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Everything posted by bsu legato
If we're talking about cloned dinosaurs then can I have an M41A Pulse Rifle? Either that, or I'd nuke the entire site from orbit. Its the only way to be sure.
This thread is still open?
Believe it or not, every time I mock Hurin a small piece of me dies inside. Literally. Its like Spawn, where he only had so much of his "power" to use before it was gone.
I don't. Aww...I was SO looking forward to your 300 word essay titled "Radioland Murders: How Gary Kurtz would have salvaged the mess" No seriously, it'll be fun. I can post something, then you can break it down line by line. Then I'll reply and you can accuse me of getting excited again. Come on, where's your sense of adventure?
Yeah, that again. Look man, the fact that you continue to use the patented internet geek "Break-each-post-down-into-single-lines" technique speaks volumes about your desire to debate this and everything else. But l like I said in my edited post above, if you really want to look at all of his works, why not make it a seperate topic? I'd suggest something catchy like "What has Lucas done with his life?" but that little gem is, sadly, already been used. Might I suggest "Lucas: Sucking since Gary Kurtz left?"
New Robotech Transformable Toy Coming...
bsu legato replied to VALKYRIE-EXCHANGE.COM's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
No guys, don't be too harsh on MGREXX. In fact, I'd like to hear his info and opinions on a number of issues. Perhaps he should take time out from posting on MW so that he can organize his thoughts in Blog format. -
No, you're absolutely right. Lucas executive producing "Land Before Time" is undeniable proof that he's t3h suxorz. The fact of the matter is that he was essentially semi-retired from film since '83. His only projects were mainly to assist some of his filmmaking buddies, such as Spielberg, Howard and Willard Hyuck. And just what does that prove? Not a heck of a lot either way, I'd say. Again, where are you getting this from? Or rather, where the hell are you even trying to go with this? I've yet to even attempt to defend films like Radioland Murders, yet here you are again trying to turn this into some one-sided debate. That said, I do remember enjoying Last Crusade. Jurassic Park was kinda fun too. Edit: If you really want to debate the relative merit of each and ever one of Lucas's films, why the hell not split it off into a new topic?
Oy, you just don't get it. Reread your own gosh-darn post above mine. YOU were the one who used the term "bash" (and at least you're being somewhat honest as to the point of your continued debating this point) and painted me as some "reflexive" defender of all things Lucas. Nobody is flipping offended, but I'll admit that I am getting impatient with your pedantic need to analyse. Every. Word. Fair enough. And all I did was mention that the list doesn't really show the level of his involvement in said films. However I have to note that you chose your list curiously, leaving out such films as American Graffitti and his uncredited editing on Jurassic Park. Not that I'd accuse you of impartiality. But again, I'm sure you feel the need to further debate this. Once again, I never suggested that was the case. My sole purpose was to point out that if he and his performances were somehow the only reason for Lucas' "good" films, he has turned in an equal number of sub-par to dismal films, that may or may not have sucked in part due to his performance.
Don't drag this thread down with facts, Mike. If Lucas' name is attached to a movie, no matter how tangentially, then its ripe for "Lucas sucks" discussions. I wonder how many people here have a clue why his name is on "Return to Oz?"
Nonsense. I thought we were having a civil discussion here, but if you want to start throwing around terms like "basher" again, we can go down that road. As to my "defence" of Lucas, I merely pointed out that copy& pasting a partial list of his work is hardly a fair method of analyzing his or anybody's filmography. Well, at least not beyond a knee-jerk "Zomg!! Luca$ did 'Land Before Time?!!'" anyway. And IIRC, I wasn't the one who brought Ford into this in the first place. Once you guys brought him into this, I'd say he's fair game.
How about the fact that it was a weak-ass remake, and not a very good movie? Or should there have been a sarcastic smiley at the end of your post?
Wolverine is what (most) people want to see anyway. Why not just let him have his spinoff(s) and get it over with. Like Mr March said, the X-Men series is on shaky ground as it is.
The sad thing about Ford is that for every Fugitive there's a Sabrina and a Six Days, Seven Nights.
If your bird is right, we'll have to have a MW match this weekend. The demo supports up to 16 players, and without taking a count of the replies to this thread I think that'll work for everyone here.
How many of those did he actually write and direct? And while you're at it, why don't you analyse Ford's less than stellar non-Lucas/Spielberg resume. Or are you a closet "Regarding Henry" fan?
I've never met them, or even seen them interviewed, so I don't really have any opinion on them one way or the other. But hey, if you feel comfortable making statements like that, then more power to ya. But considering Lucas' net wealth, I hardly think any of those kids will ever "need" any more money though.
New Robotech Transformable Toy Coming...
bsu legato replied to VALKYRIE-EXCHANGE.COM's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Tell me....was this before or after you attended that preview screening of Revenge of the Sith? -
If you line up enough of those smilies, it'd look like some sort of "M7 Pride Parade."
We're a smaller, more concentrated community of geeks. We're like the "Roundup" weed killer that you buy at a landscaping supply place, instead of the watered down crap you get at Wal Mart.
Sousei no Aquarion.
bsu legato replied to Retracting Head Ter Ter's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
How long is Aquarion supposed to run anyhow? If its only ~26 episodes, they had better get cracking and make with the plot already! -
Excepting the fact that the Star Wars saga is entirely controlled by Lucas, not 20th Century Fox. If he doesn't want to do a remake, it won't happen. When he dies, control of the property is supposed to be passed on to his kids. So unless Jett Lucas has a bit of "Christopher Tolkien" in him, we won't be seeing any remakes.
Eh...from what I've seen, it's largely just a backdoor way of distancing themselves from the Prequel Trilogy, while still allowing themselves to be fans of the "original" OT. The attitude seems to be that if Lucas does go ahead and do this remake trilogy (which, by the way, is entirely a fan invention) then they can consider Episodes I-III to be the prequels to the new OT, while leaving the Holy OT untouched and unblemished by three films they don't like. True enough, which is a large part of my growing disapproval of fandom in general. Why only the Star Wars franchise seems to attract this level stupidity and drama is beyond me. Or is there a movement in the "Alien" fan community to allow Paul Anderson to remake Alien and Aliens in his own vision, so that it can dovetail with his own pre/sequels?
Its not limited to OT.com. I've seen that nonsense on at least one all-purpose movie news website, in an editorial by the admin no less. Some people just need to get the hell on with their lives.
New Robotech Transformable Toy Coming...
bsu legato replied to VALKYRIE-EXCHANGE.COM's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
What about that transforming Invid thingy from Shadow Force? It would make sense for them to produce something to tie in with the eventual release of the new RT. -
I'm still not sure how the Tumbler rates as a Batmobile, but in terms of "Things I'd kill orphans to drive" I'd rate it about a 9! It's just too cool for school! Wasn't there a kit of it shown at the last hobby show? I'll have to check HLJ for it...