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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Ladic, I've read that its some sort of BF2-versus-firewall issue. THere's supposed to be a patch in the works for it, but most of the time I can get it to run by quitting and restarting BF2.
  2. If I had an ounce of coding/modeling/skinning talent, I'd be right there. But since I don't, all I can do is volunteer my services to playtest anything that gets done.
  3. *raises hand Can I vote for the PS3 without being branded a "Sony Fanboy?" I do 99% of my gaming on a PC anyway, but if I do get a console then the PS3 is the front runner.
  4. Intuition? The force? How about the family resemblence, which IRL we all agreed that Christensen and Hamill do share? I know for a fact that I'd easily recognize my own father from a photo taken when he was my age.
  5. Once again, just for laughs.... Nah, Lucas would never even hint to the slaughtering of children, he doesn't have the nuts anymore.
  6. It seems that Areaseven "upped" each and every bat-thread in existence on the board. What an odd thing to do.
  7. All that, along with a PHD, and yet you post at the same level as a 15 year old on a Counterstike message board? Go figure.
  8. I'm no expert on SAAB, but I'd imagine that the pilot/groun pounder dual roles was a contrivance forced upon the writers due to budget. If the show was done today with a Galactica-type budget, there would be room to explore more characters, and would allow them to have proper pilots and infantry. But as a Fox show made in the early 90's on god-knows how little budget, they must have compromised and used the same core group of characters for everything. THis would allow them to have some variety in the show while not bombarding us with new characters and/or unconnected storylines. Or I could be completely wrong, and SAAB could be somebody's well thought out theorem on future marines who do it all themselves. Only the writers know for sure.
  9. Speaking of Old School, check out this new game: http://www.gt-legends.de/home_en.php
  10. Interesting to see that they've nearly perfected Real Doll technology.
  11. Neeson's "Gawain" in Boorman's Excalibur was pretty un-Qui Gon.
  12. JD@ The Saber Vault does indeed rock. He's uber helpful and a pleasure to deal with. Anybody who wants anything Master Replicas should make TSV their first stop.
  13. Count on it being prohibited in Kanuckistan, Cory. There's no way in hell the Liberal gov't would want that in the hands of any law abiding citizen.
  14. Maybe we should assume that Arnold is unavailable when this fight happens. For the sake of argument, let's say he has travelled back in time to terminate Jesus, or to fight the dinosaurs. This way we'll have a clearer answer as to which AI aircraft is winner.
  15. Interesting theory, A1. Then maybe he could smash the two computers together, destroying them both. Then he could quip "Dees is what happens when you put your heads togeddah." which works if you imagine the CPU as the aircraft's "brain."
  16. I suppose so. He'd have to jettison the canopy to swing it, though. Or are you thinking about some sort of Fire Bomber-esque control scheme, where he uses the sword as a control stick?
  17. What if he was piloting that Harrier from True Lies? Could he take out one or both of those AI? How does his Cyberdyne cpu compare?
  18. And I've got a needle filled with each of them, hovering an inch off of your arm. Which one would you rather I poke you with?
  19. Apparently, yes. And Stealth threads, too. Where's my Yoshinol? Then you want to check out this awesome new thread!!!11!eleven http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...ST&f=26&t=15288
  20. Let me start off by saying that I haven't seen Stealth yet, and I quit watching Yukikaze after the less-than-interesting third episode. But this being the "intarweb" I won't let that stop me from having an opinion! And we all know how popular "versus" threads are here on Macross World! So...fight on! Now Stealth does have Jessica Biel, which is one more real woman than Yukikaze has. What Yukikaze does have is two ambiguously gay co-pilots, and if that's your thing then more power to you. But regardless I have to give the nod to Stealth. And the the fact that neither Ms Biel nor the "Queer Eye for the Jam Guys" actually fly the titular aircraft has little to do with anything, so don't bother pointing it out. What Yukikaze does have is style. Lots of it. Each of its incarnations seems to get more and more funky and stylized that I predict its last form will resemble a pile of ribbons, with a post-it sized lifting area. Stealth on the other hand appears to be decidedly ho-um, with the exception of the "eye" we get a glimpse of in the trailer. While some fans would debate that this is either a reference to Sharon Apple and/or HAL 9000, the truth of the matter is that its a reference to a close-up in Orson Welles' The Magnificent Ambersons In terms of story, I'd say that its actually quite equal, all things considered. Yukikaze had very, very little in the way of....anything, quite honestly. Just endless scenes of boring characters who did nothing but mope, broken up by occasional unexplained goings-on by the JAM and action scenes that make little sense in their outright defiance of physics. Stealth on the other hand, is one of those trailers that shows you the entire film, in sequence no less. There's no mystery whatsoever now, and even less reason to see it. So to both of them, I have a big "meh!" So lets settle it by pitting each aircraft against the other. Mano a mano...er, aircrafto a aircrafto. I'm going to give the win to Yukikaze due to some contrived reason, such as it switching its AI to another aircraft, or it overriding Stealth and making it crash, or some such gibberish. Your thoughts?
  21. Or we could accept the fact that Yukikaze just isn't very good! Sure it has some neat designs, but that's about it.
  22. I've never really had a beef with Cruise as an actor. He's essentially just a character actor, after all. That's not such a big deal as long as you understand that. Hell, Clint Eastwood once referred to himself as a character actor, and nobody in their right minds will call his filmography "teh sux." But Cruise as a person...?I'm sorry, but he seems to have gone right off the deep end and he's going to drag Katie Holmes with him.
  23. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=15026
  24. Has this already been posted? A THIRD version of WOTW, one that looks even cheaper than the Pendragon Films version no less. The ID4-ripoff one sheet just screams "classy!"
  25. *Gasp!* If you hate Mike, then you hate freedom! Terrorist!
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