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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. You're absolutely right. We should just start a book club or something, because I don't see movies in general getting any better in the near future.
  2. LINKY The thread about the transaction gone horribly awry is HERE The thread about the boycott is HERE
  3. The sound is supposed to be greatly improved over the earlier generation FX sabers, and the LEDs are brighter too. Check out some of the prop forums for a better review than I can give you. They seem to love the new ones, and those guys are picky as hell. And since you mentioned him, there's apparently a movement in the prop community to boycott Parks Sabers. He apparently kept an original piece he had borrowed for replication for far longer than he had agreed to, then returned it with parts missing and others replaced with his own reproduction components and denied the whole thing. Again, check the RPF for details.
  4. http://chud.com/news/2795 Well that's it. I officially give up hope of ever seeing a decent Alien or Predator film again in my lifetime. After Paul Anderson bent viewers over and pummeled their asses raw with his last installment, there were evidently enough fanboys in the audience who said "Thank you sir. May I have another?" to warrant a sequel. While most people here will likely share my disappointment at this news, I know for a fact that there's one or two of you reading who will be pumping your fist in the air and exclaiming "YES!!!11!" at this news. You know who you are. Therefore I will end this post with a very special message, just for you: Die. I don't care how you do it, just die. Stop supporting garbage movies like this. Its because of weak-minded "I'll watch whatever they put in front of me" viewers like you that we'll never get to see the Alien 5 that Ridley Scott AND James Cameron were discussing together. Thanks for nothing, and I hope that someday the rest of us can return the favor.
  5. Actually, from the reviews I've read the latest crop of FX sabers are almost identical to the regular non-functional prop replicas. If you like the ROTS designs, they're highly recommended.
  6. He's resting comfortably at home, safe in his acrylic display case opposite his "Daddy" saber."
  7. One Master Replicas Luke and one Vader for me. Both are Empire versions. On the toy side of things, I have a Hasbro Jedi Luke and a Clones Anakin. I also have a Kenner "The Force" saber from 1983.
  8. While its not the best picture in the world, the only beef I have with the new M3 would be those rims. Does BMW really need the added bling of 20" wheels?
  9. Actually I'm not too sure of that. The cross hatching we all associate with the Jim Lee/Scott Williams era X-Men goes back even further, back to the days when Williams was inking The Punisher for Whilce Portacio.
  10. I would, but I don't actually have them. Check the Millenniumfalcon.com boards. They usually have multiple yousendit/fileshare type links up until demand for them dies off.
  11. The characters. Its all about the characters.
  12. For those who really, really don't care about spoiling the movie, there are several minutes of movie footage from the ROTS game floating around on the net. Heck, if you've modded your PS2/XBOX the actual game is online too.
  13. Congrats, Noriko. Pardon my ignorance on the subject, but is it so common to award this type of medal so long after the fact? Explain it to a dumb civilian.
  14. Chud has more confirmation of these developments, via thearnoldfans.com. Its disappointing news, to say the least.
  15. What you say! Who the hell let Adam Warren draw Bebop, and where was it used?
  16. I saw that yesterday too. As a sort-of confirmation, John Milius has recently said that King Conan is a no-go at this point thanks to Warner Bros. Perhaps he only meant his King Conan wouldn't be happening.
  17. The sad part is...I'm sure you actually see it that way. Whatever, this is lame.
  18. Wow, you really are quite emotional, aren't you?
  19. L-O-L!
  20. You completely missed my point. Of course those old games are garbage, and nearly unplayable. It's called hindsight. But nobody questioned it back in "the day" because that's all there was! We played them bcause they were the first and only video games out there, and nobody dreamed that we'd have any consoles remotely like what we have today. We sure as hell didn't sit around and complain about how much better Tekken 3 was going to be compared to Intellivision Boxing.
  21. Color me equally baffled. I was on the anti-Liefeld bandwagon right from the start, but the majority of the world was still buying his crap by the time I got out of reading comics. I had to laugh years later when I read about his rocket-powered decline in the industry. But the question now is....if everybody hates him so much (and rightfully so), how can he possibly get a job for any major publisher? His art hasn't improved an iota, thats for damn sure.
  22. Holy poo you're right! Star Wars does suck!
  23. isnt that just a falcon 2 door with a custom fascia Not "just" a Falcon, but an Aussie XB Falcon. Not like those are growing on trees around here or anything. And its not "just" a fascia, but the two spoilers, fender flares and...oh, I don't know...the giant 6/71 Weiand blower sticking through the hood...er, "bonnet."
  24. We remember the Knight Rider and we know who you are, Bronze!
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