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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. *raises issue of "canon" continuity of this forum versus the movie version.
  2. Has anybody seen any of the new TV ads? They're getting tantalizingly close to revealing the aliens and their mecha. And it looks like lots of poo gets blowed up real good.
  3. Yeah, the Revell Germany kits are the only ones available right now. From what I've heard, the AMT kits will hit north american shelves some time this fall. Why so late? I dunno, its just AMT's way of saying "We don't care."
  4. Roy, I believe that he's saying that this is the final, irrefutable proof that Robotech is better than Macross.
  5. Can we get back on topic? This thread was supposed to be about MGREXX.
  6. Let me ask this: Would anybody here miss MGREXX if and when he's banned? This really seems like a non-issue to me. Just turf the assclown and be done with it.
  7. I'll second (third, fourth...whatever) the Tea Party love, even if I did find Seven Circles to be a disappointment. Yes, I've said it. But even if it did turn out to be an average sounding album, they'll forever have my devotion for the Splendor Solis, Edges of Twilight and Transmission trifecta.
  8. Of course. My bad.
  9. If Halo has no memorable quotes, then why not turn to the next best thing: Red Vs Blue?
  10. I'd just like to reitterate that the worst comic book movie (and quite possibly the worst film ever) still has to be Batman & Robin. Never before has a film not only shown absolute contempt for anything resembling "subtlety," but it openly flaunted its flaming homosexuality. And I don't mean in a quaint "Queer Eye For The Straight Guy" way either. I'm talking about "Party Boy from Jackass bursting into your office and doing pelvic thrusts in your face while you try to compose an email to your department head" kind of gay. It was literally an assualt on all five senses, and if you believe in a sixth sense then this film can probably be blamed for stunting its development. Its the only film that I ever actually felt dirty after watching.
  11. Ah Zark, my very first Valk. Well, psudo-valk anyway. God what a crappy toy!
  12. Sure thing, if somebody figures out how to create a server.
  13. Contradict himself, the padawaan does.
  14. So whats everyone's impressions so far? I'm enjoying this game far more than I even expected to. The game seems to run just fine on the default graphic settings, so I'm going to mess around with them and increase them incrementally. Oh, and I unsurprisingly suck at flying the choppers.
  15. It looks like I can only create a local LAN game. There's a button on the multiplayer menu that says "Rent Server" that makes me think you can't just create your own 'net game willy nilly. Anybody else have any luck?
  16. I'll be messing around with it online for a good portion of the night. If anybody wants to join in, look for the "Macross World" server. If I decide to password it, the password will be "valkyrie."
  17. Oh dear God, no! NoooooooOOooo!!!!
  18. Hells yeah! Good thing I'm leaving work early today. You're my new favorite MW member, SpacePirateNeko!
  19. Whats her name? Mallatobuck? [Kelso] Burn!!! [/Kelso]
  20. Are we talking about real dinosaurs, or Jurassic Park dinos?
  21. Punchline #1 - Wookiees....Man Faye's hairy ass....aren't they the same thing? Punchline #2 - Your unholy Wookiee fetish is well known, Blaine. Punchline #3 - Would you and your plush "Tarful" doll take it outside, sicko?
  22. No way, man. No Raptor is getting within 50 feet of me, much less within lightsaber range.
  23. Cuz...this is a discussion forum? We talk about things here. Its what we do. That, and post pictures of Man-Faye's hairy ass.
  24. Hey, I never said I was proud of that. It just seems to be the only way to discuss anything with you sometimes. If anything, this thread just further proves my thesis that Star Wars makes people stupid.
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