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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. If you want serious drama, check out Monster. If you want something lighter, with more action, check out Bleach. Note that these two aren't licensed yet, and are only available as fansubs.
  2. So can somebody give me the TV Guide summary of V For Vendetta? From the trailer, it looks like its about some guy (?) in a mask fighting against your typical fascist police state. Am I close?
  3. Heh...I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that this is directed at me, despite the fact that my "apology" and "self aggrandizing" consisted of mentioning Kagemusha. Hey, believe it or not Maj (can I call you 'Maj'?) everything I post is not an attack on you, regardless of my distaste for you. But by all means, since this is a thread ever so loosly related to Star Wars, take it personally and try to pick yet another fight, only to mask it with smileys.
  4. Wouldn't it be a real twist if, at the very end of the series, they finally reach earth only to find that we have already destroyed it and ourselves long, long ago? They'd come all that way just to find a world even more ruined and uninhabitable than Caprica.
  5. Last week we got to see Starbuck's Humvee. This week, I learned that even our distant relatives, living in another part of the galaxy, use the ubiquitous 9mm round to shoot Adama. I can accept the stock-but-futuristic looking guns. I can accept that they can't afford to redress cars to make them look otherworldly. But come on...all they had to do was call it something else. Anything else. Call it a "8mm" or a 5.9mm." Just don't call it something that even a casual viewer might intuit to be a real-world item. If they can use the term "Frack" they can coin something science fictiony to call their guns and the ammunition they shoot.
  6. Hmm....the last time Lucas had anything to do with an overseas production, he executive produced Kurosawa's Kagemusha.
  7. Cory, theres at least two or three ranges out in the lower mainland, but since its been nearly 20 years since I lived there I couldn't give you their names. You might want to check out www.canadiangunnutz.com for info. There shooters from across the country who can steer you in th right direction.
  8. I think things are really going to start happening in Baltar's storyline. I agree he was aimless for far too long now, and it seems that that's finally going to change.
  9. Quoted for truth!
  10. Once upon a time, there lived a nameless monster. The monster was dying to have a name so badly. So the monster decided to set out on a journey to find itself a name. But the world was such a large place. So the monster split into two and went on to two seperate journeys. One went to the East and the other went to the west. The monster that went to the east found a village. So who here is watching the story of Dr Tenma and his endless pursuit of Johan? I know there's not any transforming robots, nor any superpowered but oh-so angsty teenagers, but this is a damn fine anime. And it has one of the absolute creepiest children's stories of all time. *munch munch* *crush crush* *snap snap* *swallow*
  11. Massive update!!!!!111!1one! http://chud.com/news/3811
  12. Ironically enough, www.marstar.ca It cost me $425 CDN, which I believe is about $1.85 US. (they do ship south, btw) The exact same pistols, as sold thru EMF, have a retail price of $435 US!
  13. Here's what I just ordered: Pietta 1873 Single Action Army 5.5" bbl .45 LC
  14. Ok, I think this will be far closer to the real dialog found in the comic:
  15. Don't worry, I laughed anyway.
  16. You guys are all nuts. Since this movie comes out on my birthday, I'm getting drunk with my buds and going to see this. It'll be freakin awesome!
  17. I think that Sundown had the best remarks about M7 in my last thread:
  18. My old thread! farmer_yohei may have started yet another M7 thread, but I'll cut him some slack because he has Toshiro Mifune as his avatar.
  19. Oh god, that is beautiful!!
  20. Yep, there's no doubt that Robotech Mimmei likes it in the pooper. That's the least of what she deserves, anyway....
  21. Rob Cohen. His glitzy hyperedited style would blend perfectly with some over-the-top robot action. He could even do a shot where the camera spins around Voltron, then inside where it follows a single electron though Voltron's wiring before finally exiting thru the sword just as Voltron swings it.
  22. So 1BRD, if I understand you correctly, Zor sending the SDF-1 to earth and his subsequent death predate the fall of the Robotech Republic? Would that not mean that the SDF-1 spent the intervening 500,000 years in space fold before arriving at Earth?
  23. See...I'm never sure if thats supposed to be tongue-in-cheek, or if its just poor writing.
  24. C'mon...Gary Busey's video on "Restraining Orders" was beautiful.
  25. Here's my take:
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