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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. I give up. That last episode of Destiny bludgeoned me into submission with its stupidity. I don't have the strength left to fight SEED Destiny anymore, or even complain about it. I'll just meekly sit here and watch the remaining 8 episodes, praying for it to end quickly and relatively painlessly. Painlessly for me that is. I wish nothing short of an eternity of pain for the entire cast of Destiny.
  2. http://chud.com/news/4090 In a related story, when he learned that a video game franchise would see a theatrical release without his involvement, Dr Uwe Boll was quoted as saying "Mein leiben!" I only hope it uses the traditional WSAD/mouse controls. I have movies with gamepads.
  3. Ok, I haven't been following WWE for a couple of months now, but I can't help but notice the abscence of a particular name from the Summer Slam results. Where the hell is HHH, and why aren't we celebrating his departure?
  4. DHL is notoriously bad here in Canada. I will never willingly use them again.
  5. Ouch! $165 USD! We knew it wasn't going to be cheap, but it still hurts seeing that price up there.
  6. Good news! I just hope CPM can price it reasonably and make it somewhat available in Canada.
  7. Knowing GM these days, a revived GNX would probably just be a rebadged Cobalt.
  8. Whoa, thanks for the warning! IS there a visible difference between the two editions?
  9. MORE NEWS!!!1!one Matt Lilliard, Burt Reynolds, Ron Perleman and many more!
  10. So far there is ZERO precedent for any humans to have been replaced by a Cylon. Instead, what we've are more like Cylon sleeper agents. In Boomer's case, she wasn't even aware that she was a Cylon.
  11. I doubt we'll see any more major characters revealed as Cylons. It worked with Boomer, but if they keep going back to the well with that 'surprise' it'll lose its impact. Now the supporting cast is still fair game, but I think most of them are pretty safe. Even Tigh's wife will likely be human. A selfish, manipulative bitch of a human, but human nonetheless.
  12. Well it didn't come from Atlantis, but my 'dream weapon" showed up today. This thing is incredible for the price. The bluing is deep, inky blue/black, fit and finish seem very close & tight, and the heft is just right. The cylinder spins nice and freely at half-cock and it makes the legendary four clicks to cock (old timers said it spelled C-O-L-T) and when it is at full cock it is tight! The grips have nice, plain stained finish as opposed to the glossy varnish on my Uberti 1851. After a thorough external inspection I've declared it "flawless." When I get ahold of my dad's Chapman tool kit I'll break it down to check out the internals and clean out the gunky oil it was covered in for shipping.
  13. Something's missing from those pics, A1. Some sort of momento....a keepsake for a childhood spent in endless toil. Maybe a pendant of some kind? I dunno...am I making sense?
  14. Is it just me, or are your hands way too small? No doubt, that is one badass display piece! That's next on my list, whenever I finally crawl back out of debt.
  15. I'd hardly call the "ammo bunker" a cheat, and it wasn't really something that needed to be established ahead of time. What was more important was the cylon revelations that take place aboard the station.
  16. Zack Snyder? Has he done anything else besides the DOTD remake?
  17. Some people seem to be getting far too preoccupied with the story and characters not unfolding the way that they'd personally like to see it happen. So what if Adama isn't running the fleet the way that you'd have done it? Did it ever occur to you that these issues beween the characters and the problems that their actions create are intentional on the part of the writers? Conflict is drama, and the "perfect" scenarios that some of you are coming up with make for boring television. We used to have a franchise where everything was orderly, and all the characters were perfect, enlightened people, and everything got done by the book and wrapped up neatly. That franchise was Star Trek, and look how well that turned out.
  18. Wow...that had to sting. But back on Thundercats, while its safe to say that most of the shows we watched back then (GI Joe, He Man, etc) were pretty weak in hindsight, IMO Thundercats was always one of the weakest of the pantheon.
  19. Suuuuuuuuuuuure...you just go on believing that.
  20. OK, who's going to be crazy enough to build THIS for their marines?
  21. After yesterday's increase in the price of gas, I'm wondering if I'll even drive the Mustang at all next year.
  22. The character, or the fansubber? Cuz I was talking about the latter.
  23. A 96 GT...? Oh I'm so sorry to hear that. You couldn't have picked a worse year, engine wise. Get some P.I. heads and cams into that thing, along with some decent gears pronto. Unless you want to have worn out 5.0Ls with over 200K miles run circles around you. Seriously, the 96-98 4.6 SOHC is a dog in stock form.
  24. Psst...there's already four volumes on DVD. I don't know if there's more in the works, but its 4 more Galaxy Rangers than we had two years ago.
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