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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. The only problem I have with the Camaro sketch is the fact that it exists at all. Wasn't GM in general (no pun intended) and Bob Lutz (sp) in particular vehemetly against "retro?" I suppose they could have changed their tune in the last year or so. I just recall hearing all kinds on anti-retro vitriol coming out of the GM camp in the days before the debut of the new 'Stang.
  2. No kidding. Its too bad this guy didn't log onto a BF2 or CoD server first. He would have had his sissy RTS Nancy-boy ass handed to him on a silver platter, then he might have shut off the computer and gone outside.
  3. This thread needs a heaping helping of Inhumanoids.
  4. Nice! I was wondering how long it would take the kit car industry to move up to full size classics. But 40K is a little steep even for a new car, especially when you consider that a new Mustang can be had for under $30K. Hopefully if this takes off we'll see prices drop when they start producing them in volume.
  5. Sweet Jesus! What do you do for a living again, myk?
  6. Computer animation doesn't necessarily mean 3D. Most, if not all of Diznee's last few animated films were done on computer, yet retained the appearance of traditional cel animation. I think the Dreamworks 'toons (before they gave up and decided to stick with 3D) were also produced with CGI.
  7. De muscles from Brussels ees back, baybee!! *does the splits*
  8. Whoa, I had no idea anybody else was doing 2nd Gig. I'm guessing it has something to do with Laughing Man's somewhat...intermittent release schedule. I'll have to grab those three tonight.
  9. Reason #6356 why America should not be trusted with time travel.
  10. No, its just...somebody from these boards.
  11. How do you think those shields would fare against M2 .30cal 150 gr. FMJ? Or is that taking it too far?
  12. I think Agent ONE needs to disown Hurin (again) and adopt Noriko.
  13. Really? To my ears, that was the entirety of the trailer. Maybe its a subtextual thing that you're not picking up on.
  14. *snaps fingers* EXO, that must be what that one woman was wailing about in the trailer. She saw the bleak, chaste future ahead of her and despaired!
  15. "Know, oh prince, that between the years when the oceans drank Atlantis and the gleaming cities, and the years of the rise of the Sons of Aryas, there was an Age undreamed of, when cardboad kingdoms lay spread across the soccer field like blue mantles beneath the stars - Nerdia, Oph3ar, Brythunia, Hyperboring, Zamora with its overweight women and basements of spider-haunted mystery, Zingara with its chivalry, Koth that bordered on the pastoral lands of Shemp & Curly, Stygia with its shadow-guarded backyards, Hyrkania whose riders wore tinfoil and denim and gold-painted plastic. But the proudest kingdom of the world was Aquilonia, reigning supreme in the dreaming west. Hither came Agent ONE, the Cimmerian, black-haired, sullen-eyed, sword in hand, a thief, a reaver, a slayer, with gigantic melancholies and gigantic mirth, to tread the jeweled thrones of the Earth under his sandalled feet." - The Nemedian Chronicles.
  16. I dunno...did people role play WKRP? I know I'd want to be Johnny Fever. He's 8th level!
  17. I'll rip those two or three scenes from my DVDs and make you .avi of them looped over and over again.
  18. http://www.darkonthemovie.com/trailers_qt_hi.html Who among you has the fortitude to watch this trailer? Know then, that the geeks o' the realm have merged, Voltron-like, to produce a film so frightening in its nerdliness that die-hard Trekkers are well rounded individuals by comparison.
  19. Where's the option for "Complete and Total Ambivalence?" I really could care less one way or the other about Shadow Chronicles. I won't go out of my way to watch it, but if one of my friends puts a copy in front of me in the hopes that its good (as they invariably will, bless their niave hearts) I'll probably watch it.
  20. I was assuming GobotFool was already familiar with Macross. Being that this is Macross World and all.
  21. My understanding is that, according to what we've been shown thus far, humanity seems to have come from Kobol, which then spawned the 12 colonies (Caprica, etc) with a 13th colony known as Earth which may or may not exist. Now I suppose it's possible that Kobol itself could be an Earth colony in some distant future and that the connection to Earth has been garbled and misunderstood as the story was retold thru the ages. But I'll echo Duke Togo here and say that it would be an unnecessary move which overcomplicates an otherwise straightforward story. But here's another thought; What will Earth BE like if they ever reach it? Or rather, when will it be in our timeline? In the original show, the original colonists from Kobol would have had to have come to Earth early enough to build the pyramids (remember the original Galactica ep where they found Kobol?). Then, when they finally found Earth it just happened to look like the Universal backlot, circa 1980. That Egyptian iconography is absent from the new Galactica, and the only ties we have to Earth are some vague names like Athena and Apollo. So assuming they do finally find Earth in the new show, will it be 2005? 2025? 10,005? Or maybe they'll throw us for a loop and land in 2005 BC? Incidently, I could never understand how a civilization advanced enough for interstellar travel could come to earth, then regress all the way to the bronze age to build some pyramids. Or was there supposed to be a native branch of humanity already here that the colonists interbred with? Which is almost Star Trekian in its silliness.
  22. But my post was directed at you. I thought I was clear on that point. What you also seem to misunderstand is that I made no reference to anybody who disagreed with me. I merely stated that Lucas' last involvement with a Japanese production was Kagemusha, which was no Seven Samurai but was leagues beyond current summer fare like Torque and xXx2: State of the Union. Hence my "Oh noes" picture, which seems to be the root of what this is about. But in spite of that you seem to feel the need to drag out the old "anti-apologist" routine. I think its clear that you're the one with the bone to pick, and I don't see how you can argue otherwise. Seriously, just let this one go. No deal. The Chief knows that I work alone, especially after my last partner died in that explosion. Damn it Manny, I told you not to cut the red wire!
  23. True enough. Ultimately I don't care how they choose to end BSG, just as long as it works for the story. If that means a happy resolution when they reach Earth, so be it.
  24. "I don't want to explode!" Awesome trailer. Just shy of two months to go now. Two very...very long months.
  25. I liked my idea not so much because it would be a "twist" but because it was a downer ending. Its just my little backlash against all the happy "triumph of everything sweet and pure" endings we get these days. Well, outside of anime anyway.
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