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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Is it so unreasonable to assume that aliens might think, reason, and behave in a manner that we'd find bizarre? Why'd they wait so long? Who knows...they're freakin aliens!
  2. And the same goes for Mospeada and Southern Cross too, I suppose? No, I'm certain I remember this being addressed at the time. JELEINEN's recollection of the same thing convinces me that I didn't just imagine it. Now on the other hand, as far as double dips go this isn't too terrible. At least they're keeping Macross in circulation, even if it is in some "New and Xtreeeem" ADV edition. Can we expect a re-released and for-the-first-time-ever dubbed Mospeada in the near future?
  3. Has anybody seen a "Region Free" solution to my problem? I haven't checked eBay in some time, but last time I looked I didn't see any bootlegs.
  4. Here we are in 2005 and Yamato USA is finally bringing VOTOMS toys over to all the good boys and girls here in "Region 1." That's terriffic and all, but what the hell happened to the actual anime? The DVDs are long out of print, and US Manga doesn't even seem to list it in their catalog anymore. (did they lose the rights to it, perhaps?) Heck, I can't even find VOTOMS by using....umm, alternative methods. Does anybody know anything about this? It's sad when a person can't even pirate a show like this, but there's 1000 torrent links for a Jessica Simpson/These Boots Are Made For Walkin video.
  5. Also, Shinn's Shiny New Gundam also has shades of the F91. Note the trailing after-images when he goes to town on the....er, Psycho Gundams? And am I mistaken in thinking that I saw energy "feather" fluttering around his Gundam in the opening credits? Now they're cribbing from Gundam Wing of all things?
  6. Speaking of Hyaku Shikis, I see its appeared in the latest end credit sequence. So who gets to to pilot the "Hyaku Destiny?" Kira or Athrun? Somebody wake me when we get to "LaCluuze's Counterattack" so I can see the Neo Nu Gundam.
  7. So who bought the full game, and is there still interest in a MW match? I'm not online every night, but I do manage to get a few hours in every week.
  8. Correct me if I'm wrong, but was there not some mention of HG specifically NOT wanting an english dub of Macross, back when the Animeigo discs were in the works?
  9. You say that as if that's a BAD thing. I think one of the worst aspects of SF fandom is its obsession with nitpicking pseudoscience details and fictional statistics. But now that you mention it, fans in fact could speculate on nearly everything about the aliens, since the movie never explicitly tells you anything about them. So yeah...if that's your cup of tea, speculate away. Oh yeah, good movie btw. Not quite as satisfying as ROTS, but a damn fine flick. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some tunnels to dig.
  10. Yam Solo? Ok, I'm stumped on Yoda, but I rather like "Yam Solo."
  11. It looks like they're basing this on the 90's reinvention of Ghost Rider, judging from the logo and the ample use of chain. You remember....the one that stomped around grumbling about being the "Spirit of vengeance" and giving evildoers his Pennance Stare. I would have rather seen them use the kooky/campy 70s version with all the lameness that would involve, like an evil carny as the villain and the main set-piece of the film involving Ghost Rider making a special do-or-die stunt jump on his bike.
  12. I've heard lots of good things about the Blast-Tech parts. It seems that many of the "prop people" use his parts to make their own replicas. His finished blasters seem good too, although his ANH hero is missing the bull barrel. I only recently found the link to sjsmodelsandprops.com, but again I found it through the replica prop forums and if its good enough for them, then I don't think casual fans like us would have any complaints. To my eyes, his ANH hero is superior to the Blast Tech, but only by a narrow margin.
  13. If somebody is feeling ambitious, they can make their own ANH or ESB blasters using parts from HERE.
  14. The Master Replicas ANH Solo is long, long gone and your chances of getting one for anything near retail price are between slim to none. However there are still some unlicensed copies out there for good prices. Check THIS site out for both the ANH hero and the "Greedo Killer" version.
  15. But who could they cast as Agent ONE that would capture your aura of awesomeness? Unless you pull an Audie Murphy and play yourself, that is. Arnold. Possibly. He's a little old to play you, though. I suppose they could use that digital "facelift" technology they used to make Anthony Hopkin look younger in Red Dragon. Unless of course the story is about some future exploits you have when you're 60.
  16. Does this mean that the X-Men suits will now be sporting nipples, and that we'll be subjected to an endless parade of ass-shots of the male leads?
  17. But who could they cast as Agent ONE that would capture your aura of awesomeness? Unless you pull an Audie Murphy and play yourself, that is.
  18. Isn't this the point in a threads life where somebody jumps in to defend the movie, accusing us of being too harsh on a "popcorn" film and hoping that maybe...just maybe this time Boll will get it right?
  19. Gamespy has an overview of the BF2 maps HERE and HERE.. Since we can't seem to get our own MW game going off of the demo, does anybody want to hook up via XFire?
  20. bsu legato

    Gummy Bear Pilot?

    All this talk of "gummy" this and "gummy" that makes me think that there's a Simpsons joke to be had, but damned if I'm not too hung over to look for it.
  21. I'm feeling pretty confident behind the "stick" in a chopper too, but I'll admit that I'm hopeless in a jet. I need to beg, borrow or steal a joystick so I can practice my flying skillz.
  22. Yeah, his Bat-voice was pretty iffy. At least it showed him trying to disguis his voice though, unlike the previous movies which simply had him whisper in his regular voice. As if that would somehow fool anybody. Then again, this is the universe where Clark Kent gets by with a mere pair of glasses.
  23. Man, Sept. 30th is a long, long ways away.
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