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Everything posted by bsu legato
Revenge of the Sith ROCKED! (spoiler free)
bsu legato replied to 1st Border Red Devil's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Much insight, Blaine has. To him, you listen. At least conehead/Ki Adi Mundi had dialog in all three films, where blue chick/Aayla had about three seconds of screen time and zero lines. She's just a nameless-but-recognizable Jedi to 99% of the filmgoers. -
Just some random thoughts on the finale: - Sawyer was too slow on the draw! I figured with his killer instincts he'd have been quicker to throw down on the Others - speaking of the Others, they appear to be escapees from Deliverance. I hope the writers spare us the scene where they tell Walt that he has a "purty mouth." - The monster gets stranger and stranger each time we "see" it. How are they going to explain this scientifically? - Kate is still hot. - Artz is very, very dead. - the Black Rock is a ~150 year old slave ship? In the middle of the island? I hope they pursue this further next season. - Charlie might be back on the junk? Somewhere across time and space, Henry Dean is smiling. - The Hatch. Open at last. At least it wasn't filled with toxic waste, or rabid knife-wielding monkeys. But I thought the reveal was well handled. As of now we know just as much (or as little) as the characters. I would have been pissed if they had just shown them looking in and saying "Oh my god" without showing us what they saw. And I leave you with this .gif I found, taken from the pilot episode. Note the swoopy thing that does a flyby just before the engine blows. Random piece of airborn debris, or something more sinister?
So does this mean that Hurin has not only seen Sith, but liked it? Or does he just like reading his own posts?
Ah, ok. So then Mike Salzo and mslz22 are one and the same. It all makes sense now.
Nice! I assume this is a different animal than the CC studio scale kit?
Macross World member mslz22 was selling the famous Captain Cardboard studio scale X-Wing. You cannot get a more accurate X-Wing than this one, IMO. Try PMing him to see if he still has any for sale.
Sousei no Aquarion.
bsu legato replied to Retracting Head Ter Ter's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
So are these people (lets call them Aquarion Force, for lack of a better term) actually planning on saving any of the civilians at some point in the series? For all their efforts to get in touch with themselves, align their spirit energy or whatever mumbo jumbo they choose for the week, they have yet to rescue a single civilian from these big harvester things. Apollo remembering his former life is little consolation for the restof us when we're sucked into a building or tractor beamed into those funky ships. -
Hows about this for a curveball: The Prequels as a whole are actually receiving better reviews than the Original Trilogy did back in its initial run. Don't believe me? Check out the TOMATOMETER.
Can somebody clue me in here? Is this what its like on the dedicated video game boards? Its like having a scale replica of the IGN forums right here for us all to enjoy.
Actually, that's the opposite of what Anakin needed. His problem was that none of the Jedi actually cared about him, with the exception of Obi Wan. That's why he ends up finding his way to Palpatine, who is more than willing to be a father figure to him, to listen to his problems and to give him the advice that he wants to hear. If the Jedi as a whole had had a clue as to how to deal with Anakin beyond a curt "Sit DOWN, young Skywalker." then maybe they wouldn't have wound up dead.
Canadian Best Buys seem to have a limited number of FX sabers in stock now, I'm assuming to cash in on the ROTS craze. The one I was at yesterday only had a single Vader ESB left, but there was a tag on the shelf for an Anakin FX as well.
No kidding. I just posted some facts, MSW, without commenting on them one way or the other. No need to get your panties twisted like that. Or should I tell you to look up the word "asshat?"
Yeah, I hate to bring facts into threads like this. They're much better suited to bold fonts and emotional rants types ALL IN CAPS!! But back to what I posted, note that this Third Trilogy was conceived as an afterthought when Star Wars was a success. The arc of the OT and even the bare bones of the PT were already in place by then, and whatever story he had imagined taking place after Jedi, it was almost as quickly discarded. I can't find any reference to a sequel trilogy anytime after Jedi was released, or even after Empire for that matter.
Re: the 9 SW film myth... From Once Upon a Galaxy: The Making Of The Empire Strikes Back
JsARC, you should know by now that neutrality can and will not be tolerated in these threads. You're either with us, or you're our enemy.
When I find a copy of the "Making Of" book locally, the first thing I'll do is see what, if anything, it has to say about the Qui Gon scene.
Most people semed to enjoy R2's scenes. It was (finally) humor that didn't revolve around fart jokes and bad puns. But hey, SW isn't supposed to be funny, right? Grevious I'll get to later on.... Just how long is the duel supposed to last? It was long enough to show that Dooku was tough, but Anakin was better once he gave in to his anger. And Anakin's motivation to kill? How about his (symbolic) emasculation at Dooku's hands in the previous film? That, and I'm sure the Dark Side had something to say about it. As we've been told many times before, its a slippery slope once you start down the dark path. Umm...Abrupt? Anakin began turning to the Dark Side halfway through Clones, and he struggles with it for much of the running time of Revenge. How is that abrupt? As for Anakin's specific reasons for turning, I think Palpatine did an admirable job of muddying the waters, making it nearly impossible for Anakin to distinguish which side was right. And love does make people act irrational, dontcha know? Nostalgia has clouded your vision. The OT had little in the way of what you describe as tactics. Like the Stormtroopers who charge into the Tantive IV with little use for cover or tactics? (Thats what Stormtroopers did, historically) Or how about the Battle of Hoth where Imperial Walkers merely....well, walk towards the line of Rebel trenches? But I assume that's different from, say, the Battle on Geonosis where Republic forces do pretty much the same thing when assaulting the docked Trade Fed ships. And the latter stages of the (space) Battle of Endor are pretty much the same kind of wild melee as we see in the Battle of Coruscant. In fact, we see little of the overall battle in both of these engagements, instead focusing on the characters and their exploits. And I seriously doubt you'd have difficulty remembering just what was at stake in all of the battles. Given their over-the-top nature, I wouldn't expect the films be be held to whatever standards the Clone War shorst set for Gervious or any other character. Grevious coughs because he's not some perfect cybernetic creation, as if the technology wasn't perfected. Or perhaps its akin to the phantom limb phenomenon. See, here we go again with the 2nd tier SW bad guy idealization. The how and why of Grevious and his origins are really of little consequence in terms of the story. I too wasn't a huge fan of his voice, but it did somehwat suit his character as he was an overblown coward at heart. The "So uncivilized" line was golden, however. One of my favorites in the film. I thought they were hit and miss, but when they missed I tend to blam Portman this time 'round. She just sucks and/or didn't care. There were no subtitles in Empire. You know...Empire, the film SW geeks universally hail as being "perfect?" Most people I've talk to seem to consider this Williams' strongest score in years. I personally rate "Battle of the Heroes" up there with any track from the OT. Doesn't Lucas get enough criticism for these films being glorified toy commercials? This time around, more than any of the prequels, the hardware knows its place and stays in the background unless it serves the story. So the Force doesn't apply here? I'm glad you're here to tell us these things. Chewie, take the professor into the back and plug him into the hyperdrive. Oh, and Palps vs Yoda rocked. It was every bit the "wizards battle" that critics described when they balked at the sight of Yoda weilding his lightsaber in Clones. The biggest missing bit was undoubtedly the missing Qui Gon revelation, and I'm puzzled at its omission. I'm wondering if it was ever actually filmed, or rendered as the case may be, since it was Yoda in a room alone with the voice of Qui Gon. Perhaps Neeson turned down the offer to come back?
Revenge of the Sith ROCKED! (spoiler free)
bsu legato replied to 1st Border Red Devil's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
No he's not. He's EXACTLY what he is complaining about, except he hates Lucas for "raping his childhood". The "raping my childhood" fans are worse than the ones who dress up and bring lightsabers to the movies with them. They think Lucas, or Star Wars, or somebody owes them something for being a fan. When they don't get what they want, they bitch bitch bitch about how much everything sucks, and how bad Lucas is, and how every so called "apologist" has their faces buried in Lucas' ass. Its a frigging movie, grow up and get a life. Forget Phantom Menace. Star Wars fans are the worst thing to happen to Star Wars. -
Revenge of the Sith ROCKED! (spoiler free)
bsu legato replied to 1st Border Red Devil's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
I didn't specifically say that you resorted to that lame-ass phrase, that was more of a generalization aimed at the general "tiny hands brigade." However you did begin to defend that term a few posts before mine, which as you yourself described as pedantic. I should have phrased my ranting a bit differently so that you wouldn't feel singled out by my criticism, so in that regard I'll apologize. As for the rest, Duke speaks for only himself, and I wouldn't presume to speak for him as well. But you have to admit that for somebody to write off seeing the movie after the single luke-warm review (up to that point) in this thread is questionable to say the least. Its as if somebody was just waiting for an excuse to say "Nuh-uh, ain't gonna see it." That hardly surprises me. But we could devote an entire other thread to the sorry state of the average cinema atendee. In short, we agree that they're largely stupid mouth-breathers. Portman was unarguably the weakest link, bar none. But that's what we've pretty much come to expect from her anyway. And am I a bad person for thinking that she was attractive when she was sobbing? Oh, and Grevious would have looked better if he'd been done in stop-motion. -
Topher Grace to be 'Spidey 3' villain
bsu legato replied to Fusion's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Oh god....what if he's Carnage? :puke: -
Revenge of the Sith ROCKED! (spoiler free)
bsu legato replied to 1st Border Red Devil's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Hurin, why don't you try to restrain yourself from tarring everybody who disagrees with you with the same brush. Nobody is telling you that you *must* like the prequels, or that your opinion *must* agree with the rest of ours. What we *are* trying to get across to you and others who share your opinion (they know who they are) is that you can actually discuss these things without resorting to childish, overblown hyperbole such as "childhood rapings." THAT is the reason that the "fanboy" label gets thrown around, not because you disagree with our opinions. You're free to put on your best Comic Book Guy face and make declarations about the "Worst. ______ Ever." but you should expect to be treated as such. Stupid overreactions like "Raped Childhoods" are a large part of why SF fans get looked down on. That, and Trekkies. -
Topher Grace to be 'Spidey 3' villain
bsu legato replied to Fusion's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Ummm....what? I like Topher Grace and all, but I have a hard time seeing him as any sort of bad guy, much less a Spider Man villain. Who could he play, Mysterio? A much younger Vulture? A scrawny version of The Scorpion? -
Star Wars Battlefront II Trailer
bsu legato replied to Mechleader's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Who plays BF42 style games for the single player aspect? That said, I'm cautiously optimistic about this one, but after the disappointment of the first installment I'll be sure to take a wait-and-see approach. The graphics look decidedly last generation, IMO. -
Its that bad? Yikes. Maybe Otomo would be better off making another Spriggan movie.
It was good but not great. Its definitely closer in spirit to the original manga than anything Oshii has produced in the last decade, and certainly far less pretentious. I hope they can make the promised two sequels to finish the story. Its not as if Shirow will be returning to Appleseed in our lifetimes, so somebody might as well do something with the story.