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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. http://www.gamesindustry.biz/content_page.php?aid=8288 Ok, I'll admit that I don't exactly have my finger on the pulse of the gaming industry, but was there really a demand for this? Whats next, a MMORPG adaptation of "Meet the Fockers?"
  2. I don't own a Glock, but I think it has to be one of biggest victims of "urban myths." All I ever hear about is how any glock other than the 9mm models is a potential KB waiting to happen, how they'll all crack and fall apart, and how the barrels will become plugged with lead fouling and again KB on the shooter. Its the new 1911 for misinformation.
  3. What, no love for The Crystal Star? Or what about Darksaber? Surely you must have loved The New Rebellion. Truce at Bakura?
  4. Well....you know...its...uhh... Damn, the whole thing is off! I was hoping that nobody would know that obscure bit of cinematic trivia. It was going to be featured on the DVD extras. We had a ToTT mini-doc all set and everything. Now I'll have to start on my all-albino remake of The Wild Bunch.
  5. Somewhere out there, Kevin Smith just shed a single tear.
  6. *note to the mods: I'm starting this new thread because the "spoiler" thread has basically run its course. The novel is out, and the movie will be within a few short weeks. Revenge of the Sith review, by Kevin Smith http://viewaskew.com/theboard/viewtopic.php?t=32494
  7. My aborted "All Midget" adaptation of the LOTR trilogy. However, it looks like my All Midget remake of The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly is going to happen.
  9. Not necessarily. Recent shows like Farscape, Firefly and Battlestar Galactica have shown that you can do high quality sci fi on a moderate budget.
  10. Amy Allan in a recurring TV role? I'm soooo there!
  11. You're absolutely right, EXO. The LOTR movies would have benefitted so much from some old school techniques. Just think about how much more believable the cave troll would have been if they had realized it with stop motion animation! The all the exteriors of the white city could have been painstakingly done with glass mattes, not scale models.
  12. Ahhh....you smell that? It's the sweet smell of vindication. I hope some near-sighted FOX tv executives choke on this. Serenity flies again!
  13. Heh...in Canada we haven't had MSIA toys since just before the Chars Counterattack line. Then G-Gundam slipped through the blockade somehow, and without any support from the TV show it must have sank like a stone.
  14. My "Midget Wrangler" was fired on the second day of filming. This lead to problems with the unions that plagued the production until the producers shut us down. I don't like to talk about that period of my life, to be honest. It was a real heartbreaker.
  15. Only now....at the end...do you understand.
  16. Ah, but Hollywood made huge epics long before LOTR. All PJ really did was throw in excessive amounts of CGI. And you'd think he could have found a live volcano to stand in for Mount Doom. Instead he just took the easy CGI shortcut.
  17. I'm just surprised that this thread has outlived both the original thread it was satirizing and its own parody thread.
  18. Why is Peter Jackson considered such a big hollywood producer/director? When he started out he was supposed to be this revolutionary, cool, young director with projects like Bad Taste and Meet the Feebles. Then he did The Frighteners, Lord of the Rings, Lord of the Rings, Lord of the Rings, and King Kong this December. Sure a lot of his money went into WETAbut they are parts of his company, not his personal projects with total involvement like film production. Now he's lost a bunch of weight (about damn time too, ya pudgy Kiwi) and is remaking Kong...again. So is he a nut or what?
  19. Ironically, Howard The Duck was written & directed by Lucas's friend Willard Huyck. You know...the Willard Huyck who is credited for the script polish that gave us all the "good" dialog in A New Hope. I'd say that's proof that you can't win 'em all.
  20. Awesome. I'm guessing that you fall into this category then?
  21. An exerpt from Lucas' appearance at Celebration III, from SW.com
  22. Ooh! I call dibs on "HP" Sauce!
  23. Blaming CGI for bad movies is lazy criticism at best. You want to know why so many movies suck these days? Its because we have "music video" directors and absolute hacks like Renny Harlin, Simon West, Paul Anderson and Stephen Sommers making movies. Its people like them who make movies that suck because they don't know the first thing about telling a story, and I'm not even talking about any Campbellian "Hero's journey" type story. Instead they have Will Smith mugging at the camera with a "Aww hell no!" or a Van Helsing-esque barrage of mind numbing action scenes, and the audiences eat it up. All they have to do is appeal to the lowest common denomiator and they will be guaranteed a good opening weekend, which we all know is what the bean-counters look at. So if viewers want good movies, they should stop patronizing crap like Van Helsing and Resident Evil 2. As for Lucas himself, I think his contributions to the industry speak for themselves. Star Wars aside, only a fool would question all that he has done for film. Or as AgentONE put it, he's done "More than you" or any of us will ever do.
  24. This bickering is pointless! Back to teh spoilerz!
  25. It's kinda pointless, but this picture made me smile anyway.
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