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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Yep. But the last one came out quite a while ago, unfortunately. Any confirmation they are still doing them? #20 was just out last week, after a two month hiatus. He claims he's finished translating #21 and is hard at work on #22, so hopefully he's back on track.
  2. Well there's your first problem. I'm not usually part of the "Sub not Dub" movement, but in this case I have to definitively state that the japanese track is the superior version, particularly in regards to Maj Kusanagi. The remainder of the english cast does a respectable job, but where the Major is concerned the dub really falls flat. If you have access to the DVDs, give the subtitled version a shot. If you're watching GITS on Adult Swim, well I guess you're s-o-l. Dub issues aside, there is a lot more going on with the Major than is readily apparent on the surface. Its just very subtle, and given the sheer density of information that any given episode of SAC has, its easy to miss it. Look at the episiode where Section 9 goes after the organ theives, for example. Kusanagi's scenes in the hospital say a lot about her, without beating the viewer over the head with it in an overt "Robotech Narrator" kind of way.
  3. Take your Xenomorph discussion to another thread, Alien fanboys! This is supposed to be about Predator 2! I agree that Pred 2 is definitely underrated. It's certainly not as great as the first film, but it doesn't attempt to anything rash like reinventing the franchise. I'd argue that the weakest link here was Danny Glover. He just seems out of place as the rather generic "loose cannon" cop. But in Arnold's absence from the movie, I'd imagine that fans would rather see the Predator himself mow down assorted gun-toting peons. And in this regard the film delivers in spades. It's a servicable follow-up to the first film that takes the Predator character to a different environment with a new bag of toys.
  4. YOU can have the wing. I want that wide-body kit!
  5. As far as I can tell, the "S" is on the buckle because Chris Reeve had an "S" on his buckle. Remember, this is sort of Superman V . Or if you ignore III and IV as you should, this would be Superman III. Or was Reeve's buckle just a semi-circular lump? Its hard to tell.
  6. Slightly OT, but for those of us who don't play MMRPG games, this new article on IGN is promising. http://pc.ign.com/articles/606/606597p1.html
  7. Limbo, that's awesome!
  8. While we're on the subject of Vader...
  9. Oh those wacky Chinese...they've been watching too much Trigun. Case in point, the PRC M77
  10. Supposedly it's NOT Hayden wearing The Suit in most if not all of those pics. And it is does make a noticeable difference too. Take a look at some of the actual stills from the film and compare them to the promo shots. The shoulder armor actually fits Hayden, but it positively droops off of whoever is wearing it in those pics. Either that, or Hayden dropped all of that weight (and muscle) he put on between principle photography and those photo shoots. :dunno:
  11. Damn, I was assuming this was some sort of "Rock and Rule" thread.
  12. I think they're riffing on the old SW ads. Pure 70/80's cheese. But they still don't top that ESB trailer, narrated by Harrison Ford. "And introducing....Lando Calrissian!"
  13. Crom!!! I hate, hate, HATE online RPGs, but this is still neat.
  14. Old, but its nice to see those pics again.
  15. Marketing? Aside from the "Tiny Hands" brigade, who doesn't like new Vader pics?
  16. I think both cars were somewhat overstyled. While the Tiburon was all about swoopy curves and bulges, the Celica is knife edge sharp lines and an exaggerated, pointed nose. I also have to deduct point off of the Celica for the faux hood scoop. And I never did like those headlights on the Celica either. They were amusing on the show car, but I didn't actually expect them to carry over to the production model.
  17. No kidding. Most notable would be the random reappearance of Sayla, who ominously intones "I dunno where my brother is, but I'm sure he's up to something."
  18. A more cynical view would be that Tomino merely took over at the end so that he could set things up for Char's Counterattack.
  19. I feel your pain. That's 20 hours of your life that are gone, and that you can never get back.
  20. Yeah that's a crappy site. The guys on MF.com have them all mirrored HERE
  21. Ahhhh....Twisted Mego Theater, how we love thee. Plenty o' new pics HERE.
  22. Turbo Coupes were only made in 1987 and '88. They represented the end of the line for Ford's Turbo program, and are arguably the best of the turbo fours they made. They're also just as old as my Mustang and are as rare as hens teeth around here. To be truthful, I've been toying with the idea of a '99-01 Tiburon. My ex-gf had one, and while I hated that bitch the car was pretty nice. My only beef with it (besides the skank behind the wheel) was that it was only just comfortable for my 6'2" frame. But they're reasonably cheap, somewhat sporty and decent on gas.
  23. As of now, the plan is to just drive it into the ground, which shouldn't take more than 8-10 months. I have to put a new roof on my house this summer, so hopefully by new years or even next spring I can replace it with something smaller and cheaper to gas up.
  24. New WEBDOC on the Official Site. Oh noes...t3h CGI!!!1!1eleven
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