Blaming CGI for bad movies is lazy criticism at best. You want to know why so many movies suck these days? Its because we have "music video" directors and absolute hacks like Renny Harlin, Simon West, Paul Anderson and Stephen Sommers making movies. Its people like them who make movies that suck because they don't know the first thing about telling a story, and I'm not even talking about any Campbellian "Hero's journey" type story. Instead they have Will Smith mugging at the camera with a "Aww hell no!" or a Van Helsing-esque barrage of mind numbing action scenes, and the audiences eat it up. All they have to do is appeal to the lowest common denomiator and they will be guaranteed a good opening weekend, which we all know is what the bean-counters look at. So if viewers want good movies, they should stop patronizing crap like Van Helsing and Resident Evil 2.
As for Lucas himself, I think his contributions to the industry speak for themselves. Star Wars aside, only a fool would question all that he has done for film. Or as AgentONE put it, he's done "More than you" or any of us will ever do.