goes after the organ theives, for example. Kusanagi's scenes in the hospital say a lot about her, without beating the viewer over the head with it in an overt "Robotech Narrator" kind of way.